Chapter 28: Auction House, II

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"Who are these people?" Elizabeth's gaze fixated on us as if she had just witnessed something peculiar. She was smiling, but her eyes carried a tinge of disdain directed particularly at the individuals standing behind me.

Leon directed a fierce glare at Elizabeth, while Noel expressed discontent. In contrast, Isaac remained unbothered by her presence.

I took the initiative to introduce everyone. Celia couldn't join us since she was busy training to be approved by the Legendary Master of Rejuvenation to be his apprentice.

Since this wasn't a quest, Karles also joined us as my personal butler.

"I didn't agree to bring anyone but you, Seth," Elizabeth remarked with a hint of displeasure.

I couldn't help it. The twins were curious about the place Elizabeth and I were planning to go to. Isaac said he had something to do at the black market.

"Do me a favour." I smiled slightly.

Elizabeth's face turned red and she furrowed her eyebrows as she seemed to be contemplating. The old maid standing upright next to her wore a benign smile.

"Alright, fine. Just this once. And you owe me."

And so, we rode the carriage through the bustling place until the sea of people and stores began to recede.

The transition was obvious as we entered an area with shady pubs, lurking thugs, and gambling houses.

"Are we still in the capital?" Leon asked as he was taken aback.

"Wow..." Beside him, Noel also gazed outside through the window of the carriage.

It was definitely different from the place we had just left.

This area was known as the Red Light District, a hotspot for shady dealings, attracting even those nobility for less-than-reputable affairs.

"It's a place that you, children, shouldn't go to," I said.

A woman with a flirtatious smile approached a man on the street. Her long fingernails delicately hooked onto the man's tie. She leaned in and whispered something near the man's ear. Although the exact words remained unclear, the man accepted her invitation with joy and followed her into the premises.

The twins' faces flushed with embarrassment.

"That's what the other concubines usually do to the king," Leon said disdainfully, with a nod of agreement from Noel.



Our trip continued until we reached an inconspicuous alley. We stepped out of the carriage and walked into the narrow passage. The noises of the bustling city gradually faded behind us.

The alley had worn cobblestone underfoot and dimly illuminated edges lit by flickering lanterns. Ivy grows in layers on the walls. A scattering of weathered posters and faded graffiti could also be seen.

As we reached the end of the alley, a tall wall stood before us. Rats skittered in the shadows and nearby trash cans.

"Huh? The road is blocked," Leon said. "Did you get us into the wrong place?"

"Looks like you all have never been here before," Elizabeth smugly said. "Anyways. Diana, show me the stuff."

Diana, the old maid who had been carrying a suitcase, pulled out several plain black robes from it.

"Fortunately, I brought a bunch of these robes in case one of them gets destroyed. Put this on first. We are headed to a dangerous black market. There are many people from various backgrounds there, and there are also questionable laws."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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