Chapter 16: Saving a Powerhouse, VI

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The unexpected attack sent shockwaves through the cultists, their chanting faltering for a moment.

"Traitor! There is a traitor here!"

"Protect the lord!"

Several cultists moved in front of Lord Malgerius, but the assailant continued to strike without pause.



Chaos erupted as some cultists turned to aid their fallen comrades, while others shielded Lord Malgerius. Lord Malgerius, who was hidden by them, launched a surprise attack with his spectre on the assailant.

"It seems like a rat had invaded the cult. Who sent you here?"

The attacker leapt away from the magic strike, which caused the earth where he was standing to erupt in flames that were shooting upward. He continued striking at those guarding Lord Malgerius right away.

"Come out. Stop hiding behind your followers."

They appeared to be a skilled swordsman because they just needed one or two blows to slay each of the cultists. It was noticeable that the cultists were struggling against a single person. Lord Malgerius stepped back even further, casting magical attacks on the swordsman from behind the other cultist.

"Why are you all struggling?! There's only one person! Kill him!"


"He's too fast!"

"What's happening?" Celia standing beside me asked.

"We have a temporary backup with us. Let's save the dragon quickly."

We hurried to the dragon's side, seizing the opportunity caused by the chaos. The dragon was much weaker than it had been the night before as if it were on its last breath.

Celia extended her hand and immediately healed the dragon's injuries. The radiant light of her magic began to mend the creature's torn scales and soothe its pain.

I drew a plier from the space dimension box I was carrying and began to break the chains that held the dragon. It was a twenty-gold item that I purchased from Berko along with Sleeping Dust. Saving the dragon required a lot of investments. If I couldn't get the dragon to help me in the future, then I would suffer huge losses.

The surroundings were so hectic that I felt anxious. It was only a matter of time before the other cultists noticed us.

"This is the craziest thing I have done in my whole life."

"Me too," Celia said with sweat on her brow.

The three children were huddled beside us quietly.

"Hey, are you still alive?"

The dragon was quiet and his red eyes seemed as though it had lost hope. It made me upset.

"Can't you be a bit happy? We risked our lives to save you."

"I didn't ask for you to come and save me."

"But still, I already promised."


"Uwaaah! Lord Malgerius!"

I turned my head to see the swordsman had defeated all of the cultists protecting Lord Malgerius and reached towards him. Lord Malgerius tried to evade the attack, but the swordsman's strike was precise. The blade sliced through the air, aimed directly at the leader's heart. Yet, to everyone's astonishment, the sword stopped just inches from Lord Malgerius' chest, as if an invisible barrier protected him.

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