Ch 42

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On the 42nd day of their popularity

Yu Susu and Lu Yunan have already moved into the suite with Shi Shiran!

When they packed up the suite and prepared to go back to their rooms to rest, the sky was already gray.

Some people have a good night's sleep, while others have a sleepless night.

Yu Susu is the one who has insomnia.

She was thinking: How to convince her son to "give up destroying the world" without him discovering anything unusual?

She didn't think of a solution.

The next day, she took part in the lunch mission with two faint dark circles under her eyes.

She was drowsy throughout the entire lunch mission.

Lu Yunan is not very good at the task content.

Not surprisingly, they missed the mission reward.

"In this case, you can only buy lunch from the villagers at your own expense, or go to the back mountain to pick wild vegetables to satisfy your hunger."

Director Xiao Wang helplessly spread his hands.

Buy lunch from the villagers at your own expense?

She came up with a solution!

Yu Susu blinked.

By the second episode of the program, Yu Susu could already recognize most of the villagers in the village.

And she knew:

most of the villagers in this village are hospitable and very simple.

If you go to a villager's home and buy lunch at your own expense, wouldn't you like to let her son see them with your own eyes?

At that time, Lu Yunan will discover: Not everyone in this world is indifferent, selfish, dark and hateful; there are also people who are kind, honest, warm and hospitable...


Starting from this aspect, it is also a way to let her son give up "destroying the world"!

Yu Susu thought of doing it -

she took her son to a villager's house to have a meal.

Lu Yunan didn't have any objections.

Anyway, to him, as long as the two of them are together, it doesn't matter how they eat.

When Yu Susu and Lu Yunan went to a villager's house to buy lunch, they happened to meet Qin Yan who was returning to the villa with the ingredients.

Qin Yanshi inquired about the destination of Yu Susu and the two, and chuckled: "In that case, just take these words and take them with you. Maybe you can exchange more food with the villagers."

Qin Yanshi was surrounded by people. Follow Qin Yueyi, who pretends to be well-behaved.

As soon as Qin Yueyi heard her brother's words, she immediately reacted: "Brother?!"

She screamed softly.


"Didn't you just say that you don't like peaches?"

"Since you don't like peaches, I don't want to eat peaches either. Giving them to Miss Yu is considered waste recycling... isn't it good?"

Qin Yan Shi frowned.

"No, it's fine..."

Qin Yueyi froze, then unconsciously grabbed her brother's clothes and put on a flattering smile.

Qin Yanshi relaxed his eyebrows and handed the peach to Yu Susu.

"Thank you."

Yu Susu accepted it, but she didn't intend to take the fruit for free.

She reached out and took out a banknote and handed it to Qin Yanshi: "These peaches are considered for us to buy, right?"

"That's okay."

Qin Yanshi laughed.

He accepted the money and left with his sister.

But he didn't notice his sister's strange behavior.

Qin Yueyi glanced at Yu Susu with jealousy, then stared at the peach in her hand.

damn it!

Even if she doesn't like peaches, her brother can't give them to Yu Susu!

How dare Yu Susu? !

How dare you take something from her brother's hand...

Qin Yueyi was so jealous that she went crazy.

But -

Yu Susu just took the peach, what can she do?

Yu Susu took Taozi and walked to a villager's house with Lu Yunan.

I bought some fragrant home-cooked dishes at the villagers' houses and left peaches with them. I was also stuffed with a few soft and glutinous white steamed buns by the hospitable villagers.

Yu Susu thanked them obediently.

Lu Yunan also followed the good advice.

But no one knows whether Lu Yunan discovered the good qualities of the villagers because of their hospitality.

No one knows whether Lu Yunan has given up destroying the world.

Except himself.

He doesn't care whether the villagers are warm or not, and he doesn't care what other advantages people have besides their shortcomings such as indifference and selfishness.

The only thing he cares about is Yu Susu.

He couldn't let his mother, who had come back from the dead, die again.

Therefore, he had already made up his mind - after appearing in the variety show, he would give the USB flash drive to his mentor!

He had also long ago made up his mind to give up destroying the world.

Returning home with the lunch she bought from the villagers, Yu Susu quietly observed Lu Yunan along the way; but until they returned to the villa suite, she did not observe whether her son was touched or chose to give up destroying the world.

She ate her lunch absentmindedly.

After lunch, it was time for free activities—the guests always used this time to look for function cards.

But Yu Susu didn't want to go.

She didn't have much time, she had to think of other ways to save her son.

But an uninvited guest came to interrupt her rescue plan.

"Bang bang bang——"

There was a knock on the door of the suite.

Yu Susu opened the door and found that the person knocking on the door was Qin Yueyi.

"Is something wrong?"

She frowned.

"Of course."

Qin Yueyi didn't care about Yu Susu's frown.

Her expression was gentle and innocent: "You guys move, this suite will no longer be yours from today on."


Lu Yunan, who was in the living room, also heard Qin Yueyi's words and walked over in two or three steps.


Qin Yueyi said, shaking the card in her hand - it was the function card she had just obtained through some means.

【No wonder! 】

【Knock on the door of someone's room directly and ask them to move; it turns out that I found the corresponding function card. ]

[Qin Yueyi is really...]

The barrage was speechless.

Then, everyone became worried about Xiao Yu Xiao Lu.

[So they really can only move according to the rules? ]

[Move to a regular room? 】

【Then their efforts in "playing games and dividing rooms" were not in vain? ]

[Isn't it? ]

The entire Internet is expressing deep sympathy and concern for Xiao Yu Xiao Lu.

But only Xiao Yu Xiao Lu...

Lu Yunan took the "swap room" function card with an inexplicable expression, and handed the card to Yu Susu.

Yu Susu smiled.

She took out another function card with her backhand -

"Sorry, it bounced back."

The barrage was confused.

Qin Yueyi was also stunned: "Wha, what?!"


Yu Susu also imitated Qin Yueyi's behavior just now, shook the function card in her hand, and handed the card to her.

That card was obtained by submitting the herbal medicine task after she came down from the cave.

【I go! 】

【Almost forgot about this! ]

[This...isn't it a function card redeemed for the herbal mission? ! 】

The content of the function card obtained from the herbal task is: make any function card invalid and let its owner actively provide a new function card.

[In other words: Now the "Swap Room" card in Qin Yueyi's hand is invalid, and she has to give Yu Susu a new function card? 】

【certainly! ]

[Hahaha, my little Yuma's cards are still amazing! ]

[What are Qin Yueyi waiting for? Hurry up and provide XiaoYu XiaoLu with new function cards! 】

The scene was instantly reversed, and the barrage was hilarious.

Qin Yueyi's face darkened!

She really didn't expect that she would hold back her bad breath in the morning and go to the village all afternoon to look for function cards to take revenge on Yu Susu; in exchange, she would get this result.

Her card is invalid!

She also had to provide Yu Susu with a new function card...

"When did you find the card? Does it have such a heaven-defying function?"

"How is that possible?!"

she said in shock.

"How is it impossible?"

"Miss Qin, since you used the card, you must abide by the rules."

Yu Susu and Lu Yunan said at the same time.

【right! ]

[Miss Qin must abide by the rules! ]

[How is it impossible? Didn't your brother just find a card with similar functions...]

The barrage also complained.

But Qin Yueyi exploded.

Her brother's functional card could at best invalidate other people's cards, but he could not force the other party to compensate him with a new card.

But Yu Susu can.

Could she just accept her defeat and use that function card?

The Villain's Mother Grasps the Redemption Script [MTL]Where stories live. Discover now