Chapter 22: The Marquess' Estate, IV

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We made our way to the training ground, a vast expanse where the personal army of the marquess used to train. Given the relative safety of the capital, their numbers were few. I saw Isaac standing on the side, watching two of the soldiers engrossed in a sparring match.

"Wahahaha! Take that!" The woman let out a triumphant cry as she executed a swift kick, narrowly missing her opponent.

"Maer! W-wait a minute-"

"Too slow!"

The woman, Maer, sent another flying kick towards the man. He tripped on his own feet and fell to the ground.

The victorious woman smiled triumphantly with her hands on her hips. "I won again. How many times is it now? Twenty-one?"

"Ugh, I don't know. But can you stop dragging me every time you are bored?!" He suddenly shut his mouth and his face paled as his eyes darted behind her.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did I hurt you? I haven't even used my full power though."

Maer turned to follow his gaze and was startled to find me standing there. "Uhh, young master Seth. I didn't see you there," she stammered.

"Continue what you are doing."

"How dare we? We are only servants. If you want to use the training ground, then we'll leave quickly." Maer slapped the man's shoulder as they were eager to flee.

I immediately stopped them from leaving. "Do you mind having a spar with me?"

"A spar? I mean... um..."

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Why would you want to have a spar with me?" She hesitated for a moment as she looked at the man beside her, but he already left quickly. "That bastard... Okay, don't blame me if I accidentally hurt you."

We stood on the other side facing each other. Of course, I didn't expect that I would win against her. It didn't take long for her to showcase her skill and swiftly defeat me.

"Uh, sorry?"

"Why are you apologizing? I was the one who asked for you to spar with me." I stood from the ground and patted the dust from my pants. "One more time."

"If you say so."

We sparred again for few times and I found myself soundly defeated each time. Maer was getting bolder and began hitting me harder and more frequently.

I wiped the dust from my face and glared at her.

"You promised that you wouldn't get angry!"

"I'm not angry."

Celia, Isaac and the twins were watching us from the sideline. Isaac was looking at me disapprovingly.


"Mister you can do it!"

"I wonder who will win if I fight her."

"Don't give up, Seth."

The encouragement from the twins and Celia motivated me, but it seemed I still had a long way to go. Despite my efforts, Maer continued to beat me in our sparring sessions.

As I lay on the grass, gazing at the reddish hue of the evening sky, Celia's face appeared, peering down at me. Soon, the twins joined her, crouching down beside me.

Celia put her hand on me and healed the scratches.


Leon couldn't resist a taunt. "You suck. You couldn't land a hit on her once."

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