Chapter 13: Saving a Powerhouse, III

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We hid behind the bushes and could see two people wearing dark red robes guarding the entrance of the cave.

The girl beside me seemed agitated as she whispered, "It's them! I saw that they brought the people from the village into this cave."

"That's right... Everyone who entered the cave never came out. They also took Maline away." The boy's voice was full of resentment.


The girl replied with sadness, "Maline is our servant. She was the one who took care of us since we were born."

"How long has she been taken by them?"

"It's the seventh day today."

I doubted the servant was still alive since The Demon King Worshippers wouldn't care about the lives of their experiment subjects.

"Mister, are you going in alone?"


I looked at the dagger in my hand. There were still a few items that I could use to fight them in case anything went wrong. However, it was best not to fight them head-on.

"There are only two people." the girl suddenly said.

"We can't let them be. They should pay back for what they've done to Maline." The boy bit his nails as he glared at the cultists.

"Mister, we'll fight them and guard the entrance."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

But the children in this world were different from where I used to live. And they might have been better at survival skills than a modern person like me. I looked at the twins who looked determined to follow me.

"Are you both sure about this?"

They both nodded simultaneously. I sighed.


I gave them a dagger each to protect themselves. However, I was still worried about them.

"We'll knock them down quietly so don't make any noise."

A direct confrontation would only lead to disaster.

"Yeah, we know." The boy grunted.

Was that a feasible plan?

As we crept closer towards the cave, we could hear the voices of the cultists.

One of them who was shorter and skinny spoke, "A mercenary? Why would Lord Malgerius need someone like you who does not have the same ambitions as us, the worshipers, to join our group?"

"Do you think I'm the one who wanted to join this cult that is targeted everywhere in the world? If it's not because he promised that he would pay me with the dragon's bones, I wouldn't have interacted with you lot." The other person was tall and muscular with a balding head, and the red robe hanging on his shoulder. "And what kind of robe is this? It's too small for me."

"It's a symbol of the greatness of The Demon King."

"I don't get why people would worship someone who is long dead..." The tall man looked at the shorter man in absurdity. "Lord Malgerius promised to give me one of the dragon's bones but he keeps on delaying it. My patience is already running out thin."

"The sacred ceremony is tomorrow. Lord Malgerius will sacrifice the dragon to the Demon King." The short man suddenly grinned. "It seems like Lord Malgerius fooled you."

"He tricked me? All this time I have been used like a dog by him for nothing!"

The heated exchange continued to escalate among the cultists. While they argued, the twins and I moved in closer. The twins crept up on the short man while I crept up on the tall man. I approached the cultist stealthily and whacked them on the back with a hard blow that sent shockwaves through his body.

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