Ch 10

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On the tenth day after becoming famous:

Yu Susu ate slowly.

She waited secretly for a long time, but Lu Yunan didn't test her again; she was inevitably a little disappointed.



She hoped that good son would discover her abnormality and deduce her true identity; but she was also worried that he would stay away from her after he surmised it.

After all, who would believe in resurrection?

What's more: she was directly resurrected 18 years later.

She sighed sadly.

In order to comfort herself, she took a bite of crispy shrimp - Wow, food is indeed the most healing food, and she was immediately revived with full blood!

She has to work hard!

She is not here to wait for her son to find out, but to prevent her son from destroying the world, to lead him out of his destiny as a villain, and to embrace a better life!


Yu Susu thought about everything and gnawed fiercely on a piece of braised pork ribs!


She is more motivated~

[Wow, click, click! Sister Xiaoyu eats deliciously! ]

[She is so cute! ]

[I confirmed it! This is a cute piece that is sure to be eaten with rice! ]

A barrage of high praises floated by, and Sister Xiaoyu gained another wave of fans.

This wave of new fans excitedly praised, sent gifts, followed the live broadcast room, and even forgot to jump to the scarf-but they suddenly discovered: Sister Xiao Yu doesn't have a scarf!

【What's the matter? My sister doesn't have a scarf? ]

[@Program team, please, help my sister get a scarf! She is so cute, she can't live without a scarf! 】

【Ten thousand people's blood book! Thousands of people wrote in blood! ! ! 】

Old fans also remembered this.

Netizens' once again "joint blood letter" finally reached the eyes of the director team.

They quickly agreed——

[Program team: We are contacting Sister Xiaoyu~ Don't worry~]

Everyone is contentedly waiting to squat on Sister Xiaoyu's scarf!

And Sister Xiao Yu herself?

After finishing lunch and about to take a lunch break, I got the suggestion from the program team to "put on a scarf."

She blinked in confusion and opened Weibo with the help of the staff.

But because of the show crew's "keep your cell phone away" rule, I didn't surf on the scarf for a few minutes...

but hurriedly said hello to the fans and then went offline.

But this is enough to stabilize the hearts of new and old fans!

Fans are paying attention.

In just one noon, @XiaoYu.yususu's account gained 100,000 followers, and it continues to gain followers.

And Yu Susu finally finished her lunch break and was about to start recording the next part.

"What's the next part?"

She didn't stay in the luxurious presidential suite, nor had a delicious lunch. She only relied on her brother's dark cuisine to satisfy her hunger. Little Princess Qi's tone at this time was very bad.

"The next part is related to the lunch you just had."

"How much ingredients you use in your lunch depends on how much farm work you have to help the villagers do." "

After all, the ingredients given to you by the program team are all provided by the villagers! "

Director Xiao Wang smiled.


"Doesn't that mean that whoever eats less at noon will have less work to do in the afternoon?"

Qi Yanyan's eyes lit up and her face turned gloomy.

"That's the truth."

Director Xiao Wang Lao Shenzai nodded, confirming her words.


Other guests also performed a "face change" on the spot!

Who said that most of them worked hard to participate in the lunch mission, but just barely found a few "waste snacks" with a few ingredients to fill their stomachs?

Who is the group called Yu Susu x Lu Yunan, who eats the most luxurious food and cooks in earthen stoves to satisfy everyone?

Who told Han Ye and Han Miaomiao to crush everyone in the audience, win the most ingredients, and call everyone "waste"?

This time, everyone can wait to see the good show of these two groups.

But... some people are still worried that this show is not exciting enough.

For example, Lin Ge.

He cursed "tmd" secretly, smiled mischievously, and asked the director: "So, do you who got a small gift from the top one of the program team before, still need to participate in this session?" "Of course I will." Director Xiao Wang's lips twitched

- —They can't let Xiao Yu x Xiao Lu jump through two levels in a row, right? So what else does Xiao Yu x Xiao Lu have to do?

Lin Ge smiled more and more crazily: "Oh, well, I'll just wait and see the good show!"

