Ch 27

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The twenty-seventh day of popularity:

It is a pity, even if you pay with your life, you can't get mother back.

In that old photo, his mother smiles so sweetly, beautifully, and innocently. She should look like an angel!

Just, just, he seemed to have seen her red eyes just now?


It's because he hasn't completed his goal of destroying the world and failed to bring everyone to pay for her life as promised; is she sad?

That won't work...

Lu Yunan thought drowsily.

He struggled again, trying to open his eyes and look at his mother again, but he couldn't open his eyes despite all his efforts.

"Be good, don't move."

Yu Susu calmed down her emotions subconsciously and comforted Lu Yunan with a gentle voice.

Those things that were said by the son through "babble": about the "old photos", about the past, about some of the reasons why the son "destroyed the world", the various moods and thoughts of the son...all were captured by Yu Susu together with his own mottled emotions , put it in the bottom of my heart.

She couldn't and didn't dare think about it at this time.

Because she knew very well that these were just the tip of the iceberg of the difficult situations Lu Yunan had suffered in the past sixteen years.

What she has to do now is take her son down the mountain.

How should I take my son down the mountain?

Gu Ran, who went to contact the program team outside the cave, did he get any news?

Yu Susu is full of questions.

When she was filled with questions, she saw Gu Ran's figure.

She whispered to her son again: "Since Gu Ran has re-entered the cave, he should have contacted the show team."

Lu Yunan's response to her was just the vague murmur of being trapped in a nightmare.

But it was Gu Ran over there -

he walked in from the entrance of the cave and confirmed her words.

"Yes, we can go down the mountain."

"The director team has also learned about Lu Yunan's condition and has sent medical staff to the mountain. We are setting off now and should be able to join them soon."

He said in a few words the news he had received.


Yu Susu nodded and hurriedly bent down to help her son up.

Gu Ran paused and saw that Yu Susu was struggling, so he came to help.

They supported the confused Lu Yunan and walked down the mountain for a while, and finally met up with the medical staff who went up the mountain...

They were finally rescued!

Lu Yunan was injured and had a high fever, so he was sent to a nearby hospital.

Yu Susu and Gu Ran were fine.

Yu Susu returned to the villa, changed into clean clothes and brought new live broadcast equipment, and was approached by two directors Wang to ask about the situation.

But in fact -

even if they don't come to Yu Susu, Yu Susu will still go to them!

Wasn't the reason why she and Lu Yunan were trapped in the cave precisely because someone had evil intentions and tampered with the road signs?

What's more... they have worked hard to find all the herbs; there is no reason to let go of that "function card".

"What, what function card?"

Director Wang looked at the row of herbs with a fresh earthy smell on the table, his face full of confusion.

"It's a mission to collect herbs and get function cards!"

"Our mission is completed. You don't want to default on the bill, do you?"

Yu Susu was suspicious.

Wang Ye then slapped the table: "Hey, it is for you!"

At this time, how come Xiao Yu still remembers the "mission"?

Director Xiao Wang's complaints did not reach Yu Susu's ears.

She just collected the card seriously and then looked at Director Xiao Wang again: "That's right." 

"You just asked: How did Lu Yunan and I get trapped on the mountain?"

"Most likely it's because Sun Xun moved the street sign."

"Wha, what?!"

Director Xiao Wang was surprised again.

God knows!

How serious Yu Susu's accusation is to Sun Xun and the program team!

"Student Xiao Yu can't say that without any evidence..."

Director Xiao Wang reminded weakly.

"Okay Wang Ye."

Old Director Wang interrupted him decisively.

Director Wang Chuan looked away from the barrage and put on an apologetic smile.

He looked past Wang Ye and towards Xiao Yu.

"I'm sorry. It was the program team's fault that you and Mr. Xiao Lu were trapped on the mountain. The program team will bear Mr. Xiao Lu's medical expenses and compensate them for their mental losses." 

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