Chapter 20: The Marquess' Estate, II

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"There are so many people."

"I think that person just stole the woman's purse."

Celia and the twins were looking at the scene outside the caravan curiously.

"You guys have never been outside before?" Celia asked.

"Maline said it's dangerous."

"We used to go outside when we were little but I can't remember a lot."

"Mom used to buy us green peppermint cake."

Celia hesitated for a moment then said in a reassuring voice. "I'm sure you'll be able to go wherever you want someday."



Noel and Leon replied glumly.

Isaac looked at the walking people with an unfathomable gaze. Berko and Orion probably had been in the capital plenty of times so they weren't as much curious. I was interested and excited as well but I had to control my expression. The 'me' right now should be familiar with the sights of the capital as I was temporarily living in the capital.

The people on the streets saw us and suddenly shouted.

"Wah! It's Agnes! The Knights of the Order!"

"Agnes, look at me!"

"My angel, give me a handshake!"

The Knights of the Round were famous for their exceptional combat skills and remarkable achievements. Whether it was winning a war, slaying S-grade monsters or killing demon nobles, they stood out as the Kingdom of Melianor's formidable defenders and assets.

Accompanying Agnes was Haeseong, the hero. While the official announcement of a hero's summoning was successful had yet to be made, rumours of the event had spread quickly in the kingdom. The commoners' voices buzzed with excitement.

"It's the hero! Our saviour!"

"Oooh, the most handsome man on this whole planet!"

"He's looking this way!"

"No, he's looking at me!"

On the other side, some people didn't like him.

"This is the hero that everyone has been talking about?"

"He looks too young. I can't feel reassured leaving the fate of our world to a youngster."

I could see Haeseong and Agnes talking with each other in front but I couldn't hear their conversation. He glanced at me with the same judging look that hadn't disappeared since a while ago before he departed from our group. He was only needed to guide Agnes to find me.

Half an hour later, we arrived at the Marquess estate. The mansion was surrounded by an expanse of well-manicured gardens with neatly trimmed hedges and flower beds. Marble pathways meandered through the gardens, leading to a grand mansion made of polished stone.

It was a three-story structure crafted from white stone. The exterior was covered in tall, arched windows, and a pair of dark mahogany doors served as the entryway. It was topped by a gilded crest with the family crest of the Marquess.

I was astonished by the sight of the Marquess' estate.

The marquess had a land on his own at the east of the kingdom. The mansion in front of us was only a temporary stay for when the marquess had a business in the capital but it was already impressive.

All of us got down from the rides near the entrance.

Servants were rushing as they stood in line before the estate and shouted in unison. "Lady Agnes, young master Seth, welcome home!"

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