Chapter 23: Low-rank Quests, I

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I adjusted the collar of my shirt uncomfortably. Karles advised me to dress nicely to present a positive picture to my fiancé. But I didn't intend to stay at her house all day. I had asked him to pack me some outerwear because I was going to the Melianor's Guild thereafter.

With the guidance of an old maid, I made my way through the estate's grounds.


A cup hurtled close to my head, barely missing me. The old maid in front of me had avoided it naturally by tilting her head, and the cup shattered upon hitting the ground.


There was a woman dressed in a fine gown, elegantly holding an umbrella and another maid was kneeling in front of her.

"Did you think I was stupid? It's bad enough that you stole the treasure's money, but now you're trying to poison me? I've been putting up with your pranks for a long time, but I can't take it any more."

"Lady Elizabeth, we only have those spoiled ingredients in our kitchen. Each of them had already gone bad because the baron cut down on our daily expenses. Besides, it wasn't me who prepared the meals." Despite her kneeling posture, the maid spoke up and replied sarcastically.

"I observed you and the other servants dining opulently in the kitchen. It appears that I have shown you all too much generosity."

"Are you planning to fire us now? The baron will only have a worse opinion of you if you fire us!"

Elizabeth was angry at the maid and slapped her across the face, the force echoing across the yard.

Wow, what is this drama... I stood dumbfoundedly, watching the scene in front of me.

"Y-You!" The shocked maid held her cheek in disbelief.

"Have you forgotten who I am?"

"You're just a woman who has been abandoned! The baron left you to die and rot in this mansion, where even your fiance refused to visit."

Elizabeth was ready to strike her again when the elderly maid in front of me intervened.

"Lady Elizabeth, your fiancee is here."

Elizabeth took a step back, her annoyance clearly visible. Our gazes met as her menacing presence closed in on me. I instinctively stepped to the side, trying to evade her ominous advances, but she was faster and caught me in an embrace.

"Seth... it's been so long," she whispered, her voice muffled by my garments. "I invited you several times, but you never showed up. I heard your life was in danger. I was terrified of losing you."

The elderly maid called the soldiers to remove the wailing maid. They arrived quickly and dragged her. As I watched them, I couldn't help but observe the old maid's face, which was just as sinister as Elizabeth's.

"It's unusual for you to let me touch you."

I immediately said with a cold voice, "Let go of me."

This woman, who could tolerate being Seth's fiancee despite his personality, was anything but simple.

Elizabeth had a sly smile on her face as she said, "You're really cruel. Don't you miss me?"


After all, it was my first time meeting her.

She pretended to be sad. She was good at changing her emotions quickly.

"Why did you invite me here?"

"We shouldn't talk here. Let's go to the garden."

A quaint roof with creeping vines sheltered a tea-drinking area. Upon the wooden table, an assortment of teas and pastries was neatly arranged. Elizabeth took a seat across me as she smiled.

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