Ch 24

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But his biological mother died eighteen years ago.

He caused her to die in childbirth...

Lu Yunan thought to himself.

Then he subconsciously looked at Yu Susu's pair of red rabbit eyes - she just yelled those words with this look on her face.

But soon, his pupils shrank and he looked away.

Her face really resembles his mother.

Just now, through the flash of lightning, he almost thought: his mother came to him to make him pay for her life!

Lu Yunan twitched the corners of his lips in a self-deprecating manner, feeling really dizzy and weak.

He simply sat on the floor.

Yu Susu was speechless for a moment.

Only then did she realize her impulse!

Her son was bitten by a snake, so how could she still care about "guessing" and calling her "mom, sister"?

She had to take care of him and hurry up and ask for help...

Yu Susu wiped away her tears again, took off her hair tie with her backhand, and tied it to the upper part of Lu Yunan's wound near his heart. Then she supported him and leaned against the stone wall of the cave.

She rummaged through the cave and found some water to treat his wounds.

After a simple treatment, they cleaned up the surrounding weeds to prevent them from being discovered by the snake when it came back.


Since she didn't have her mobile phone and couldn't use her live broadcast bracelet to call for help, she could only wait for the program team to discover something unusual in their live broadcast room.

Only then did Yu Susu have time to look at Lu Yunan's face through the light of lightning outside the cave.

Lu Yunan's eyelids were drooped and he seemed to be awake; but he didn't say a word or even look up at her the whole time.

There seemed to be something wrong with his current state.


Yu Susu was about to call him her son, but she remembered that the first time she called him "son", he was so angry that he interrupted the live broadcast; and this time...

She paused and changed her name to another one.

"Xiao, Xiao Lu?"

"How do you feel now?"

Lu Yunan lazily raised his eyelids and laughed: "Why don't you call me son? Didn't you just say that you are my biological mother?" 

"... Yes."

"But I'm afraid that you will be angry again"

Yu Susu muttered in a low voice, while carefully looking at Lu Yunan's expression.

Only then did Lu Yunan remember that he had interrupted the live broadcast because she said "son".

It was also at that time that he deduced that Yu Susu was his twin sister who had been living in the countryside since she was a child. She came to see him when she learned about her life experience, but accidentally injured her head and assumed the perspective of her biological mother.

It does sound outrageous and nonsense.

But why did he believe it so easily?

Lu Yunan suddenly fell silent.

Yu Susu didn't know what to say.

Yu Susu and Lu Yunan, a unique pair of "intern brothers and sisters", finally had a chat on the issue of "title" on this unusual rainy night.

But as soon as we started chatting, they showed great tacit understanding!

They all fell into silence.


Yu Susu spoke up again.

"So, what is your outrageous guess? Why will you take care of me as your sister from then on?"

Lu Yunan was silent, but still expressed his guess about his "biological sister".

"Wha, what the hell?!"

"I never gave birth to twins back then!"

Yu Susu looked horrified.

Lu Yunan's lips twitched when he heard this: "So, mother, do you have any better way to explain why you call me 'son'?"


Yu Susu just spoke; Lu Yunan who is not a ghost believer predicted Yu Susu's remarks.

"Don't say you came back from the dead."

Yu Susu felt aggrieved for a moment: "But, I was resurrected eighteen years later... and I came directly to the gate of your school..."

Lu Yunan lazily raised his eyes again, his eyes filled with: "Do you think I can believe it?"

"I think you can believe it!"

Yu Susu nodded sincerely.

Lu Yunan sighed softly: He felt that he and Yu Susu could no longer talk at all today!

He simply closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Yu Susu is still talking.

This time, her voice was still sweet, sweet, and full of sincerity; but her words were full of ironclad evidence! (bu shi~)

"It makes sense, son..."

"Although it's hard to believe that I was resurrected from the dead, your speculation about the 'twin sister' is really full of loopholes." 

"For example: I was... cough, If your mother gave birth to you alone back then, you can wait until the variety show comes out and then go to the hospital where the baby was born to investigate." "The results of the investigation are sure to be fair!" 

"Another example: According to what you said, after living in the countryside for eighteen years, you should have your own life trajectory, family and friends, right?" 

"After you appear in a variety show, if you can find one, I will lose." 

"Another example: You said that I was the substitute because I hit my brain. From the mother's perspective; wait until we have a variety show and do a full-body checkup..."

"Don't you know if I have had a brain injury?" 

"But actually, the easiest way is: after we have a variety show, let me and your dad do a paternity test."

Yu Susu said this.

Lu Yunan, who had closed his eyes and fell asleep, opened his eyes with a "swipe"!

There was some sinister look in his eyes.

Yu Susu's eyelids twitched.

Does the old man think she offended Lu Jinchao? But...she just talked about "paternity test", did she offend him?

Yu Susu was confused.

While she was confused, she subconsciously observed Lu Yunan's expression.

But at this time, Lu Yunan's eyes had lost their sinister look.

Maybe she saw it wrong just now?

"Paternity test..."

She tried out.

"Okay, Lu Jinchao won't agree to this."

Lu Yunan interrupted her temptation.

Then Yu Susu knew: the problem just now was not with her, but with Lu Jinchao!

Didn't you notice that Lu Yunan calls his old father Lu Jinchao by his first name? So how bad is the father-son relationship between Lu Jinchao and Lu Yunan? !

Yu Susu was speechless.

She was speechless while deftly avoiding Lu Jinchao; she found a new and good way to make the big boy believe that she was his "mother".

Her eyes lit up!

"Ahem, if you think the above method is too troublesome, you can also wait until the variety show comes out and check the surveillance at the gate of University A!" 

"Let's see if I appeared out of thin air."


Yu Susu said this too much it was so bizarre that Lu Yunan opened his eyes again.

"Didn't I just say that?"

"I came back from the dead eighteen years later, and I still appeared directly at the gate of your University A."

Yu Susu's face was full of sincerity.jpg

This time, Lu Yunan was a little hesitant—— There was no need or reason for her to lie to him about something that was easy to find out.

So... is she really my mother?

"Son, I am really your biological mother."

At a certain moment, Yu Susu's sincere speech coincided with Lu Yunan's heartfelt voice.

At this moment again!

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, illuminating the night like day!


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