Ch 14

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On the fourteenth day of popularity:

Yu Susu saw Gu Ran's "precognitive dream".

In the dream - on the 28th day after the birth of the new weapon, Lu Yunan successfully got rid of the siege of the male protagonist's "Squad Zero" and took away the new weapon.

One month after the new weapon was born, Lu Yunan successfully destroyed the world with the new weapon.

When the world is destroyed, no one remains.

When the hero's "Squad Zero" failed to seize new weapons, the entire army was wiped out.

Lu Yunan's originally fair and clean face was stained with blood; but even at that moment, the corners of his lips were still smiling, and that smile was extremely obedient.

His eyes were full of indifference and coldness.

Dreams and reality overlap.

In reality, Lu Yunan's face was fair and bloodless.

But he still has a cute smile and indifferent eyes...


Yu Susu blinked and finally saw Lu Yunan's expression clearly.

In reality, Lu Yunan's eyes were cold, but there was a bit of worry; the smile on the corner of his lips was also a little smaller because of worry.

"Are you okay?"

He held her arm and asked in a low voice - obviously, he noticed her abnormality just now.

"No, I just didn't stand firm."

Yu Susu smiled obediently.

She can tell the difference between Lu Yunan in reality and "him" in the "predictive dream".

In the novel:

Gu Ran chose a more direct and violent method to prevent the "villain" Lu Yunan from destroying the world because of his hatred for the destruction of the world and the destruction of his team members in the "precognitive dream".

Yu Susu is beyond judgment.

She just became more determined: before Gu Ran took violent measures, she wanted her son to give up his determination to destroy the world!

Lu Yunan should be living in this world with flesh and blood as he is now; instead of being like the villain in the novel, wearing a "submissive" mask and living indifferently and cold-blooded.

She had to continue to save him and accompany him.


"Director Xiao Wang just said: What is the next step?"

"I have to complete the task with you and strive to be top one!"

"Plant rice."

Lu Yunan said quietly.


Yu Susu twitched her fingertips.

She only took her son to "weed, feed chickens, herd sheep, and milk cows" yesterday afternoon. Getting to the top once was already the limit - until now, her wrists are still slightly red and swollen!

Today's task of "planting rice" is probably a pill.

Lu Yunan also thinks they are pills.

However, he could not help but laugh out loud when he saw that Xiao Yu was instantly discouraged.

"I'm still not very good at growing rice, and you're not very strong either. It seems we're destined not to get top 1 in this mission..." 

"Don't, don't give up!"

Yu Susu almost burst into tears.


"I just want to say: If you can't get top 1, it doesn't matter if you get bottom." 

"Anyway, this is not a formal competition."

Lu Yunan glanced at Yu Susu unexpectedly and added the second half of the sentence.

"Yes, yes..."

"This is not a formal competition."

Yu Susu wiped the suspicious little pearl in the corner of her eye and smiled happily.

Woohoo, the big boy has really grown up!

He clearly wanted to "abstain" and "destroy the world" yesterday afternoon!


Yu Susu then thought about it: Yesterday afternoon, her good son wanted to abstain because they were isolated and helpless at the time.

What he was afraid of was never being at the bottom.

But just alone and helpless.

After Yu Susu figured this out, her eyes became even hotter when she looked at the big boy!

He was afraid of being alone.

But now, even though their group may be at the bottom, he is not afraid anymore.

Doesn't that mean: He doesn't think he is alone and helpless at this time?

Indeed -

Lu Yunan had already unknowingly regarded Yu Susu as a teammate.

Therefore, even if he would fail and be at the bottom with her, he could face it calmly.

However, Lu Yunan did not realize this clearly at this moment; he felt uncomfortable when Yu Susu looked at him, so he spoke decisively.

"Ahem, let's go now."

"Otherwise, we won't even get the lunch ingredients when the next part is over."


"The next part is about lunch ingredients?"

Xiao Yu suddenly woke up!

【Yeah yeah! 】

【Grow rice to win food. Which group grows more rice and which group has more food! ]

[These are all what Director Xiao Wang mentioned just now. Sister Xiao Yu didn't listen at all! 】

High praise barrages passed by.

