Chapter 18: Saving a Powerhouse, VIII

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"Hoho, it seems like I slept too deeply last night." Berko scratched his balding head with a nervous laugh.

Yeah, you certainly did. I also doubted that an earthquake would be able to wake him up.

"It's okay, Dad. We all beat up the bad guys, meow."

Berko patted Orion's head as they sat on the caravan's front seat.

The sun began to rise on the horizon, casting a soft, golden glow over the village. The cultists who had lost their leader scattered and ran away while the villagers were aimlessly wandering around and looking at their broken homes. It was Celia and the children who told the villagers that the barrier that had trapped them for several years had been removed and they could either leave or stay.

"Are you bringing us with you?" Noel looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"What I said last night is still valid."

I rubbed the heads of the twins.

"We have the Invincible Cloak so use it when we reach the capital. I'm sure that my father will accept you both."

"What if he doesn't?"

It was Leon who was sceptical.

"Then I'll think of a way."

Noel bit her lips.

"I can be a servant."

"M-me too! I heard that only if you work will you get to eat."

Child labor? The twins were royalties so I expected them to be more arrogant and demanding. But looking at their attitudes right now, they were different from the other royalties.

Still, if I remember correctly, the novel also mentioned that they were abused when Maline wasn't present. That was one of the reasons they would rebel against the king in the future.

"That's something that we'll discuss once we arrive at the marquess' estate."

I walked to Celia who just finished healing a wounded villager. She smiled slightly.

"The children are joining us?"


"What will happen to them once we arrive at the capital?"

"Maybe they'll stay with me. If not, then I'll bring them to a safe place."

Celia suddenly looked sad.

"I'm sorry that I can't be a lot of help to you."

"What are you talking about?"

She had helped me plenty of times throughout the journey.

"I can't heal the dragon and I also have to leave Noel and Leon to you."

In the novel, the dragon, the twins and I shouldn't have met Celia this soon. It was because of my actions that changed the course of the events.



"You don't have to worry too much."

Celia laughed a little. "Yeah, maybe I worry a lot."


"Why are you following us?"

"You think too highly of yourself. I'm not following you."

"Then why are you here?"

The caravan rumbled along the dusty road. I was seated at the back, my legs dangling off the edge of the caravan. In the confined space inside, Isaac sat with his eyes closed.

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