After all, the top gifts from the Yu Susu group contained an unusually rich amount of ingredients, which should be indispensable if they can be exchanged for farm work.

For example, Sun Xun.

He heard the conversation between Lin Ge and Director Xiao Wang, hid in the corner, and raised the corners of his lips crazily!

He whispered again.

"You deserve it!"

Obviously, he still remembered the previous grudge.

Seeing everyone waiting to see the show, Qi Yanyan couldn't bear it.

She glanced at sister Xiao Yu's white and smooth palms.

"Hey, do you want my help? If you think about it this way, you will have to do a lot of farm work in the afternoon." 

"Your hands must not be able to bear it, right?"

"Help? Little Princess Qi, too Can you do farm work?"

Yu Susu blinked curiously.


Successfully choked Qi Yanyan's question.

Then Yu Susu knew: she couldn't.

She won't.

But she still wants to help!

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ]

[Suddenly I feel that Little Princess Qi x Sister Xiao Yu is also a bit annoying~]

[The arrogant little princess is even willing to do farm work for Sister Xiao Yu! I'm all worried about my sister's hands! How could it be difficult to knock? 】

High praise barrages passed by.

Qi Yanyan caught it with her peripheral vision!

Her earlobes suddenly turned red, and she glanced at Yu Susu with an inexplicable guilty conscience.

"Don't just knead and feed me everything."

[Kowling one bite at a time will make my baby's nutrition more balanced! 】

【Wow, click, click, it's even better, how can I break it? 】

And the other CP, Yu Susu; had already gone forward with Lu Yunan to get the task from Director Xiao Wang...

They got the task successfully.

Han Ye and Han Miaomiao also received tasks.

Han Ye heard the words of the other guests, but he didn't care at all that everyone was watching his excitement -

he was different from those useless snacks! He gets the job done with ease! He is a big boss who has experienced countless survival challenges. How can he be stumped by this little farm work?

What he cared about was another thing.

Just now, when Qi Yanyan tried to help, she mentioned Yu Susu's hand.

At this moment, Han Ye glanced at her hands without any trace - Yu Susu's hands were white and smooth, without any calluses left by work.

Obviously, she is also someone who cannot carry it on her shoulders or lift it with her hands.

But - why did he mistakenly think that she was similar to him when he saw that she had sufficient knowledge?

Han Ye frowned and finally labeled Yu Susu as a "waste snack".

No wonder she had to drag Lu Yunan with her before.

It turns out to be a heap of rubbish!

With this thought in mind, he looked at Yu Susu again, and his previous "angry attitude" disappeared.


He sneered at her and left calmly.

Han Miaomiao was left behind, messy in the wind - Yaoshou! This time, her brother, after offending (despising) all the guests on the show, came back to kill them.

"Hug, sorry."

She smiled apologetically at Yu Susu and hurriedly chased Han Ye.

At the same time, she swore in her heart:

when her brother came out, she would hold him and apologize to everyone!

Kneel down and apologize! ! !

"I know."

I know, but I still don't accept the "alternative" apology~

Yu Susu murmured in a low voice, which was a response to Han Miaomiao's words.

Next, she has to do farm work with her elder brother.

The farm work they received included but was not limited to: weeding rice fields, feeding chickens, herding sheep, milking cows...

Such a big boy. Lu Yunan hesitated for a while, but still said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I don't know how to do any of these."

[ I go! ]

[This means that in this part, Senior Xiao Lu really has to rely entirely on Sister Xiao Yu to guide him? ? ? 】

【How difficult is it for my little sister Yu to be watched by the whole audience and hugged by her teammates? ! ]

[My sister is so miserable! 】

The barrages all sympathized with Sister Xiao Yu.

"If you don't mind, I can help; my tasks are not many..."

A gentle male voice came from the screen.

Everyone looked sideways.

Only then did I realize——

[This person is the movie king Qin Yanshi? ]

[Best actor Qin actually takes the initiative to help sister Xiao Yu? He comes from the countryside and knows how to do farm work! ! ! 】

【That's great! My sister has received a lot of help! 】

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