Ch 28

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On the twenty-eighth day of becoming famous:

Director Xiao Wang has already announced the following rules in everyone's praise.

"The guests have been trained to help the villagers pick mushrooms. After picking enough mushrooms, they need to hand over the mushrooms to the villagers." "

Whichever group hands over the mushrooms first will complete the task first." 

"Similarly, the program team will only prepare lunch ingredients of different grades for the first three groups of guests who have completed the task; the last four groups may purchase them from villagers at their own expense or go up the mountain to collect wild vegetables to solve the lunch problem." 

"But, Director Xiao Wang..." "You have said so much the rules did not mention what would happen if poisonous mushrooms were accidentally handed over to the villagers!"

Little Princess Qi raised her eyebrows, reasonably suspecting that Director Wang was fooling her!

"Miss Qi, don't worry, this is what you have to say."

Director Xiao Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He was too busy to speak.

"Warm reminder from the program team: If the mushrooms submitted by the guests are found to contain highly poisonous mushrooms by the villagers, the results of the guests in this group will be invalid and they will automatically be at the bottom."

 "So all guests are asked to study the mushroom collection manual carefully and pick mushrooms."

As soon as Director Wang said these words, all the guests looked solemn!

It's difficult!

They don't want their grades to be invalidated and they won't get lunch ingredients; but most of them don't know how to distinguish mushrooms.

Even the barrage felt a bit sad.

【Good guy! 】

【The rules of the program team are not designed to make everyone hungry, right? ]


"If there are five or more groups of guests who have picked poisonous mushrooms, the results will be invalid; then how to choose the top three? An extra round?"

Yu Susu said weakly.

【right! ]

[There are only seven groups of guests in total. If there are more than five groups, the results will be invalid; only the most will determine top1, top2, and who is top3? 】

[Oh, my God! Hhh, sister Xiao Yu found a big bug! 】

High praise barrage flashed across.

"I don't know if there will be a play-off or not."

"By then, I'm afraid there will be many teams tied for first place."

At the scene, Qin Yanshi couldn't help laughing.

His biological sister Qin Yueyi has a different view.

She also smiled, but this smile seemed to be mocking Yu Susu; or maybe she just couldn't stand her brother talking to Yu Susu?

Last time, my brother almost gave up on their group mission and went to help Yu Susu!

But in the end, Yu Susu overtook them and completed the task of feeding the chickens without asking Qin Yanshi to help.

Thinking of this, Qin Yueyi clenched her fists unconsciously; only then did she maintain her cute and quiet smile.

She smiled and spoke.

"Brother, didn't the program team prepare a training manual for each group? They must have been prepared for this kind of situation." 

"During official tasks, there will definitely be no bugs like what Sister Xiao Yu said."

" Really?"

Qin Yanshi glanced at Director Wang, who had not explained for a long time, and smiled noncommittally.

Yu Susu is more direct.

She directly cue cueed the director: "Really? Director Xiao Wang? We are all waiting for your answer." 

"...Cough, cough!"

Director Xiao Wang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and he didn't say whether he was alive or dead. Yes".

After all -

he knew how sloppy his booklet was; he also knew how much most of the guests who knew nothing about mushrooms could learn from it.

The barrage smelled something unusual.

Qin Yueyi didn't notice anything. She even took the lead in receiving and opening her own booklet, showing it to everyone without even looking at it.

"Of course!"

This time, both the scene and the live broadcast fell into a strange silence.

Qin Yueyi finally realized something was wrong.

Only then did she remember to read the contents in the brochure.

The other guests have already gone to get their own "training manuals".


They want to see if all "training manuals" are ridiculously the same!


All the guests who looked through the training manual had complicated expressions.

Even the guests who did not read the manual and watched from a distance had wonderful expressions on their faces.

Finally, Little Princess Qi exploded first!

"Wang Ye! Did you mean it?!"

"If you didn't want us to get lunch ingredients, just tell us earlier! Why did you set up such a deceptive task link and write several handwritten pamphlets?!" "

More The important thing is, you can write by hand , why do you add a ghost symbol to every page?" "

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu After Mao's death, he just wiped away his tears silently. 

The other guests were dumbfounded, but they couldn't help but complained in their hearts that the director's "training manual" was deceptive. 

Little Princess Qi is right. On the "manual", few people could recognize the flying characters; the "mushroom sketches" that looked like ghostly drawings frightened everyone even more.

  The barrages are blatant complaints! 【director! Our sister Xiao Yu said: Is there a bug in your rules? ! ] [You, you, know there is a bug, why don't you fix it quickly? 

And hiding behind other guests...] [You are really cheating! 】Knowing that he was tricking someone, Director Wang stood there at a loss for a long time, and even the guest group couldn't care less about comforting him.

  The guests also laughed and laughed for a long time.

It was Qin Yanshi who said silently: "Now it seems that this is a bug."

He did not notice Qin Yueyi's increasingly ugly face and stood on Yu Susu's side.

"Since it is a bug, how should we fix it?"

Yu Susu asked Director Xiao Wang obediently, and this question hit the nail on the head.

But director Xiao Wang, director Wang Ye, a newcomer in the directing circle, is still at a loss!

Director Wang Chuan, who had won the World Gold Award and is now the assistant director of variety shows, coughed lightly and stabilized the situation.

"If what Miss Yu said happens later, the guests whose results will be invalidated will be ranked according to the number of non-toxic mushrooms." 

"The top three will still get lunch ingredients!"

【This is right! 】

High praise barrages passed by.

The guests calmed down!

I am gearing up again to find as many non-poisonous mushrooms as possible and try my best to reach the top three!

It was at this time that Old Director Wang spoke again.

"That's right."

"Xiao Wang, our bug was discovered thanks to Miss Yu."

"Can you give Miss Yu some thanks?"

[Oh? ]

[Thank you, thank you! ]

When Director Wang took action, he not only solved the bug, but also gave a "thank you" to Yu Susu for discovering the bug, which no one expected.

But soon, everyone expressed satisfaction with Director Wang's handling.

[Director Wang Chuan is indeed a guarantee of good reputation, and his response is much faster than that of Wang Ye! ]

[I also suggested giving a thank you gift to sister Xiao Yu, which is nice. ]

[Sister Xiao Yu's search for bugs, her efforts were indeed not in vain~]

Perhaps she was affected by the barrage, and Princess Qi also straightened her back and sighed: "Yes, fortunately, the program team did not let Xiao Yu go to waste." Sister Yu, please help..."

After saying this, she realized something was wrong.

The barrage was praising Yu Susu, why did she feel honored? Shouldn't she be envious and jealous?

Qi Yanyan still remembers:

At the beginning, she was very jealous that Yu Susu stole her limelight!

Yu Susu just signed a "brother and sister internship" contract, how can he compare with her?

But -

when did it start?

Since when will she be involuntarily attracted to Sister Xiao Yu, will unconsciously get close to Sister Xiao Yu, and will want to hang out with Sister Xiao Yu...

Until just now, when she was praising Yu Susu in the barrage, she burst out... Such a sense of pride!

She, she, she... was she completely bewitched by Yu Susu? !

Qi Yanyan looked horrified.

Perhaps her fear was too eye-catching; or perhaps her love for sister Xiao Yu was too explicit (bu shi~).

Danmaku quickly discovered her abnormality.

Everyone said one after another -

[Oh Mo! Little Princess Qi*Sister Xiao Yu, sisters Xiang CP, I bumped into it again! 】

【Little Princess Qi is really in love without knowing it, and her love is miserable, but it is difficult for her to go one-way...】

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