Chapter 6: A Welcoming Village, IV

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Isaac raised an eyebrow, his expression showing as though he found it hard to believe how I struggled against The Swamp Toad, which was only an E-tier.

Yeah, he was right.

As I hurriedly followed Isaac, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.

We continued walking till we heard a loud commotion and discovered an entrance to a labyrinth ahead of us. But it was the unexpected scene unfolding at the entrance that caught our attention—a minotaur fighting a group of goblins.

More accurately, the minotaur was single-handedly crushing the goblins as they used knife-like weapons to try and fight back.

The minotaur had a human-like physique with bulging muscles and the head of a bull.

I had seen cows before, but these creatures were on an entirely different scale.

"It seems like the goblins wandered into the territory of the minotaurs." I surmised.

The mana emitted by the dungeon most likely drew the goblins to this spot, and the goblins might have unintentionally wandered into the minotaur's domain, triggering the fierce territorial response.

After only a brief moment of distant observation of the minotaur and goblins, Isaac approached them while putting his hand on the sword's hilt that was hanging from his waist.

"How are we going to fight them?" I asked. I pretended to follow him for a moment, but the look he gave me was enough to convince me otherwise.

"Don't follow me." He reiterated, and I obediently crouched down behind the bushes.

"..." Isaac raised his eyebrow, as though unexpected that I was listening to him obediently.

Well, I didn't want to court death either.

The minotaur was a B-rank monster, so it was impossible for me to kill it at the moment.

When the minotaur saw him, it swiftly changed its target. Isaac pulled his sword calmly from the scabbard on his waistline as the monster charged at him.

I was curious about the sword that he always carried and placed so much importance into it.

The sword he took from the scabbard had a steel straight blade and a black leather hilt; it was not decorated with engravings or had patterns in any way. It appeared to be an average sword that could be purchased for a low price.

The colossal minotaur roared and thrashed its double sided ax, but he skilfully avoided the blows. Isaac severed the minotaur's legs, causing it to shriek and fall to the ground.


I could feel the tremor of the fall from where I was.

He dodged the double-sided ax that was thrown his way. He jumped on the monster's body and punctured it in the neck, causing blood to gush out before the monster died.

"That's it?"

Isaac made it look like killing the beast was easy.

The last few goblins that were still alive then rushed toward Isaac, brandishing their weapons.

Although goblins were generally weak monsters, it wasn't the same for those lacking in combat skills. They liked to kill humans and made them their slaves.

Isaac frowned and swung his sword and killed the goblins one by one easily. However, the last strike seemed to slip from his grasp, the sword hurtling towards me at alarming speed.

"What the fuck!!"

I quickly moved my head to avoid the fast-flying blade, which was only a few inches away from my neck as it embedded itself in the ground next to me. I stared at the sword with wide eyes.

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