Ch 40

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On the 40th day of their popularity

Over there, director Xiao Wang has begun to announce specific "grouping rules" to solve the absurd scene of "guest melee".


"Dear guests...the grouping of our red and blue teams has nothing to do with the 'trainee brothers and sisters' and the 'real brothers and sisters'."

 "It has a lot to do with the luck of the brothers and sisters in each group."

[Lucky? 】

This time, even the barrage became confused.

"Yes, luck."

"Each group of brothers and sisters draw lots based on luck, and those who draw the same color are one group."

[Good guy! 】

【The program team may have anticipated the famous scene of everyone's melee, so they set up the "drawing groups" rule, right? ]

[Then the question is: Can Little Princess Qi be paired with Little Yu Mama? ]

[I don't know! It's a matter of luck! 】

Barrage and fun.

The guests also agreed and stopped arguing.

"So, what about the lottery? We have to draw lots and form groups, right?"

Qi Yanyan was the first to ask.

Director Xiao Wang waved his hand, and a staff member came on stage holding a lottery tube; each group of brothers and sisters picked one person to draw lots, and the results were soon available.

Qi Yanyan and Yu Susu were still drawn into the same group!

Little Princess Qi is happy!

She completely forgot about her previous unpleasantness.

The barrage was also very happy.

[hhh, what a fate! 】

【Little Princess Qi*Sister Xiao Yu, I'm so proud of you! ]

As Princess Qi and Sister Xiao Yu formed a team, the grouping of other guests also came out -

Red Team: Yu Susu*Lu Yunan, Qi Yanyan*Qi Yun, Han Miaomiao*Han Ye

Blue Team: Gu Ran*Lin Feifei, Lin Ge*Bai Xue, Qin Yanshi*Qin Yueyi

After Director Xiao Wang briefly confirmed the members of the two groups, he waved his hand for the staff to get their equipment.

The guest group had just changed their equipment and started playing the game.

Han Miaomiao, who seemed to be the weakest, was ambushed. The person who ambushed her was Lin Ge.

Lin Ge successfully hit Han Miaomiao's arm with one blow; before he could cheer, he heard a "Bang!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a beautiful broadcast announcement ~

"Blue team Lin Ge has been killed, and the killer was red team Han Ye."

The barrage, guests, and the whole audience were shocked.

"Damn it!"

Lin Ge, the fallen man, yelled angrily.

But I only received a cold-eyed knife from Han Miaomiao's brother...


He shouldn't.

He shouldn't have picked Han Miaomiao first, he should have ambushed another soft persimmon, Yu Susu.

Lin Ge cursed secretly.

But... a soft persimmon?


After Yu Susu blew up the blue team Qin Yueyi's head with a wooden warehouse, he looked at the wooden warehouse in his hand in surprise, and then looked at Qin Yueyi who had become a "killed person."

That's incredible!

She actually hit the enemy in the head!

Yu Susu couldn't believe it herself.

Qin Yueyi had a dark face.

But -

"Who told you to try to attack others from behind?"

"It's your own fault if others kill you, right?"

Yu Susu smiled innocently.

Qin Yueyi became even more angry.

But she had no way to refute: She was preparing to attack Yu Susu from behind just now. Who would have thought that her skills were inferior to others...

"Blue team Qin Yueyi has been killed, and the killer was red team Yu Susu."

The radio announcement rang at this time. .

Then, the 'killed' Qin Yueyi was taken away by the staff.

Lin Ge, who thought Yu Susu was a soft persimmon next door:...

[Pfft hahaha! I really want to die laughing! ]

[Lin Ge and Qin Yueyi both failed in their sneak attacks and were shot in the head. ]

[The blue team is too hot! ]

[However, Han Ye of the red team is a master of survival. I understand that he can successfully counterattack; how did Yu Susu manage to have eyes in the back and a headshot in Yimucang? ! ]

[No matter how she did it, she is our little Yu Niubi anyway! 】

【Xiaoyu Mama rushes to the duck, strives to fly to Xiaolu, and gets the luxurious presidential suite! ! ! 】

Barrage excitement.

And Lu Yunan?

