Ch 16

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The 16th day of popularity:

[Who says it's not the case? Just now, the malice in Lin Ge's eyes almost overflowed! ]

[But now it's completely turned off, hahaha! 】

The barrage lit up the full-level skill points and laughed at Lin; while looking at the screen.

On the screen -

Aunt Wang spoke again: "Since Xiao Yu Xiaolu is the number one in my heart, then I naturally have to give some rewards, Director Xiao Wang?"

Although it was Director Wang who asked, Aunt Wang had already given the package in her hand and handed it  directly to Xiao Yu and Xiao Lu.

"Come on, come on, be careful with the vegetables and fruits you grow at home." 


Suddenly there was another bag of things in Yu Susu's hand, and she was stunned!

She subconsciously looked at Director Xiao Wang.

Uncle Wang next to him also started to help: "Yes, yes, our fruits and vegetables are not valuable; just accept them both!" "Take them, accept them!" 

"If you don't accept them, Aunt Wang will be unhappy!"

Aunt Wang took out her trump card.

"Then, let's take it first."

"Xiao Lu, thank Aunt Wang quickly..."

Yu Susu immediately reflexively spoke out.

Lu Yunan glanced at Yu Susu, and copied and pasted her cute face perfectly: "Thank you, Aunt Wang."

"This is a good boy!"

Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang were so happy that they didn't forget to take the best photo with their mobile phone. A rice field - they were going to take it home and show it off to their neighbors.

What kind of show is this? The two most beautiful children, planted rice for them!

This man grows well and grows rice well!


Director Xiao Wang looked at Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang who were full of emotions and choked on his words.

"Then director, these fruits and vegetables?"

Yu Susu asked very sensibly, not forgetting to glance at the other guests.

The other guests did not expect that things would progress like this, and they were petrified on the spot!

Except of course Lin Ge.

Lin Ge was petrified on the spot, out of envy and sour lemon.

But even if he sours the lemon, it will be in vain.

Because even Director Xiao Wang waved his hands very tiredly: "Since Aunt Wang gave it to you, you can keep it."

Who told them to provide the recording venue?

This little bit of face still has to be given.

Lin Ge's lemon became even more sour.

Yu Susu nodded obediently.

Looking at the good old man Lu Yunan again, the excitement in his eyes could no longer be suppressed~

After all -

they not only got the fruits and vegetables sent by Aunt Wang, but also got the wool from the program group... No, they also got free money from the program group. Lunch ingredients.

Together, these two items are no less luxurious than the top-notch Han Ye's luxurious lunch ingredients next door.

And the reason why they get extra fruits and vegetables from Aunt Wang is because the rice planted by them is so good!

Later, Lu Yunan planted more than half of the rice in the rice fields they formed; Yu Susu's wrists were red and swollen, so she could only work as a laborer delivering seedlings.

"Son! You are so awesome! Even Aunt Wang personally delivered fruits and vegetables and praised the rice you grew!"

Thinking of this, Yu Susu sighed more and more sincerely.


Lu Yunan's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Netizens were also stunned.

【Son? ! ]

[Xiao Lu: What a guy! I treat you as my "sister" and you treat me as  a "son"? 】

【There is a huge difference in seniority! 】

But when everyone thought about it carefully, they felt inexplicably——

【Xiao Yu calls Xiao Lu "son", and it seems that he doesn't have cat cakes either! 】

[Xiao Lu's rice planting techniques were all passed down from Xiao Yu Mama himself! ]

[Also, in the past, feeding chickens, weeding, herding sheep, and milking cows... weren't they all led by Wuli Xiao Yu Mama and assisted by Xiao Lu'er? ! 】

【That makes sense! Our little Yu Xiao Lu, this family relationship between mother and son is so embarrassing! ]

[Who said that? I think brother and sister CP is yyds! ]

[My learning ability is max but I'm a novice. My brother and encyclopedia are crispy. Sister, isn't it delicious? ]

[Senior Xiao Lu warmly handed medicine to senior Xiao Yu yesterday! 】

【 seems like brother and sister can have CP too! 】

Netizens repeatedly jumped between the mother-son CP and the brother-sister CP, but in the end they could not firmly choose one side!

On the contrary, he directly contributed a hot search term #brothersisterormotherson# to Xiao Yu Xiaolu.

The passers-by who were attracted to the entry almost laughed out loud!

【Laughing to death! Brother and sister or mother and son, I can't tell the difference~]

Overseas, a branch of Lu Group—

Secretary Liu saw the hot search terms and knocked on the door of the president's office with a complicated expression: "Mr. Lu."

"Is something wrong?"

Office Here, Mr. Lu Jinchao was forced to interrupt the international meeting and frowned slightly.

Secretary Liu then remembered: Mr. Lu has a very important meeting to hold today.

However, what he is about to say is also very important!

He hesitated to speak.

Lu Jinchao then looked at the screen, said a few words to his domestic subordinates who were waiting for instructions from his workaholic boss, and hurriedly ended the meeting.

Seeing the boss's attitude of "you'd better be in trouble", Secretary Liu broke out in a cold sweat.

He hurriedly blurted out everything he wanted to say: "Mr. Lu, the young master recently participated in a variety show and was trending. There was also a girl named Yu Susu who was trending with him."

Lu Jinchao's heart skipped a beat.

His eyes had unconsciously moved to the photo frame on the table - in the photo frame, there was an old photo of a girl with a sense of time.

That girl's name is Yu Susu.

"That Yu Susu was in a variety show with the young master for a CP."

"But it's not a conventional love relationship: brother and sister, mother and son..."

"Mother and son?"

Lu Jinzhao suddenly said.

His tone was unclear, but it instantly made Secretary Liu's palms tremble!

"Yes, it's the mother-son CP, fake."

He subconsciously glanced at the CEO's desk.

Who in the entire CEO's office doesn't know that Mr. Lu always brings old photos of his late wife with him when he goes on business trips?

Who doesn't know that "Mrs. Lu" is Mr. Lu's unspeakable treasure?

But now, Yu Susu is speculating on CP with the young master!

What is also being speculated about is "mother and son cp", which is a direct hit on Mr. Lu's wooden warehouse!

Secretary Liu hurriedly added: "Mr. Lu, should I deal with this matter now?"

What Secretary Liu meant by "handling".

It's nothing more than removing the hot search first and then sending a lawyer's letter to Yu Susu - this is Lu's usual public relations method.

Thinking of Yu Susu, Lu Jinchao made a strange noise.

"Wait a minute -"

"Let me take a look at the hot search terms."


Secretary Liu quickly handed the iPad in his hand to Mr. Lu.

Lu Jinzhao saw the top-ranked video in the entry at a glance; that video was the cut where Yu Susu called Lu Yunan "son"!

Mr. Lu saw Yu Susu's face clearly in the video.

His brain is roaring!

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu?"

After a long while, Secretary Liu, who had not received Mr. Lu's instructions, hesitated on the spot: So now, does he still want to "process" that hot search term?

"No, let's check her identity."

Lu Jinchao said in a low voice.


Secretary Liu responded and stepped back.

Mr. Lu looked at the old photo on the corner of the table again.

Emotions surged in his eyes.

Susu, are you back?

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