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The day after he became famous, Lu Yunan instantly agreed to participate in a variety show with Yu Susu. Liang Fan only felt his face hurt.

"After seeing you for a long time, he actually agreed..."

"Is he really willing to delay his experiment to enter a variety show because he looks similar to his schoolmate?"

Liang Fan murmured in a low voice, not forgetting to look at Lu Yunan's face secretly. He almost thought that Yu Nan was possessed by something dirty!

But what Lu Yunan just said was just impulsive; after he said that, he secretly regretted it.

He regretted it, but still had to put on a harmless smile.

"Senior, don't spread rumors."

"I only agreed to join the variety show because of the experimental funds."


Liang Fan answered perfunctorily.

At the same time, he secretly poked at the bottom of his heart and talked back to Lu Yunan: Junior brother, do you think I believe it?

Regardless of whether Liang Fan believes it or not, Yu Susu believes it!

Although she was surprised, she still seized the opportunity and asked Lu Yunan to contact the person who distributed the flyers and sign up.

Only then did they know that the person was Wang Ye, the chief director of "Where Are We Going, Brother?"

Wang introduced the show to them.

This brother-sister variety show has recruited a total of 6 groups of guests.

Three of the groups are "real brothers and sisters" and the other three groups are "practice brothers and sisters."

Real brothers and sisters must be blood related, and sign a full-season contract, and their wages are settled quarterly; while intern brothers and sisters have no blood relationship requirements, they sign a one-term contract, and their wages are settled on a regular basis.

What they signed was a "brother and sister internship" contract.

In Lu Yunan's view, this doesn't matter - anyway, the reason he gave for "entering variety shows" is to earn experimental funds, and he can earn whatever he wants.

But after hanging up the registration phone, Lu Yunan asked doubtfully: "Since we are signing up for the 'internship brothers and sisters' group, why do you still have to consider the appearance issue?" 

"Yes!" "It is normal for internship brothers and sisters to not look alike. Right?!"

Liang Fan also reacted.

Yu Susu blinked blankly, as if she understood it later than them: "That's right." 


The two people were stunned.

Yu Susu smiled innocently and drooped her eyes; she also hid the flash of cunning in her eyes.

What a joke, if she didn't specifically cue her similar appearance, how could such a big boy agree to be in a variety show with her?

He is a ruthless person who is addicted to experiments and does not want to be distracted by "earning experimental funds"!

As for how she learned about the "cue appearance" and how she could effectively control Lu Yunan?

Of course she saw it!

When he looked at her, his obedient smile concealed complicated emotions.

 In the novel, as the villain, he was able to survive those dark years by holding on to her old photos.

Villains, before becoming villains, will always go through all kinds of inhuman torture.

Unfortunately, there are only a few words in the novel about the torture the villain goes through.

Yu Susu didn't know how to get rid of her son's idea of ​​"destroying the world" after abducting him into a variety show. But it is always right to establish a good relationship with him and cultivate feelings first...

And as Mom, she can do these things purely by instinct!

There is nothing square about her.


The large-scale brother-sister variety show "Where Are We Going, Brother", led by new director Wang Ye and assisted by famous director Wang Chuan, quickly found 6 groups of guests.

The variety show was officially announced online and the first live broadcast will be held on that day.

As soon as the live broadcast started, "Where Are We Going, Brother" became extremely popular, became a hot search, and firmly ranked in the top 1!

Only then did everyone suddenly realize——

[Wang Chuan? Director Wang is a famous director who has won the World Gold Award! This variety show is so bold to use him as a supporting actor! ]

[Chief director Wang Ye? Who is this? Never heard of it! 】

【Yeah? Director Wang smashed it...then it's okay. 】

Netizens realized it.

[Co-author, this variety show is directed by Old Wang, who personally praises Director Xiao Wang! ]

[But Mr. Wang is the quality guarantee! I rushed first! 】

【Me too! Who are the guests in Kangkang...]

Everyone rushed to the live broadcast room and scratched their heads in confusion.

[Why is there a guest live broadcast room that is always dark? The variety show hasn't started yet, but the program equipment breaks down? 】


Director Wang looked at the screen full of question marks and raised his eyebrows silently, and had to quietly contact the "intern brothers and sisters" Yu Susu x Lu Yunan team.

"Classmate Xiao Yu, the show has already started. Put on your live broadcast bracelet." 

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