Ch 7

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The seventh day of popularity:

Of course, no matter how crazy the barrage is, Yu Susu x Lu Yunan, who jumps directly to the level, and other guests who are about to go to the "finding ingredients for lunch" level, have to go to their rooms to put their luggage first.

The contrast between the luxurious presidential suite and the simple standard room, top1 and top2, has become increasingly obvious.

Here, Princess Qi was sweating profusely as she directed her brother to stuff her six oversized luggage into the simple and narrow house.

Over there, Yu Susu smiled and said goodbye to the staff who placed the luggage.

Here, survival boss Han Ye called Han Miaomiao to go out to find ingredients while enduring hunger.

Over there, Yu Susu was already lying on the sofa, eating fruit cut by the big boy - that fruit was also among their top gifts.

[Oh, it's our little sister Yu's side, it's extremely comfortable! 】

【A whole lot of fun~】

Netizens are involved and satisfied. They are enjoying the same fruit as Xiaoyu while posting barrages.

But at noon, eating only fruits is not enough to prevent hunger.

Netizens are ordering takeout and extra meals in seconds.

Yu Susu and Lu Yunan put the uneaten fruits in the refrigerator for a while, and then carried vegetables and meat to the villa courtyard to process them.

Just then, they happened to meet the Han Ye brothers and sisters who were going out to look for ingredients.

When Han Ye saw Lu Yunan now, he remembered that his sister had been defeated by a loser.

He was so angry that he turned around and left!

Han Miaomiao hesitated.

Her eyes flickered between Yu Susu and Lu Yunan.

She looked at Lu Yunan and spoke bravely.

"I'm sorry, my brother didn't mean to target you or call you a loser; you were really good in the game just now." 

"He just hates that others hold him back."

"He has a bit of a shadow in this regard."


Lu Yunan ignored her.

It is obvious that he does not accept her behavior of "podding and apologizing on behalf of the person concerned".

Han Miaomiao had no choice but to look at Yu Susu again.

Yu Susu spread her hands helplessly, saying that she was helpless; what's more, she didn't quite accept Han Miaomiao's behavior of "apologising for the person involved in secret".

But she obviously did want Yu Susu to help and persuaded Lu Yunan to accept her apology.

Han Miaomiao apologized seamlessly.

"I'm sorry, my brother didn't mean to be nosy."

"He just saw you and assumed the role of himself back then... He was stabbed in the back by a rookie partner with no survival skills in the finals of a certain survival competition. "

I understand."

"But this does not mean that I accept your 'alternative' apology. After all, this matter has nothing to do with you."

Yu Susu thought for a while and responded to Han Miaomiao.

Not only was Han Miaomiao not discouraged, she even breathed a sigh of relief.


"Although he hasn't gotten over what happened back then, I will be with him; I will definitely make him realize his recklessness and apologize to you two in person!" 

"I can definitely do it ."

Her last words of encouragement were in a very low voice.

She was not talking to Yu Susu and Lu Yunan, but to herself.

Then Yu Susu knew: Han Miaomiao herself was not sure about asking Han Ye to apologize.

So, why did she bother to apologize to them one by one?

Yu Susu blinked, and confusion gradually appeared in her eyes.


I heard Han Ye's irritable voice outside the villa!

"Han Miaomiao?"

"Do you still want to complete the 'finding ingredients task'?!"


Han Miaomiao shouted at Han Ye.

She was very sorry and waved to Yu Susu: "Goodbye now, I have to accompany my brother on a mission."

Yu Susu looked at Han Miaomiao's leaving back and was slightly startled.

Isn't the reason why Han Miaomiao is like this because she firmly believes that she can accompany her brother to come out?

This seems a bit similar to myself currently trying to redeem the villain's son.

So... so she has to accompany her eldest son to make lunch!

Using "accompanying" to warm your son and make him give up "destroying the world" is also a way.

She can save her son!

Yu Susu accidentally got a good idea; then she subconsciously raised her eyes and looked at Lu Yunan.

She smiled obediently and sincerely: "Can we go to the kitchen to cook now?"

Lu Yunan was startled.

Is it his imagination?

Why did junior schoolmate Xiao Yu have a few words with Han Miaomiao, and it was like being injected with chicken blood?

It's not an illusion.

Yu Susu didn't wait for Lu Yunan to answer, and looked at him with increasingly hot eyes.

Lu Yunan could only nod hastily: "Yes."

He took the washed ingredients and walked to the kitchen with Yu Susu.

Kitchen -

Looking at the microwave oven, electric baking pan, fully automatic cooking machine and other high-tech appliances, Yu Susu was dumbfounded.

It's not that she didn't have these in her time; but the Lu family was poor at that time and couldn't afford these high-tech products.

Therefore, she only uses earthen stoves.

How could she, who only knew how to use an earthen stove, happily cook lunch with her elder son? ? ?

Yu Susu was in a dilemma.

Lu Yunan saw her embarrassment.

But this little schoolmate Xiao Yu doesn't even know how to use a live broadcast bracelet. She doesn't even know how to use kitchen appliances?

Or, does she simply not know how to cook?

Lu Yunan thinks it is the latter.

So he hesitated for a moment, then took the lead and took a few steps forward: "Leave lunch to me."


Yu Susu nodded a little dejectedly.

The old man said that he would give all the lunch to him, doesn't it mean that there is no room for her to use here?

Then how can she accompany her son?

How to save her son like Han Miaomiao saved Han Ye?

She was at her wits' end.

But she still followed her son step by step and watched eagerly as her son cooked.

Then, she suddenly realized: How could this not be considered companionship?

She lit up her eyes!

Automatic follow mode is completely turned on!

But I don't know——

[Ahhh! Sister Xiao Yu followed suit, like classmate Xiao Lu's cute pendant! 】

The barrage is so cute~

【I really want to steal the Xiaoyu brand pendant quietly! It just hit my heart! 】

【The people upstairs are so brave! Aren't you afraid that our little Lu will cause trouble for you? They are "intern brothers and sisters"! ]

[What happened to the intern siblings? I'm not afraid! I'm going to have a close relationship with Xiaoyu.]

Everyone started planning.

Lu Yunan on the screen frowned slightly.

Strangely, Lu Yunan clearly didn't even glance at the barrage; all the netizens who were preparing to "organize a group to steal my sister" suddenly felt a chill behind them!


[What's the matter? Brother Xiao Lu is so scary! 】

【No more stealing, no more stealing, I surrender! 】

High praise barrage flashed across.

Lu Yunan's expression really softened a lot.

He turned off the heat and took the pot, while placing the food in the pot on a white porcelain plate. Lunch for two was ready - steak and sandwiches.

But steak and sandwiches, aren't they breakfast?

Yu Susu was stunned.

Then she said weakly: "Perhaps, do you mind if I cook some more vegetables?"

[What? Is my little sister going to cook? ]

[No, it turns out that my sister can cook! Sister Yu, who knows how to cook, is not just a gadget! ! ! ]

A barrage of high praises flashed across, representing Lu Yunan's surprise (exaggerated version).

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