Chapter 15: Saving a Powerhouse, V

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Celia blinked away the sleep from her eyes as she noticed me preparing to slip out of the house. The pale moonlight streaming in through the window illuminated the dining room.

"Where are you going?"

Caught off guard, I quickly made up an excuse, "I'm going out for a walk."

"Can't sleep again? Let me join you."

She clearly looked sleepy.

"I'll be walking for quite a while."

"It's better to have company this late at night."

"Seth, we are here!"

I didn't know where the energy of the twins came from as Leon announced their arrival loudly.

Celia was surprised as she looked at the twins. "Noel, Leon, why are you here?"

"We are here to join Seth again."

"Again? Seth, can you tell me what you three are doing this late at night?"

I hesitated for a moment, then decided to be honest. "We are going to investigate... something."

"Investigate what? It's the middle of the night."

"Remember about the curse affecting this village? It's not a curse but a dragon. The dragon is held captive by the people that caused a commotion earlier this morning."

"Yeah, we want to release the dragon."

"I saw it but it's really small. Is it really a dragon?"

"But Seth said so."

Looking at the twins' reaction, Celia was slightly convinced, "A dragon? I thought dragons had already gone extinct."

Anyone would find it hard to believe since dragons only exist in legends.

"Dragons still do exist. They just refuse to communicate with other creatures. The dragon is currently chained in a cave nearby."

"If what you said is true, then it's incredibly dangerous to investigate it, Seth."

I knew the risk. But high risk equals high reward. If I could make the dragon help me, then it could protect me when I needed him. However, the behaviour of the dragon made me feel like it would be difficult to talk to him peacefully.

"I know, so you don't have to come with us. You should stay here with Berko and Orion. If anything happens tonight, please run away from the village as quickly as possible."

Celia suddenly looked downcast and I was at a loss. Did I say something wrong?

"You brought Noel and Leon, but not me. Is it because I am not useful?"

"It's not like that."

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner?"

It had never crossed my mind that I wanted to bring her with me to the cave.

"I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Celia fell silent momentarily. "You are certainly different from the rumour that said you always looked down on commoners." Then she smiled. "I also don't want anything bad to happen to you, Seth. So please bring me with you."

I felt slightly embarrassed. I was also glad that she was the first character from The Summoned Hero that I met and accompanied me for the past several days.

"Alright. Then we have to share this." I showed her the invincible cloak.

There were only two pieces of it. The twins shared one piece so Celia and I have to share the other one.

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