Ch 22

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On the 22nd day of popularity:

He was dubbed as "brother and sister CP", and he showed off his face by the sexy operation of "Mother and Son CP".

After they reacted, they frantically sent gifts to @XiaoYu live broadcast room; all kinds of gifts flying all over the live broadcast room were the few fans who completely crushed the unpopular "mother and son cp".

Those who complain about "mother and son CP" are crying!

But -

soon, they were laughing happily.

Who said that on the screen, Yu Susu opened her eyes and answered such a big question? !

"So, little Yu Mama, what did you ask me to do just now?"

Lu Yunan dropped the sentence as if coaxing his sister, not waiting for Yu Susu's answer at all.

But Yu Susu heard the big boy calling her "Mom" - even though it was under this situation, it was enough to make her excited!

When she got excited, she spoke with bright eyes.

"I asked you to find the function card! It's still early, do you want to come with me and walk around the village while looking for the function card?" Of course!

Xiao Yu's mother's real purpose is the latter! It's her song who is wandering around the village!

Wuwuwu... She has never, as a "mother", walked down the road or taken a walk in the village with her son... 


Lu Yunan bent her eyes and responded meekly.

【Ah ah ah! 】

【I hit it, I hit it! My unpopular "mother and child cp" is so annoying! The real owner has personally certified it! 】

Mother and son CP are having a carnival.

This time, it's the brother and sister's turn to cry!


[I cried.jpg]

[I pretended.jpg]

The army of brothers and sisters turned against each other one after another.

In fact, they also secretly teased the popular "mother and son CP". Who said Xiao Yu x ​​Xiao Lu are walking together in the village? It really feels like a mother and son? !

Xiao Yu said that she and Xiao Lu were looking for "function cards", but after leaving the house, she gave Xiao Lu a handful of change: "Good boy, go buy an ice cream for Mom, and the remaining money will buy you candy~"

" Oh..."

Lu Yunan was very cooperative and played "playing house" with his "sister" Xiao Yu; and after buying ice cream for his "sister", he actually bought a handful of fruit candies.

"Well, this candy tastes pretty good. Do you want to eat it, little Yu?"


Yu Susu answered without hesitation.

After Yu Susu finished a stick of strawberry-flavored ice cream, Lu Yunan had very little candy left in his hand.

But these two people still stayed within a hundred meters of the villa...

They themselves felt a little embarrassed.

Yu Susu cleared her throat guiltily: "Ahem, you're so big. Let's go somewhere farther away and look for a functional card?" 

"Okay Mommy."

Lu Yunan continued to play house with his "sister" .jpg

Then, they really found the function card a little further away!

【Oh? 】

【Isn't this just a pillow for you when you feel sleepy? 】

Barrage and fun.

"But why do I need to complete the task to get this function card?"

Yu Susu asked the staff in confusion.

The staff are the ones who guard the function cards and issue tasks!

He smiled politely and handed over a photo.


"Guests must go to the back mountain and collect the corresponding herbs in this photo to be eligible to get the function card."

Yu Susu took the photo and was almost rushed over before she could check it out. The figure bumped into him!

"Be careful-"

Fortunately, Lu Yunan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and protected her behind him.

This time, he completely stopped the "playing house" game with his "sister" - the person who almost bumped into Yu Susu was Sun Xun.

Sun Xun had a unilateral enmity with Lu Yunan because he was "kicked out of the experiment", and later he misunderstood that he was "entering a variety show to fund the experiment", and the "Oolong finished dish" incident made him laugh... Lu Yunan doesn't want to deal with this kind of person anymore entangled.


Senior Xiao Lu is not afraid of Sun Xun, but simply thinks Sun Xun is annoying and wants to kill him when he sees him.

But now, there is a sister here!

The last time he tried to take the opportunity to kill Lin Ge, he was stopped by his sister by mistake; this time he didn't want a similar incident to happen again.

Therefore, he simply stopped plotting murder in front of his sister.

Senior Xiao Lu is going to take Sister Xiao Yu away.

Sister Xiao Yu is still holding a "little photo of herbal medicine"!

She subconsciously looked up at him: "What?"

"Sister, be good."

"I can't play 'house' with you now."

"Go back first, okay?"

Lu Yunan looked down at Yu Susu.

His expression was extremely gentle, but his eyes were so calm and so calm that he could not be criticized!

Yu Susu woke up instantly.

Play house?

It turns out that what she thought was "taking a walk with her son as a mother"; to Lu Yunan, it was just "accompanying his sister" to play house?

But...that's right.

At present, her good son only relies on that bizarre "guessing" to get along with her; but he doesn't know what that "guessing" is exactly!

Now is definitely not the time to cultivate a "mother-child relationship" with her eldest son.

She had to find a way to find out: What was that "guess"!

Perhaps, knowing what the "guess" is, she can find other ways to make him give up "destroying the world"?

But...not now.

Yu Susu looked solemn.

Because over there, Sun Xun heard extremely strange names between them.

I'm laughing (going crazy)!


"'Sister', 'Son'? What kind of drama are you doing, Senior Lu?!" 

"Senior, you are the son of Sister Xiao Yu, so you will make a big loss, right?"

Sun Xun said nothing. He chuckled politely.

"...I want you to take care of it."

Lu Yunan sneered back, turned around and left with Yu Susu.

Sun Xun suffered defeats under Lu Yunan x Yu Susu one after another. He finally managed to ridicule them, but even gave up looking for the function card for the time being -

even though he also saw the task of "picking herbs and getting function cards" not far away. point.

He has been holding back his anger for a long time!


"Senior, why are you leaving now?"

"You don't want the function card anymore?"

"The drama of you treating me as my sister and me treating you as your son is no longer going on?" 

"It's not your fault for being so quick. What about your personality?"

 "Or are you used to being a cheap son to others?" "Do you want to be a son to me too? Maybe I will give you the function card when I am happy..."


There was a crisp sound ring.

After the sound, everything was silent.

Yu Susu's ears finally became much clearer.

Only then did she smile with great satisfaction and put down her hand - humph, this is the result of insulting her son in front of his own mother.

Netizens on the live broadcast side were also shocked. jpg, and tremblingly clicked on the barrage.

【I go! ]

[I, if I read it correctly, did Xiao Yu give Sun Xun a slap in the face just now? 】

【That's right...】

As soon as these words came out, everyone reacted one after another!

[This slap in the face is a good one! ]

[Who told Sun Xun that he was a bad mouth and wanted to take advantage of Xiao Lu? ! ]

[Do you really think anyone can call Xiao Lu "son"? Let's see if his little Yu Mama agrees first! ]

[But now it seems that not only did Xiaoyu Mama not agree, but she was also very angry! ]

[Hahaha, so angry! @Sunxun If you treat me as a son, I, Xiaoyu and Xiaolu, will find it unlucky! It's better not to leave it here...]

Everyone's thousands of words finally converged into one sentence.

[@Sunxun, don't brag, stand down. 】

The Villain's Mother Grasps the Redemption Script [MTL]Where stories live. Discover now