Chapter 14: Saving a Powerhouse, IV

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As the first light of dawn gently crept into our shelter, Celia woke me up from my sleep.

Downstairs, the dining area was already bustling with activity. The scent of freshly heated corn soup, bread and cookies wafted through the air. Berko and Orion already settled at the table, the soft morning light casting a warm glow over our surroundings.

"Seth, you didn't have a comfortable sleep last night?" Celia asked. Her concern was evident as she observed me, her eyes filled with worry. I couldn't help but offer a tired smile in response.

"I slept, but the place was uncomfortable," I confessed. For the past several days, I had trouble sleeping due to the unfamiliar environment and the fear of getting attacked while I was asleep.

Orion raised his head from the bowl of milk. "I slept like a log! Nya!"

Celia couldn't help but smile. "You certainly seem well-rested, Orion."

Berko, on the other hand, seemed to avoid the topic entirely, focusing on the coffee instead. "The hot coffee tastes excellent."

I added sugar in the coffee and sipped it.

Celia couldn't hide her teasing tone as she remarked, "You are a sleepyhead, aren't you? Anyway, are we leaving today?"

"I'll check the horse first." Said Berko.

"I'll go with dad!"


"What about you, Seth? Do you have any plans?"

Before I could reply, Celia and I both noticed movement out of the corner of our eyes. We turned our heads to look, and there, from outside the cracked window, were two faces peeking in.

"Aren't they the twins from yesterday?"


Celia said in a warm voice to the twins, "It's good to see you again. Come inside, you must be hungry."

The twins didn't need a second invitation. With eager steps, they entered the house, their eyes fixated on the leftover breakfast on the table.

"Have breakfast with us."

Their hunger was apparent as they wasted no time in seating themselves and indulging in the food. I was planning to meet them again but they had delivered themselves to the doorsteps.

Amid bites of breakfast, I decided to strike up a conversation. "I haven't had the chance to ask your names."

The twins exchanged a hesitant look, their expressions growing solemn.

It was the girl who spoke up first. "I'm Noel, and this is my twin brother Leon."

Noel, Leon. Their fiery red hair and striking green eyes seemed almost too distinctive to belong to mere commoners. I suddenly remembered the characters that appeared in the later part of The Summoned Hero.

Aren't they the children royal family? They were the ones who would do a coup d'etat towards the King and other royalties in the future.

Leon narrowed his eyes on Celia and me. "Do you really not know us?"

If I hadn't asked for their names, I wouldn't have known that I met other characters from The Summoned Hero.

"Which nobles don't know you two... your highness. However since you rarely appeared in public, I haven't seen you in person."

They rarely made an appearance during a formal event, however, every noble should at least know their names. It would be an insult to the royal family if we didn't recognize them.

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