"No, I didn't listen at all..."

Yu Susu followed Lu Yunan step by step towards the rice fields while answering the barrage.

Lu Yunan heard her serious answer, and a slight smile appeared in his eyes.

Although this smile was shallow, it completely shattered the indifference and alienation in his eyes; it made his whole person lively.

Gu Ran, who was observing secretly, was puzzled: Is this... the same madman who destroyed the world in his dream?

But - there was something even more incredible to him!

Director Xiao Wang announced: Each group of guests entered the corresponding rice field of their group and began the task of planting rice!

Lin Ge*Baixue; Han Ye*Han Miaomiao; Qi Yan*Qi Yun; Sun Xun*Liao Yun; Qin Yanshi*Qin Yueyi... The other five groups all started to take action one after another.

Yu Susu and Lu Yunan slowly put on their gloves and rain boots, and were fully equipped!

This reminded Gu Ran of a word.

"Bad students have too much stationery."

Lin Feifei beside him was the first to mutter.

"Feifei." Gu Ran frowned.

Lin Feifei was shocked to realize that she had made a mistake in front of the camera.

She lowered her head awkwardly: "Sorry."

"It's okay, let's go plant rice too."

Gu Ran smiled back.

Lin Feifei didn't know that "Lu Yunan wanted to destroy the world", nor did she know that the core of their mission was to "find evidence that Lu Yunan destroyed the world."

The task she got was just to "partner with Gu Ran in a variety show and monitor Lu Yunan"; she felt uncomfortable monitoring an ordinary person.

Gu Ran understood.

But they still walked into the rice fields to plant rice like other guests; at the same time, they did not forget to observe Lu Yunan secretly.

Yu Susu and Lu Yunan were still mumbling and teaching on the shore.

Of course, it was mainly Yu Susu who was explaining the key points of "planting rice" to Lu Yunan.

And Lu Yunan?

While nodding obediently, he planted rice tentatively.

"Well, how should I put it?"

"It would be nice if the two were not so close to each other."

"Like this-"

Yu Susu tried to separate the two rice plants that were crowded together.

But she accidentally touched her wrist which was red and swollen, and her palms trembled! The two plants fell down in the rice field and died in battle.


This scene made Gu Ran, who was observing secretly, his eyelids twitch.

He thought that if Yu Susu could teach Lu Yunan, she must be good at it; but he didn't expect that she was also a novice.

Then here comes the problem.

Crazy Lu in the dream can't even grow rice now? He also showed such a lively smile...

Will he really destroy the world?

Gu Ran hesitated.

When he hesitated again, he thought of the scene in his dream where the world would end!

He shuddered silently and shifted his gaze to Yu Susu.

Suppose that the scene in the dream is supposed to happen in the future.

So how should we explain this mysterious girl who has never appeared in dreams?

I heard that it was she who took the initiative to invite Lu Yunan to the variety show?

Is she friend or foe?

Will you join them to prevent Lu Yunan from destroying the world?

Gu Ran's thoughts were complicated.

Over there, survival boss Han Ye has taken the lead in planting rice and went to Director Xiao Wang to submit a task.


Gu Ran immediately went to see Lu Yunan!

God knows: in his dream, if Lu Yunan is crushed and defeated by others, he will reveal his sinister nature and even use the natural environment to shark people!

At this time - the rice fields full of silt, the winner Han Ye who was very close to Lu Yunan, and the corner that was not noticed by anyone.

"Pay attention to protecting Han..."

Gu Ran hadn't finished conveying the order to Lin Feifei.

Han Ye had already passed Lu Yunan in a few steps and landed ashore.

And Lu Yunan?

Clumsily and attentively, he was holding the rice in his  hands and planting it in the field: "Hmm, is this distance okay ?" 

"Yeah! It's much better than last time!"

Yu Susu's eyes lit up, and she didn't forget to do it for her own family. What a big applause!

This scene is quite warm...

Lin Feifei thought to herself, and looked back at Gu Ran blankly.


"No, it's okay."

Gu Ran planted a rice plant on the ground depressedly.

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