He watched Yu Susu stamp his feet, turn around, and fire, and then watched Qin Yueyi die in battle and be taken away by the staff.

He then smiled and said, "Looks like I don't need to protect you anymore, Mom."

"Yeah, yeah, it turns out I'm so powerful... Damn it."

Yu Susu smiled sheepishly.

【Ah ah ah! My "mother and son cp"! ]

["Mother and Son CP" is in Oita! ! ! 】

The newly popular CP is giving out sweets online, and fans of mother and son CP are in a carnival.

But what makes them even more revelry is yet to come!

With the help of Xiaoyu Mama, Xiao Luer went on a "killing spree" and killed many blue team guests who tried to attack or escape.

Only Gu Ran and Lin Feifei were left in the blue team.

The red team also lost a lot of people during the game - even Han Ye, the boss, was eliminated by Gu Ran.

Only then did everyone realize that Gu Ran and Lin Feifei were unusual.

【Yaoshou! ]

[The blue team members are really good, Mucangfa is great! One Mucang and one headshot! ]

[Who says it's not? Even the survival master Han Ye was eliminated by them! 】

[So, do these two people really have any special background? 】

【Ouch! When they joined halfway before, didn't we guess that they had a strong background! Is it so powerful that even Director Xiao Wang keeps it secret? ! ]

[But I just thought everyone was joking... I didn't expect what you said was true. ]

[Me too...]

There was a lot of discussion on the barrage.

The person they were talking about quickly eliminated Han Miaomiao and temporarily closed the live broadcast room.

[Why did the screen suddenly go black in the live broadcast room between Gu Ran and Lin Feifei? ]

[What are these two big guys going to do? 】

Most netizens were at a loss.

Or are a small number of people secretly guessing——

[Perhaps, they want to discuss the next game strategy? And that game strategy cannot be known to the red team next door through us big-mouthed netizens...]

[That makes sense! 】

The big-mouthed netizens suddenly realized.

But in fact, Gu Ran and Lin Feifei temporarily closed the live broadcast room for other things.

Gu Ran glanced at Lin Feifei and hesitated to speak.

Lin Feifei is looking for Lu Yunan wholeheartedly.

As she moved, she whispered to Gu Ran: "What we are looking for is a USB flash drive with the letter 'Y' engraved on it, right? As long as we find that, we can stop that madman from destroying the world?" Lin Feifei knew about the things in "Predictive Dreams".

To be precise, the entire "Team Zero" members knew about it.

The first episode of "Where Are We Going, Brother" ended, but the official monitoring of Lu Yunan did not end with it. Following orders from their superiors, other members of Team Zero will send Lu Yunan's movements to the relevant departments every day.

Therefore, the authorities also knew that Lu Yunan completed the experiment but did not report the "experimental data" to his instructor immediately.

According to a comprehensive assessment,

Lu Yunan's risk level is as high as 99%.

Therefore, the official announced to the members of "Team Zero" what Lu Yunan had done in the "precognitive dream", and issued the order to "seize experimental data" to Gu Ran and Lin Feifei.

This is also the reason why Lin Feifei's attitude towards Lu Yunan changed drastically and became full of hostility.

Lin Feifei waited for a long time, but did not wait for Gu Ran to answer.

She frowned and turned around: "Captain?"


Gu Ran responded in a low voice.

Lin Feifei got the answer, and with a sharp look in her eyes, she quietly walked forward - not far ahead was where Lu Yunan and Yu Susu were; from Lin Feifei's angle, she could just see them.

She planned to approach quietly, then take the opportunity to knock them out, and look for the USB flash drive on Lu Yunan.

After all, the experimental data in the USB flash drive is very important, and Lu Yunan, a madman who destroyed the world, should carry it with him.

As for the live broadcast bracelets on the wrists of Lu Yunan and Yu Susu?

She has quietly turned on the signal jammer. As long as she is close enough to the other party, the other party's live broadcast room will malfunction; the live broadcast bracelet is nothing to be afraid of.

"Wait a minute -"

Just when Lin Feifei and Gu Ran passed by, Gu Ran suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Lin Feifei was stunned.

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