Ch 12

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On the twelfth day of popularity:

Yu Susu's chicken feeding task was completed without Qin Yanshi's help.

Qin Yueyi was embarrassed because she "prevented her brother from helping"...

but netizens fell into a carnival!

【Oh haha! 】

【My sister completed the task of feeding chickens so quickly, it's really hot! ]

[Then can I complete other tasks in seconds while squatting? ]

[Squat, squat, squat! I have long wanted to see the other guests get slapped in the face. Who told them to just watch my sister's excitement while they were sarcastic? ]

[I still remember Han Ye's "I'm the best" look, haha, my sister! ]

[Who else...have you seen enough of Lin Ge's show? Sister Xiao Yu, will you show me something more exciting later? ]

[Hmph, didn't Sun Xun say that Xiao Yu "deserves" being assigned so many tasks? The reward for completing the mission should be quite "deserved", right? ]


While netizens were talking about it, Yu Susu had already rushed to other places to start other tasks.

Lu Yunan followed step by step without revealing the fact that she "had briefly left the team"!

After they arrived, they learned that the places where weeding rice fields, herding sheep, and milking cows were very close.

Therefore, several other groups who were completing tasks of weeding rice fields, herding sheep, and milking cows discovered Yu Susu and Lu Yunan.

A moment!

The expressions in those groups are wonderful!

Lin Ge was naturally herding sheep and watching the show.

Sun Xun, while milking the cow, sneered in Lu Yunan's direction.

Han Ye and his sister were busy weeding in the rice fields, not even bothering to give Yu Susu a look.

Only Qi Yanyan glanced at Yu Susu with concern; the next second she was overwhelmed by the milking task she had organized!

The truth is that you can't even protect yourself.

"Shall we weed first?"

Lu Yunan suddenly spoke up, holding two pairs of gloves in his hand.

Obviously, he just left the team briefly to buy this - even if he is not good at farm work, he can still play support and lead the team, right?

Yu Susu was stunned, but nodded calmly: "Okay."

Now that they had decided to remove the weeds, they quickly put on their gloves and entered the rice fields!

For weeding, you only need to distinguish between rice and weeds. Yu Susu briefly taught Lu Yunan, and he immediately understood the distinction.

Moreover, he played very well as a support player.

Yu Susu feels a lot more relaxed here!

Finally, they passed by Han Miaomiao next door, and surpassed Han Ye in one go; they quickly headed towards the finish line!

Boss Han Ye froze when he saw it.

What, what's going on?

Shouldn't he be the strongest here?

But now... he has been overtaken by two useless snacks, Yu Susu and Lu Yunan?

So who is he who is overtaken by "trash snacks"? !

Han Ye's entire body was petrified in the rice field.

Yu Susu and Lu Yunan, who had quickly finished weeding the rice fields, had already packed up and went to milk the cows next door.

To milk cows, you need to put on professional work clothes and keep in mind various precautions.

Even Sun Xun himself had to go through a long period of training before he could start actual operations; he didn't take these two people to heart at all.

However, he never thought:

Although Lu Yunan has never been exposed to this, he is a genius student and learns the precautions very quickly.

Not to mention Yu Susu, she didn't even need to learn how to operate it.

The two of them completed the task quickly again.

They carried two buckets full of milk and submitted the task; Sun Xun and Liao Yun were still sweating while working.


Sun Xun panicked and made a mistake.

The cow howled and almost kicked Sun Xun to pieces!

Seeing Han Ye petrified and Sun Xun almost half-disabled, the barrage was going crazy with laughter.

Of course, they laughed at those two people from the bottom of their hearts; in front of them, they were all praising Sister Wuli, Xiao Yu x  Senior Xiao Lu!

【pretty! My little sister Yu is still awesome! 】

【In addition to being able to feed grass and chickens, I can also remember such complicated milking precautions... I can easily take my little senior Lu away! ]

[Senior Xiao Lu is also pretty good! There was no hindrance at all, and she gave Sister Xiao Yu a beautiful assist! 】


Sister Xiao Yu also completed the task of herding sheep.

Herding sheep is a very labor-intensive task; if the sheep are not careful, they will deviate from the established route; then the shepherd will need to personally bring them back on track.

But our little sister Yu was herding sheep and prevented the sheep from straying from the route from the beginning!

She was carrying a small whip and riding on the back of a strong ram; but that sheep was the leader of the entire flock.

Once you find the first sheep, the whole flock will be very easy to manage.

She directed the leading sheep to climb up the hillside not far away, and watched the sheep gnawing grass and leaves leisurely on the hillside; she even had time to watch Lin Ge's show.

"Huh? Mr. Lin, has your sheep strayed from the route?"

"Oops! Why is there another one that has sneaked into our side?"

"Pay attention, there is another sheep that has been lagging behind! Be careful if you lose a sheep, the program team will look for you. Pay it out of your own pocket and accompany the farmers to make money."

"... Damn it!"

Lin Ge was furious and helpless.

【Huh? Even now, Mr. Lin's mouth still smells bad. 】

【Is Mr. Lin satisfied with today's scene? You should be satisfied, after all, this is performed by you yourself! ]

[Our, Xiao Yu Xiao Lu, are also very satisfied~]

A barrage of high praises passed by.

Netizens are all very angry!

Lin Ge's fellow was already dead~ (bu shi)

But Yu Susu estimated the time and called the lambs to return to the circle and submit the task.

When Yu Susu submitted the task, other groups were still finishing the work!

That's called chaos.

Director Xiao Wang had already stamped Yu Susu on time.

"Okay, then the first ones to complete the task are our juniors Xiao Yu and senior Xiao Lu."

 "Even though there is a lot of farm work, they did it quickly and well; they are the top 1 in our afternoon activities!" 

"Then as top 1 , they naturally have generous rewards."

"This reward is: the deluxe version of dinner provided by the program team!"

"Deluxe version of dinner?"

"Did the program team directly provide the finished dishes?"

Over there, Princess Qi listened for awhile and asked weakly.

She wants the finished dish too! She doesn't want to eat her brother's dark cuisine!


Director Xiao Wang confirmed her words and added another sentence.

"Other guests, please continue to work hard. Our free dinner is only provided to the three groups that submit the task first." 

"Ah? There is no free dinner for the next three groups?"

Princess Qi's face fell instantly.


The cow that belonged to her immediately let out a dissatisfied cry and flicked its tail!

Qi Yanyan came back to her senses instantly and concentrated on her work!

Her face turned pale with fright!

After all, she still remembers Sun Xun's miserable appearance.

"Don't be nervous, hold on tight..."

"Your current progress is not slow, and you still have hope to enter the top three and get a free dinner."

From the side, the sweet and sweet voice of Sister Xiao Yu came.

Qi Yanyan was stunned for a moment before she realized: Oh my God! Sister Xiao Yu was actually comforting her! She believed it!

She immediately adjusted herself.

She really took the top three spots just a few seconds ahead of her neighbor Sun Xun!

When director Xiao Wang announced the results, Qi Yanyan was so happy that she couldn't even forget to give sister Xiao Yu a big bear hug!

【very nice! 】

【Our sister Xiao Yu not only took Lu Yunan away and got top 1+ luxury dinner (finished dish version); she also cheered little Princess Qi and helped her get an ordinary dinner~】 

【What kind of almighty ACE is she! 】

Everyone loves it one after another!

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