Chapter 17: Saving a Powerhouse, VII

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"W-what should we do?"

"Mrow, I don't think I can scratch that human."

"Can that even be called a human?"

"My dagger is too short. But if we still have to fight it..."

"We should run away," I said.

The cultists that held us back were distracted and running away from the monster. We already had secured the dragon so there was no reason for us to stay here any longer.

"But what about Sir Isaac?" It was Celia who voiced her concern.

A sword suddenly flew from behind me and I quickly side-stepped it before it could penetrate my leg.

"I wouldn't believe it if you said that's a mistake."

Isaac glared at us with his piercing grey eyes.

"Give me the dragon."

"What do you want the dragon for?"

I held the dragon in my arms closer. Even if he saved my life before, I still couldn't give up the dragon.

"I'm going to kill it."


Although it was mentioned in the novel that there was a disturbance during the ceremony, I didn't know that it was Isaac who came.

"Rather than letting it suffer, it's better for the dragon to die painlessly."

"Are you saying that you want to kill the dragon for its own good?"

Knowing the dragon's fate in the future, Isaac failed to kill it anyway. Isaac was quietly staring at us.

"That's your own opinion. The dragon doesn't want it. Besides, the dragon will have a better future with me. I will treat it well."

"... you are the same as the cult leader. If you are going to take it away, then you'll have to fight against me."

"Are you sure about that?"

Rocks flew in our direction. Isaac widened his eyes and he tried to avoid it. Lord Malgerius knocked him off his feet, sending him crashing to the ground. Even if he was still an expert swordsman, we were still facing a human assimilated with parts of a dragon.

Lord Malgerius rampaged through the village, attacking the people and the surroundings. The cultists scattered in panic, screaming as the flames engulfed their robes and the wooden structures of the houses.


"Help! Help me!"

Houses and makeshift structures were quickly reduced to ashes, and the air was filled with the acrid scent of burning wood and charred flesh. Amongst them, the innocent villagers were also killed and trampled under the falling woods.

We wasted no time and arrived at the house on the outskirts of the village. Still, the monster wasn't far from where we were so there was no knowing whether it would come here.

"Orion, check the horse to see whether it's okay or not. We have to leave this place right now."

"O-okay, meow."

Orion immediately jumped and left the house.

"Celia, you go upstairs and pack our stuff."


I looked at the exhausted twins.

"You two should also pack your stuff."

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Leon looked at me in confusion.

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