Ch 13

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On the thirteenth day of popularity:

The all-powerful ACE?

Yu Susu stared at this unfamiliar word and wandered for a while; then she came back to her senses and rubbed her slightly sore wrist.

Today she was weeding, feeding chickens, tending sheep, and milking cows. She was really overwhelmed.

In the past, although she could do these farm jobs, she could not do them for long before Lu Jinchao took over.

Thinking of Lu Jinchao, she couldn't help but glance at her eldest son Lu Yunan.

Lu Yunan had already heated up the luxurious dinner and served her the rice thoughtfully.

He took out the ointment again...


Yu Susu was stunned.

"Thank you for your hard work today, Junior Yu."

"After dinner, remember to soak your hands in warm water and apply the medicine."


Yu Susu rolled her eyes.


After dinner, go back to your room and apply medicine.

Yu Susu recalled: During the afternoon mission, she seemed to have prevented Lu Yunan from abstaining!

Doesn't abstaining from voting mean leaving the variety show and promoting the experiment? That is closely related to the main plot "Destroy the World"!

Fortunately, okay...

she succeeded in preventing her son from destroying the world!

Yu Susu fell asleep with a happy mood, and had a dreamless night.


The next day during the live broadcast, she got some big news from Director Xiao Wang!


"The program team wants to add a new group of 'intern brothers and sisters'?"


Director Xiao Wang himself was also helpless.

"Joining halfway, you have a lot of background! Who is the new guest?"

Over there, Qi Yanyan was also very curious.

"Ahem...Miss Qi, be careful what you say."

"The new guests are named Gu Ran and Lin Feifei. They are two amateurs with no background."

Director Wang heard Qi Yanyan's words and coughed on the spot! When he mentioned this amateur guest again, his words were concise and did not reveal any other information!

Then everyone has speculation.

【Okay! The two new guests have very strong backgrounds! It's so powerful that even Director Xiao Wang keeps it secret... Then I'm looking forward to it~]

[Me too! Squat, squat, squat! 】

So are the guests!

They had also secretly looked forward to these two amateur guests; many people looked around to see the true faces of those two people in Lushan.

However, Yu Susu looked away with a subtle look and glanced at Lu Yunan who was beside him, who was indifferent to this.

Gu Ran?

Isn't it in the future that will be the villain, Lu Yunan's Long Aotian hero?

As for Lin Feifei, she is the heroine; she is also a member of his "Squad Zero".

Yu Susu remembers the plot of the novel very clearly.

In the novel, Gu Ran never participated in a variety show, but joined the police force directly after graduating from the police academy. Until now, he has a high police rank and an omnipotent "Team Zero".

But with a police rank, he should be busy with various cases; how could he join a variety show?

Because of Lu Yunan?

But at present, Lu Yunan is still a docile and gentle physics genius, and has not yet become an enemy of the world; how could Gu Ran notice him?

Yu Susu's mind was filled with questions.

While her head was filled with questions, Director Xiao Wang had already waved his hand to let the new guests in.

As soon as Gu Ran arrived in the hall, he looked around at all the guests; then he accurately fixed his gaze on Lu Yunan.

Lu Yunan's eyes were distant at this moment.

However, the corners of his lips were raised slightly, with a very obedient smile.

This kind of subtlety, and the contrast is terrifying if you think about it carefully, is exactly the same as the madman in Gu Ran's dream.

Gu Ran's hair stood on his head at that time and he almost pulled out a tree!

Fortunately, he still remembered: This time, he pretended to be an amateur to participate in a variety show to get close to Lu Yunan.

He slowed down and followed Director Xiao Wang's request to recite the self-introduction he had written in advance: "Hello everyone, my name is Gu Ran, and I am an amateur. I came to participate in the variety show purely because of the pressure of life and to make money..."

[Forced by life, to make money? ]

[Is he really an amateur with no background? ]

[Hahaha, good guy, for this reason, I believe what he says! I like! 】

His self-introduction won the favor of many netizens.

His own eyes fell on Lu Yunan again.

Lu Yunan?

Gu Ran recited the name silently, but his heart sank again and again.

