Ch 33

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On the thirty-third day after becoming famous:

Xiao Yu returned to the villa and cooked a large table full of lunch - of course, Xiao Lu, the cook, was also indispensable.

They had just served the food and sat at the dining table, ready to enjoy lunch, when there was a knock on the door of the suite.


Lu Yunan stood up and opened the door.

Outside the door, isn't it Han Ye, Mr. Han, who "thinks the whole world wants to assassinate him"?

"Is something wrong?"

Lu Yunan said cautiously.

Han Ye, on the other hand, bowed and apologized!

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

"Whether I misunderstood you just now or targeted you one after another before, it's all my fault." 

"You two are not useless snacks, and you didn't mean to cling to me or stab me in the back."

At first, he was still a little awkward; by the time he said it, he was already extremely sincere.

He seemed to be a different person.

Lu Yunan looked at Yu Susu with a strange expression, not understanding why Han Ye suddenly changed so drastically.

But soon, they saw Han Miaomiao behind Han Ye.

Han Miaomiao accompanied Han Ye to apologize to Xiao Yu Xiao Lu.

Her brother had been looking weird since he was ridiculed by Lu Yunan and stammered an apology just now; but based on Han Miaomiao's understanding of her brother, her brother was not angry at this time, but was poked at by Lu Yunan.

Han Miaomiao decisively comforted her brother and persuaded him to get out of the gloom of the past.

Han Ye didn't lose his temper with her again.

He thought for a long time and finally came to his senses: "You and he are both right."

"Not all people are useless snacks."

"Not all weak people will cling to me and betray me..."

"Not even the whole world is plotting against me."

"I'm the one who got into trouble."

Han Ye murmured in a low voice.

Han Miaomiao knew: what she had been waiting for for a long time was finally here.

Her brother has successfully walked out of the gloom of the past!

"Brother, let's go to him and apologize?"

"The apology you just made was not sincere enough..."

Han Miaomiao suppressed her excitement and said "ruthlessly".

Han Ye's forehead jumped, but he still nodded obediently.

Who said he was indeed not sincere?

He also called Lu Yunan and Yu Susu useless, and also attacked other guests indiscriminately.

What stupid things did he do some time ago? !

Han Ye covered his face silently.

He obediently came with his sister to apologize to Xiao Yu Xiao Lu.

This was the scene that Lu Yunan saw just now.

"What my brother said is sincere."

Han Miaomiao smiled shyly and sincerely.

Yu Susu knew: Han Miaomiao had successfully accompanied Han Ye out of the haze!

"Then...I'll reluctantly accept his apology."

Yu Susu blinked.

She smiled at her son again: "What about you? Do you want to forgive him?"


Lu Yunan said the word coldly, then turned and walked into the living room.

He has a completely "nothing to do with him" attitude.

But Yu Susu knew that his attitude was much friendlier than usual - even if he wasn't secretly planning a murder, he would have already sneered and ridiculed Han Ye.

Han Miaomiao and Han Ye also knew somewhat about Mr. Xiao Lu's temper.

They offered their apologies and were too embarrassed to disturb Yu Susu anymore, so they left some fruits and left.

Only then did the barrages sigh with emotion.

【What a long time to see you! ]

[Han Ye, Boss Han, who has always regarded everyone as trash, actually came to the door and apologized to Xiao Yu Xiao Lu! 】

[Sure enough, it was our Xiao Yu and Xiao Lu who woke him up? 】

High praise barrages passed by, and more and more fans followed them.

Just because——

[Good guy! 】

【They can even wake up Han Ye, a maverick and a loner who despises everyone indiscriminately? ! 】

【666! 】

The number of fans of Xiao Yu and Xiao Lu is skyrocketing, but they themselves are already eating happily~


"The lunch I got with the help card is just right!" "

Of course, we, Xiao Lu, have worked hard too. ."

Yu Susu took a bite of the fragrant rice and smiled with satisfaction; then she got the dish that her son took the initiative to pick up.

They are all her favorite food~

She is very encouraged!


Han Miaomiao waited until Han Ye came out of the haze of the past, which meant that she also had the opportunity to wait until "her son let go of the past and peacefully coexisted with the world," right?

But -

she currently doesn't know how to get her son to give up "destroying the world"!

She picked up the rice and paused.

She also tried to learn from Han Miaomiao's success.

If you want your son to give up "destroying the world", you must first know the reason why he is obsessed with "destroying the world", right?

If you want to know the reason why he "destroys the world", you must first understand his past.

She only knew the tragic and bloody tip of the iceberg about his past.

She had to find a way to learn more.

How to learn more?

Let's start with Lu Jinchao.

After all, even if Lu Jinchao has not had a good relationship with his son for more than ten years, he is still better than himself who has been absent from his son for eighteen years, right?

It just so happens that the first episode is about to end; when she appears in a variety show, she can find Lu Jinchao!

Yu Susu had a direction in her heart, so she relaxed again and ate happily.

Just after lunch, take a short lunch break.

Yu Susu x Lu Yunan received a notice from the program team to gather on the first floor of the villa!

When they packed up and went downstairs, they found that many guests had gradually gathered on the first floor.

"Um...does anyone know why the director team called for a gathering?"

"Isn't today the last day of the first episode? It should be about saying goodbye to the live broadcast netizens." 

"Oh my god! Is it so fast? The first Is the period coming to an end?"

The guests were talking a lot.

The barrage was also discussing.

[Isn't it? ! Is the first period coming to an end? ? ? But I haven't paid attention to sister Xiao Yu yet! How can I find her next time? 】

【Me too! I'm paying attention now! ]

[Don't forget, there is also my sister's scarf! @XiaoYuSusu]

[Already followed, don't be afraid of getting lost! ]

[Following +10086]

After the barrage, a large wave of fans paid attention; the two directors Wang appeared one after another.

When they appear, they get straight to the point!

"Now that all the guests know the purpose of our gathering, how about you bid farewell to the fans on the live broadcast in a cheerful and cheerful manner, and then go upstairs to pack your luggage?" "The program team's car to take everyone home is ready."

【my God! 】

【Is it so straightforward? 】

Netizens were shocked.

They took the time to comment, follow, and send gifts. Suddenly, the barrage was so lively!

And the live guests?

Still looking at each other.


Little Princess Qi spoke hastily and aggrievedly.

"Wang Ye!"

"Can I only say goodbye to the fans on the live broadcast? Can't I also say goodbye to the live guests???"

She said this.

Everyone will understand.

[Yes, of course! ]

[Little Princess Qi mainly wants to take the opportunity to post messages and add contact information with sister Xiaoyu, so go quickly. ]

[We'll pretend we didn't see it~]

Qi Yanyan:? !

Oops, my little idea was discovered by the barrage. How can I break it?

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