Ch 34

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On the 34th day of popularity:

It wasn't until Princess Qi's little thoughts were discovered that the guests reacted one after another.

"That's right! We guests also have to say goodbye, right?"

"Not only do we have to say goodbye, but we also have to leave our contact information, right?" 

"Then director, do you give us your cell phones?"

Of course the directors agreed.

Immediately, a staff member handed over the mobile phone.

Lu Yunan held his cell phone in his hand without leaving any trace; no one else noticed anything unusual.

Of course -

the "others" here do not include Yu Susu.

Yu Susu was well aware of the good old man's behavior of "substituting one thing for another", but she felt that there was no need to expose it; so she took her mobile phone and wanted to add Qi Yanyan as a friend!

Otherwise, wouldn't it hurt Little Princess Qi's heart?

Qi Yanyan got Yu Susu's contact information so easily, and she was so excited!

"With friends, we are good sisters, right?!"

"Since we are good sisters..."

She paused for a moment, not forgetting to wink mysteriously.

"Then you have to wait for my little surprise~"


A little surprise?

Yu Susu didn't know why.

But Princess Qi had already held her phone, raised her chin, and left with satisfaction.

【Hit it! ]

High praise barrages flew by like crazy.

Looking at the uniform barrage, Yu Susu became increasingly confused.

But she still said goodbye to the netizens on the barrage before going back to her room to pack her luggage—at the end of the first period, she had to go find Lu Jinchao.

She had just returned to the room and hadn't even had time to pack her luggage; sister Xiao Yu received several incoming text messages.


[Dear customer, your account ending with **** has a credit of 10 million. ]

[Note: The first installment of "Where Are We Going, Brother?" ]


[Dear customer, your account ending with **** has a credit of 10.894 million. ]

[Note: Mental damage fee for being trapped in the cave + Sun Xun's compensation. ]


[Dear customer, your account ending with **** has a credit of 500,000. ]

[Remarks: Red envelope for rule bugs. ]


[Dear customer, your account ending with **** has a credit of 8.623 million. ]

[Remarks: The first issue of "Where Are We Going, Brother" as a gift. ]

After Yu Susu browsed all the credit notifications, she discovered that more than 20 million yuan had been credited to her bank card.


her bank card, perhaps, should still be in Lu Jinchao's hands, right?

Eighteen years after she was resurrected, she had borrowed Lu Yunan's money to buy her mobile phone before joining the show. When she logged into her various accounts based on her memory, she didn't expect that the account was still there.

Of course, at that time, she was focused on trying to save her son and didn't care about this.

But now?

Now, she feels incredible when she thinks that after eighteen years, all her accounts still exist and her bank cards can still be used normally.

So, Lu Jinchao didn't cancel her account back then?

So, he never accepted her death?

Was that why he was in so much pain that he forgot to take care of his son?

Yu Susu's eyelashes trembled, and she felt mixed feelings in her heart...


"Aren't you going home?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in her ears.

It was Lu Yunan who had packed his luggage and still saw her stopping in the living room, so he asked.

"Go home?"

Yu Susu came to her senses and smiled cutely.

"Of course."

"Can you wait for me?"


Lu Yunan responded softly.

Yu Susu nodded and planned to turn off her phone and go back to her room to pack her luggage, but she accidentally touched a switch.

[Ding! ]

[ding ding ding! ! ! ]

In an instant, "ding ding dong dong" message prompts kept coming.

What, what's the matter?

Is it so easy for mobile phones to break after 18 years?

She held the phone helplessly.

The phone was taken away by Lu Yunan: "This is a message reminder from the scarf. There are too many people following you... I will help you turn on Do Not Disturb."

Lu Yunan paused here and explained silently.

"That's right."

"You just touched the flow switch by mistake, that's why you did this." 

When Yu Susu heard this, she understood!

That's it!

Her previous mobile phone was disconnected, and she could only send and receive messages, make phone calls, and at most play the mini-games that came with the phone. Just now, she accidentally touched the traffic switch, and all kinds of messages on the Internet came one after another... These were all things she had ever done.

 I learned a little bit about it when I was wearing a scarf.

