Chapter 27: Auction House, I

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I stood frozen in place, a chilling sensation coursing through my veins.

What's going on? Didn't I survive being attacked by the demon girl before I passed out?

A red sea stretched limitlessly under a darkened sky, with the moon casting an eerie glow, intensifying the surreal atmosphere. Despite the eerie surroundings, the silhouette of a man remained visible before me.

The world around us seemed to hold its breath as if even nature recognized the presence of something profoundly unsettling.

The man exuded an overwhelming presence that felt like a physical weight, forcing me to my knees. I gasped for breath and struggled against the oppressive force.

He seemed to be speaking but his voice was like a cacophony of a thousand screams, assaulting my senses. I felt an excruciating headache that throbbed through my skull. Blood trickled from my nose and ears. Every vein in my body felt like it was about to burst.

Did that demon girl drag me into her realm?

Certain demons could invade people's dreams and kill them inside. Anyone who died in the dream would also die in real life.

This is it? I'm going to die?

Suddenly, I felt a dull, throbbing pain in my right eye. The discomfort pulled me out of the haze of unconsciousness, and with a gasp, I struggled to open my other eye. As I did, a pair of deep crimson eyes with a slit in the middle stared back at me.

Before I could fully comprehend the situation, the pain in my eye intensified. I winced and tried to pull away, but the weight on top of me was too heavy for me to move.

A low voice whispered from his mouth, "Your eyes are like the gold found in The Golden Mountain."

What's wrong with this animal now?

I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at him.


Just then, the door of my bedroom swung open and a dagger swiftly embedded itself into the mattress beside me. Krytys leapt away, settling on a table near my bed.

Karles said with a frown. "An intruder? Young master, I'll throw this beast away immediately."

When he tried to pick him up, Krytys moved away from the table and jumped to the silk window. He laid back down, chin resting on crossed palms as he moved his tail slowly.


The dragon seemed to have piqued Karles' interest. His eyes narrowed as he observed the creature before him. The air in the room thickened with an unspoken tension as though a battle was about to unfold.

"Where did this unsightly beast come from, young master?" Karles inquired with a mix of curiosity and disapproval.

"Who are you calling unsightly, human?" Krytys bared his fangs with a feline hiss.

The dragon was dirty and unkempt like a real abandoned cat.

"Oh, it can talk? It must be a high-ranking beast then." Karles's lips curled into a disdainful smile. "What kind of beast is this?"

Despite the fact that Karles was a walking encyclopedia of knowledge, the likelihood of meeting an actual dragon was very unlikely. Beside, the dragon shapeshifted into a cat with horns.

"You smell."

"A beast who never gets a proper bath has no right to say that."

"Enough, both of you!" I said sternly while rubbing my temples.

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