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First Day of Popularity 

It was noon there were countless of University A students who would rather go to the snack street across the street than eat in the school cafeteria.

Physics genius Lu Yunan is also among them.

But even when he was going to eat, Lu Yunan did not forget to drag his senior Liang Fan to review the experiment; the appearance of the obedient and harmless student who was obsessed with physics really made Liang Fan dumbfounded.

He sighed softly: "Junior, our experiment is going very smoothly; but at present, you should be more worried about the funding issue." 

"Experiment funding... will be insufficient so soon?"

Lu Yunan was stunned.

Unsurprisingly, a look of confusion appeared on his fair and clean face without any distracting thoughts.

Liang Fan nodded more and more helplessly: "We have already reported it to our tutor, but he didn't say that he would approve new funds for us. It seems that we have to find a way on our own." Knowing this, a sudden flash of light flashed across the boy's originally obedient and harmless face. A touch of coldness.

The coldness was like a deadly poisonous needle; it cut through the boy's "obedient and harmless" mask and stabbed Liang Fan's defenseless little heart.

Liang Fan shuddered hard!

"Forget it...forget it, leave the funding to me...Junior Yunan, just concentrate on your experiments!" 

"Now, let's go fill our stomachs first?"

He tried his best to restrain the urge to run away, and moved in a hurry to the next topic.


Lu Yunan blinked, and then revealed a pure, clear, well-behaved and harmless smile: as if he was completely unaware of the abnormality just now.


Liang Fan knew very well: This is the true face of the genius boy Lu Yunan.

Lu Yunan only turned 18 years old, six months ago. He synthesized a new type of heavy atomic nucleus "yu" and won the Nobel Prize in Physics for this.

Approved by officials and instructors; responsible for completing the fission weapon experiment of "Yu".

Liang Fan is considered his experimental assistant.

When they first met, he only knew that Junior Lu was docile and harmless, but because he was obsessed with physics, he had few friends.

But it wasn't until he had in-depth cooperation with Lu Yunan that he discovered: everything is just an appearance! Lu Yunan is more like a poisonous snake wearing an "obedient" mask!

Venomous snakes always spit out snake messages and prepare to attack when their prey is careless; Lu Yunan does the same.

However, Liang Fan was able to stay alive in the experimental project for so long because he had a trump card - he could always divert Lu Yunan's attention when he was "preparing to attack".

Just now, they went to have lunch.


Lu Yunan put on a docile and harmless face, and went to the snack street opposite with Liang Fan, but did not notice the school girl who had been standing behind him for a long time.

The school girl looked about 60-70% similar to Lu Yunan, but her facial features were softer than his.

Her skin is as white as snow, her chestnut hair is slightly curly, and she is as beautiful as a porcelain doll.

At this moment, she was staring at his back and murmuring in a low voice - obviously having heard the whole conversation they just had.

"Experimental project, funds are tight?"

"Wait a minute..."

"What a big experimental project? Could it be related to that?!"

She suddenly looked up, her almond-shaped eyes widening in surprise.


She is not a "school girl", but the resurrected Yu Susu, Lu Yunan's biological mother.

Yu Susu lived in a poor era and the medical conditions were not developed.

Fortunately, she married Lu Yunan's father, Lu Jinchao.

Lu Jinchao will make money to support the family and do all the dirty work; he will take care of her and give her all kinds of little surprises... and pamper her like a princess.

But Yu Susu died of dystocia when giving birth to Lu Yunan.

It was only after her death that she found out: her son was the villain in a Long Ao Tian novel.

In the article, her son won the Nobel Prize at the age of 18 and is a well-known genius boy!

The young man Lu Yunan appears to be cute and harmless, but in reality he is surly and surly that he has created a new type of nuclear weapon and wants to destroy the entire world.

At the critical moment, he was eliminated by the hero Long Aotian who appeared in a flash, and became a stepping stone for the hero to become famous; new weapons were also handed to the officials by the hero.

At that time, Yu Susu was so angry that her eyes were red!

That was the precious son she gave birth to after fighting to her death! How could he exist only as the villain in the book and as a stepping stone for the male protagonist? !

Her son deserves to be sunny, cheerful, and live freely!

She has to save him!

She wished she could come back to life.

Then, she really came back to life.

After her resurrection, eighteen years later, her son was researching new nuclear weapons.

So, how to save her son?

First, you have to take one step ahead of the original male protagonist to prevent his son from destroying the world.

How to stop it?

Start with experiments.

How about...starting with experiments?

Yu Susu watched her son enter the snack street until she was so worried that she clenched her fingers; then, there was a flyer in her hand.

"This school girl has a pretty face and excellent conditions. She is a freshman in the acting department of University A? She will definitely enter the entertainment industry in the future?" 

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