Ridiculous to say, he had a dream the day before yesterday.

In the dream, he is no different from reality. He is an upright and brave policeman who protects his family and country.

The Mr. Lu Yunan and Xiao Lu in the dream is actually a docile and harmless maniac on the outside, but a madman on the inside who wants to destroy the world!

But -

Lu Yunan won the Nobel Prize at the age of 18, and also discovered a new type of heavy atomic nucleus, Yu.

Approved by officials and instructors; responsible for completing the fission weapon experiment of "Yu".

He is a young genius with a bright future!

Gu Ran really couldn't figure out why he wanted to destroy the world.

He only remembered: at the end of the dream, Lu Yunan completed the "fission weapon experiment" and brought the new weapon with him, dragging the whole world into the flames of war!

Then, everyone died!

Gu Ran and his "Squad Zero" died 28 days after the new weapon was born; they failed to seize the new weapon.

Lu Yunan and the entire world were destroyed one month after the birth of the new weapon; when the new weapon was used, no one's body was left alive.

Gu Ran still remembered Lu Yunan he saw before he died.

Lu Yunan had an extremely obedient smile on his face, but his eyes were full of indifference.


The moment Gu Ran woke up from his dream, he cursed like this.

Then, he carefully investigated Lu Yunan.

After investigation, we found out: the lunatic's movement trajectory in the past eighteen years was exactly the same as in his dream; but at the critical moment when the fission weapon experiment was about to succeed, he entered a brother-sister variety show.

Why would Crazy Lu join a brother-sister variety show at this time?

How come there is a girl around him who has never appeared in his dreams, Yu Susu?

Gu Ran was confused.

Although he was confused, because the dream was real and the matter was of great importance, he hurriedly reported it to the superior department and joined team member Lin Feifei in a variety show.

He has no evidence that "Lu Yunan destroyed the world".

Therefore, entering the variety show with Lin Feifei was just to investigate and monitor Lu Yunan to obtain evidence.

But in the end, he was one day behind Lu Yunan.

I hope they can successfully stop Crazy Lu from destroying the world this time!

Gu Ran sighed softly in his heart.

Without leaving a trace, he withdrew his gaze from Lu Yunan and concentrated on introducing himself.

Lu Yunan seemed to be aware of it and glanced in Gu Ran's direction - strange, was the new guest looking at him just now?


Gu Ran is secretly observing Lu Yunan!

Yu Susu had a panoramic view of the two men's movements, and became more and more certain of his suspicions.

The plot of the novel she had seen was not necessarily complete; at least about Gu Ran, she still didn't know many details!

For example, the article says:

The male protagonist Gu Ran predicted the villain Lu Yunan's intention to destroy the world.

Deployed in advance, it appeared at the critical moment when Lu Yunan "completed the fission weapon experiment and wanted to kill the researchers and take away the experimental results"... He killed Lu Yunan, obtained the experimental results, and saved the researchers!

How did he accurately predict that Lu Yunan wanted to destroy the world?

How did he lead his team, deploy in advance, capture some Ga people, seize new weapons, and rescue researchers?

It is written in the novel that before the experiment was completed, Lu Yunan kept his evil intentions well hidden; not even the researchers who worked with him day and night found out.

Because it was about Lu Yunan, Yu Susu was very serious when she read the novel.

At this moment, I became more and more aware that certain details in the plot were missing.

But at this time, she had no time to dwell on the "missing details."

Gu Ran had already introduced himself, and at Director Wang's greeting, he stood in the guest group.

Director Xiao Wang is also preparing to lead everyone to start the first recording session today!

"The first recording session is..."

Yu Susu had just regained her attention and was about to listen to Director Xiao Wang's mission explanation.

It went dark before my eyes!

Something else suddenly appeared in her mind.


The missing details are "predictive dreams"!

Through the "precognitive dream", Gu Ran saw the future where Lu Yunan destroyed the world.

Through the "precognitive dream", he saw Lu Yunan's specific plan to destroy the world; he was able to deploy in advance, kill Lu Yunan at the critical moment, take away the experimental results, and save the researcher.

And now, she also saw Gu Ran's "precognitive dream".

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