She felt relieved a lot.

Otherwise, if the phone breaks down just a few days after buying it, she will really cry to death!

"Well... your current number of fans has reached 10 million..."

Lu Yunan hesitated and told Yu Susu the news.

"Ten million? There are so many people..."

Yu Susu sighed in a low voice and entered the room.

She didn't see it at all: Lu Yunan's complicated eyes!

Lu Yunan silently clenched her phone.


Many people like Yu Susu now, and more people will like her in the future.

But she once said that she was his mother and allowed him to investigate.

If she was really his mother, could he still be so cruel as to lead her and countless people who like her to destruction?

Lu Yunan didn't know.

For the first time, he hesitated about his plan to "destroy the world"; but that hesitation was erased before Yu Susu packed her luggage.

Of course you have to be ruthless!

His investigation has not yet yielded results, and she may not really be his mother.

Lu Yunan raised his eyes indifferently and threw the phone to Yu Susu.

Then he turned around and left.

Yu Susu blinked blankly.

Strange, why did such a big boy suddenly become indifferent?

Facts have proved that Lu Yunan has not only become indifferent, but also alienated her intentionally or unintentionally.

He went downstairs without saying a word, refused the show crew's farewell, walked out of the villa, and went straight into the Lu family's driver's car.

During the whole process, he didn't say a word to Yu Susu.

He glanced not far away and saw Yu Susu, who was alone with her suitcase; he looked away almost indifferently.

"Let's go."

Lu Yunan ordered the driver.

"Dong dong——"

The driver didn't move, but someone knocked on the car window from outside.

It's Yu Susu.

"Is there anything else?"

Lu Yunan frowned, but still pressed the window.


Yu Susu didn't care about Lu Yunan's sudden change of attitude, and went straight past him to look at the driver in the front row.

"Can you please help me unload my luggage?"

The driver got out of the car very quickly and helped her unload the luggage - of course, he put the luggage directly into the trunk.

Yu Susu himself opened the other car door very calmly and sat next to Lu Yunan.

Lu Yunan's eyebrows frowned more and more: "Do you want to go back to the Lu family with me?" 


Yu Susu admitted decisively.

Are you crazy?

Not only did you expose your own mother in front of me, but you also tried to bring the "resurrection theory" to Lu Jinchao?

Lu Yunan stopped talking and swallowed these words silently.


Yu Susu shook her phone.

Her phone was still on the text message interface. It turned out that Lu Jinchao wanted to see her.


Regardless of whether Yu Susu's "resurrection theory" is true or not, she and his "mother and child CP" have become hot searches; no matter how busy Mr. Lu is at work, he has somehow heard the news.

And Lu Jinchao will never tolerate others offending his late wife, even if that person has the same name and appearance.

After Lu Yunan figured this out, he was a little worried about Yu Susu.

Yu Susu watched the driver get into the car very calmly and fastened his seat belt obediently.

Lu Yunan hesitated again and again, but finally spoke: "Yu Susu... you... do you really want to see Lu Jinchao? Do you still want to tell him your theory of 'resurrection from the dead'?" "Call mom."

Yu Su Su winked at Lu Yunan and gave him a sly smile.

Lu Yunan was stunned.

It suddenly dawned on her: her smile at this moment was exactly the same as that of her mother in the old photo...


He spoke in an inexplicable way.

"Creak -"

a harsh brake sound.

It was the uncle driver who overheard their conversation and was so surprised that his toes were trembling.

Then, he received two glances.

"H-I'm sorry, Master."

He smiled and restarted the vehicle.

Lu Yunan looked away and looked at Yu Susu: "So you really want to see Lu Jinchao? Do you still want to tell him your theory of 'resurrection from the dead'?" 

"Otherwise?" Yu Susu smiled innocently.

She was originally resurrected from the dead!

"He won't believe you."

Lu Yunan was determined.

Yu Susu didn't answer.

The atmosphere in the car was a little subtle, but soon after arriving at the Lu family villa, this subtle atmosphere was nothing.

After all, who would have thought?

Lu Jinchao was actually at home, waiting to meet Yu Susu!

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