Ch 38

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Day 38 of becoming popular

"But junior, have you noticed?"

"In this video, the junior student Xiao Yu appeared behind us out of thin air!"

"Appeared out of thin air!"

Liang Fan repeated these words, While handing the phone to Lu Yunan.

But suddenly he shuddered.

Lu Yunan paused as he looked at the phone.

Liang Fan mistakenly thought that Lu Yunan didn't believe him, so he hurriedly explained: "Really, I didn't lie to you; this surveillance video has not been edited..." "I know."

Lu Yunan murmured lowly.

Of course he knows.

Didn't Yu Susu tell him when he was in the cave?

It's just that he didn't believe it at that time.

Lu Yunan watched the surveillance video and went home with a complicated expression.

Before going home, he reminded Liang Fan: "Senior, don't tell anyone else about the surveillance."


Liang Fan answered very quickly.

He is not stupid, how could such a supernatural phenomenon spread so widely?

As soon as he discovered something was wrong with the surveillance, he asked the security uncle to delete this!


"What about the success of the experiment? Do I want to report to your instructor?"

Liang Fan glanced at Junior Lu cautiously.

"No need."

"I have stored the core data in the USB drive. I will tell him after the variety show is over."

Lu Yunan smiled obediently.

Xiao Lu is the project leader and has single-handedly broken through the experimental bottleneck; Liang Fan has no doubt that he is responsible for this.

Lu Yunan walked out of the research institute with the USB flash drive and called the Lu family driver directly.

The driver's uncle came to pick him up quickly and took him back to Lu's house. After he got in the car, he handed him a sealed document bag.

"This is it?"

Lu Yunan took the thing and raised his eyes in confusion.

"Secretary Liu asked me to give this to you."

The driver acted as ordered and only left this sentence.

Lu Yunan opened the document bag with suspicion - Secretary Liu would not leave anything to him for no reason, unless there was Lu Jinchao's instructions behind it.

In the bag is a thick pile of information and several USB flash drives.

But those materials and USB disks are not important anymore.

What matters is the thin piece of paper at the top.

It was a fresh paternity test report, and the testees were Yu Susu and Lu Yunan.

They are mother and son.

It turns out that Lu Jinzhao invited Yu Susu to the Lu family and believed her identity without asking anything, all because of this!

What other evidence is needed before a paternity test?

Lu Yunan almost didn't grasp the appraisal report.

After a long time, he hid all his emotions, raised his eyes obediently and harmlessly, and asked the driver for the laptop in the car.

He took the lead in using the computer to check the contents of the USB flash drive, then browsed other information in detail, and found a note among the information.

The note was handwritten by Secretary Liu, and it basically said: Mr. Lu asked him to deliver these information on his behalf.

Mr. Lu is really as indifferent as ever!

He would rather let Secretary Liu deliver it to him than come to see him in person.

Lu Yunan's eyes gradually became sinister.

It was at this time that Yu Susu stopped.

At that time, she was walking in the small garden of the Lu family, and she looked up and saw Lu Yunan in the car.

But -

how could such a grown-up boy look so ugly?

Yu Susu's heart thumped.

Lu Yunan also saw Yu Susu.

He unconsciously clenched the paternity test report in his hand, separated the USB flash drive containing the experimental data from several other USB flash drives, and then subconsciously ordered the driver to stop.

He didn't react until he got out of the car holding the paternity test and the USB flash drive containing the experimental data!

She is his mother.

So, how could he take her with him to the destruction of the world?

Can his plan still go ahead as usual?

Lu Yunan was shaken again.


Something slipped from his fingertips.

Yu Susu lowered his head and discovered that it was a USB flash drive with the letter "Y" engraved on it.

Engraved with the letter "Y"?

Isn't that the USB drive that the original male protagonist Gu Ran's Team Zero and Lu Yunan competed for in "Predictive Dream"?

The USB flash drive contains the core data of the "釪" fission weapon experiment.

So, Lu Yunan's experiment was successful?

He...will he still choose to destroy the world this time?

Yu Susu's pupils shrank.

But over there, Lu Yunan had already bent down to pick up the USB flash drive.

Only then did Yu Susu see the paper he was holding in his other hand - the paternity test report.

Appraised persons: Yu Susu, Lu Yunan.

Identification results: It was confirmed that the two were mother and son.

"So, so, do you believe the appraisal results?"

Yu Susu asked dryly.

Lu Yunan expressed it directly with practical actions: He believed it.


Yu Susu's eyes widened.

She confirmed: At this time, Lu Yunan called her "mom" from the bottom of his heart!

She instantly rekindled hope in "saving her son and making him give up destroying the world."

She thought: Even if her son completes the experiment, it doesn't mean that he will immediately implement the "destruction of the world" plan!

The son in reality is more flesh and blood than the son in the prophetic dream.

She can convince him to "give up destroying the world".


Didn't she still have to let him see the information saved by Butler Zhang?

She had to let Lu Yunan know: Lu Jinchao is not so cold.

With this in mind, Yu Susu ordered Butler Zhang to get the information; but when she turned around, she met Lu Yunan's confused eyes.

"What information?"

Lu Yunan was confused.

"You'll know later!"

Yu Susu's eyes were full of sincerity.

Ever since, Lu Yunan received another thick document bag.

The thickness of this document bag is almost the same as the one Lu Jinchao asked Secretary Liu to give him.

But the information inside is all related to Lu Jinchao.

Lu Yunan read it for a while and gradually became silent.

But soon, he whispered: "Strange... Lu Jinchao gave me the information because he wanted me to know your identity." 

"But what about you?" "Why did you give me such a lot of information?"

Yu Susu was stunned.

Only then did she realize: her son was pretending to be stupid with her...

Lu Yunan had always hidden his thoughts of "destroying the world" and his views on Lu Jinchao.

Yu Susu's behavior today might seem abrupt to him - if he didn't remember the cave's babble.

In fact -

Lu Yunan not only remembered what he said in the cave, but also what Yu Susu said to him; that's why he asked Senior Liang Fan to check the surveillance, and that's why he easily believed the paternity test that Secretary Liu gave him.

So is it unbelievable that he is pretending to be stupid at this time?

He couldn't believe it: Lu Jinchao had done so many things without him knowing; and these things all represented Lu Jinchao's concern for him.

Unbelievable: Lu Jinchao is not that cold.

Yu Susu smiled helplessly.

It's hard to believe, right?

You have to give your son some time to make him believe the information.

After all, it took him a long time to believe that she was his mother's.

But -

she had to let Lu Yunan know:

Lu Jinchao had never ignored Lu Yunan because of his "death of his late wife", and she herself had never blamed Lu Yunan's "death in childbirth".

So she told the truth:

"It's nothing."

"I'm showing you this information just to let you know that certain things have happened."

 "Lu Jinchao has never ignored you because of 'my death.'" 

" I will never resent you for 'death in childbirth'."


"This kind of thing is fate!"

"Destiny is definitely not something we can control."

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