Extra 2

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Extra story: 

Yu Susu had a dream.

In the dream, she failed to stop her son from destroying the world in time, but accidentally exposed her identity... Her son watched with great regret as the new weapon turned everything into nothing.

But fortunately, it was just a dream.

Yu Susu thought to herself.

But inexplicably, I smelled a strong smell of blood...

What's going on? !

Could it be that the ending of the story is actually "she failed to stop her son from destroying the world", and "recording a variety show and living a happy life as a family" is the dream?

Yu Susu felt great panic in her heart.

She tried her best to distinguish clearly: which one was a dream.

But every time she tried to distinguish, there would be an inexplicable force stopping her; in the end, the only thing she could accurately capture was the strong smell of blood.

She got it.


the former seems to be real; is the latter just a dream she sketched for herself when she was on the verge of death?

She failed to stop her son from destroying the world.

He even guessed her identity at the last moment...

When he threw the "Nagi" on this land, when everything on this land began to rot and turn white from the point of throwing; everything was over. .

Even after the son threw the "采" weapon, he turned around and saw the freshly released paternity test report.

Even though she was standing on that land at that time, walking towards death together with everyone standing on the land.

She was there.

She could clearly see the pain on the faces of the people around her, as well as Lu Jinchao's shock, Gu Ran's despair again, and Little Princess Qi's cry of pain...

But she had no choice.

Yu Susu could not protect herself.

Her arms and legs were covered with red spots at an extremely fast speed; her body bled and rotted in a very short period of time; she was in so much pain that she couldn't breathe.

She couldn't breathe either.

She had no nose, no ears, and even no eyes; everything about her was dying quickly.

In a matter of seconds, she endured great pain and became nothing more than a skeleton.

She "looked" at her flesh and blood, turned into a puddle of mud.

She "saw" that she was no longer a skeleton or mud.

She was crushed to ashes.

And everything is just because of a small "Nagi" weapon.

She didn't even know if she existed at this moment; but she could still "see" Lu Yunan flying the plane alone and leaving with the remaining weapons.

His plane was flying crookedly and almost hit a tall building in the distance, almost causing a "plane crash".

But he still stumbled away.

He flew the plane all the way to no man's land in the desert.

He glanced at the "paternity test" report with trembling eyes, and saw clearly the result that "confirmed mother and child."

But he thought of his mother's tragic death - this time, he killed Yu Susu with his own hands; he killed his mother who came back from the dead, using the "釪" weapon he developed.

He was self-loathing to the extreme.

He simply let the plane crash into the desert and let the weapons be triggered around him.

He thought: Even if he died a hundred times, he wouldn't be able to compensate her, right? Mom will never forgive him.


"Lu Yunan!"

Yu Susu woke up from her dream.

Then she fell into a warm embrace: "Su, Susu? Have you had a nightmare?"

It was Lu Jinchao.

Is it the Lu Jinchao who was so shocked when he saw his son destroying the world in his dream and when he saw her being killed by his son?

Is it the Lu Jinchao who pounced on her decisively and died with her?


That Lu Jinchao who had been waiting for her for eighteen years in reality?


Lu Jinchao didn't get an answer, so he patted Yu Susu's back to comfort her and turned on the bedside lamp.

Through the dim light, he saw Yu Susu's red eyes...

"It's really a nightmare."

"It's okay, I'm here."

He smiled helplessly and kissed her forehead again.

Then he got out of bed and poured her a glass of warm water.

Yu Susu gradually came back to her senses when her lips touched the warm water.

It turns out that "she failed to stop her son from destroying the world" was the nightmare.

The ending of the story is "the variety show ended, Lu Yunan gave up destroying the world, and their family of three lived happily together."

"It's okay..."

She murmured softly.

Fortunately, it was all a dream, and fortunately she successfully stopped her son.

Fortunately, Lao Lu is still with her...


Lu Jinchao didn't hear Yu Susu's words clearly.

He turned his head and listened carefully.

Yu Susu didn't plan to talk about that terrifying dream anymore. She shook her head.

But inadvertently, her lips brushed against his warm lips.

Lu Jinchao leaned over.

Just as he was about to deepen the shallow kiss...

"Dong! Dong Dong Dong!!!"

There was a rapid knock on the door.

Lu Jinchao's movements paused.

While cursing "you idiot" in his heart, he said hoarsely: "It's okay, your mother had a nightmare." 


Lu Yunan just left outside the door.

Lu Jinchao bullied him again.

His lips had just touched Su Su's lips...

"Dong! Dong Dong Dong!!!"

There was another rapid knock on the door.


The door clicked and opened from one side, revealing Lu Jinchao's dark face.

"Well, didn't you say that my mother had a nightmare?"

"Honey water."

Lu Yunan handed the water cup to Lu Jinchao, then turned and left.

Lu Jinchao's anger suddenly subsided.


He shouldn't have given Susu warm water just now, he should have given her honey water!

He carried the honey water back to his room in distress.

He silently replaced the warm water in Yu Susu's hand with honey water, and then said in a muffled voice: "It's my fault, I should have given you a cup of honey water just now..."

Yu Susu almost choked.

She quickly reached out and took the warm water from his hand; then she raised her head and drank it "gu dong gu dong"!


She didn't forget to smash the honey water that was made for her after drinking it!

After drinking two glasses of water, she found a sense of reality.

At the same time, she always felt that it was a little funny how the three of them were all cautious just now...

She did laugh out loud:

"Don't worry, Lao Lu, I am real!" 

"That's why I won't praise you. It breaks in the palm of your hand and melts in your mouth! You and your son don't need to be so careful."

She herself too!

She did successfully prevent her son from destroying the world, so why is she always so fearful and cautious?

When she said that to Lu Jinchao, she also said the same to herself.


Lu Jinchao himself also laughed.

He had laughed enough.

Then under the dim light, he leaned forward and completed the unfinished kiss just now.

Very nice.

Her resurrection from the dead is real.

Very nice.

Everything in the dream was false. His son did not want to destroy the world, and he did not lose her again.

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