Ch 26

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Day 26 of becoming popular

"Lu Yunan... was kidnapped by a nanny and was brutally attacked???"

Yu Susu's eyes widened in surprise.

Only then did she learn from Gu Ran's words:

Lu Yunan was kidnapped by his nanny when he was five years old.

At that time, this case caused a stir across the country.

A large part of the reason why it caused a sensation across the country is that in the case, the nanny clearly received a ransom from Lu Yunan, but still chose to break up the case; and the extremely cruel method was to "slit his throat."

The place to tear up the ticket is in the cave.

The police searched and rescued her for a whole day and night in the rain, and finally found little Lu Yunan lying dying in a cave covered in blood at 3:30 in the morning.

Blood was still pouring from his throat; the nanny and her kidnapping gang had already escaped!

Later, the kidnappers were arrested after the authorities mobilized a large number of police forces; but little Lu Yunan was detained in the ICU for a full year because of the kidnappers' ruthless behavior.

Therefore, he should have a shadow on the cave...

Yu Susu sighed in her heart.

Only then did she understand: Lu Yunan's subtle pause when he first entered the cave and the abnormal behavior after being bitten by a snake were all due to this.

She subconsciously lowered her head to look at her son, and saw his pale face through the light of lightning, and also clearly saw the less obvious scar on his throat.

Her eyes turned red instantly.

After Gu Ran finished saying what he had to say, he stood up and walked towards the entrance of the cave. At the same time, he said to Yu Susu: "It's raining less now. I'll go outside and contact the program team."

Yu Susu responded in a low voice.

Her eyes never moved away from Lu Yunan...

Lu Yunan was still lying there with a pale face, but he was a little dazed because of the high fever.

For a moment, he thought he was back in the cave.

Back then -

wasn't it because of Lu Jinchao that he would be kidnapped and hurt by his nanny?

Lu Jinchao has been obsessed with work since he was born and has not taken good care of him.

Lu Yunan knew.

The reason why Lu Jinchao ignored him was because he thought he caused his mother Yu Susu to die in childbirth.

Lu Yunan also knew this - he knew this when he was six years old, not long after he came out of the ICU.

Lu Yunan himself has been waiting for his mother to enter his dreams all these years?

Even if it means asking for his life.


she never came even once.

However, she never fell into his dream once, so she always hated him, right?

Lu Yunan thought so.

He should have died at the age of five to pay for her death.

But he didn't die.

When he was five years old, Lu Jinzhao's "Lu Group" was officially listed and his career was booming.

The nanny at home had bad intentions.

Everyone thinks that the nanny's bad intentions are to plan kidnapping and extort property.

But long before that, she had put sleeping pills in his dinner, pinched his arms with sharp nails, and used him as a punching bag!

She treated him harshly for some time.

Then, the "Lu Group" gained a firm foothold.

The Lu family moved into a large villa.

However, the nanny still took the salary, so she and the kidnapper planned the grand kidnapping and extortion case.

On the day of the kidnapping, the nanny made dozens of extortion calls to Lu Jinzhao; Lu Jinzhao did not answer them because he was "busy with his career."

The kidnapper was angry first!

The vicious kidnapper kicked his ribs with one kick and slapped him twice until his ears were ringing.

It was the nanny who was worried about not getting the money that persuaded the kidnapper to stop, thus sparing his life.

He could no longer remember how the phone call was made and how the nanny and the kidnapper got the money. All he could remember clearly was that the nanny and the kidnapper smiled greedily after getting the money.

Then, in order to retaliate against Lu Jinchao, the kidnapper decided to break up the vote; the nanny only hesitated for a moment before approving with both hands!

She also took the knife with her own hands and slit his throat.

A cold light suddenly appeared and blood splattered!

At that time, when he looked at the nanny and the kidnapper leaving, he no longer felt "pain"; he just felt cold.

It's really cold!

The heavy rain that night was too heavy, right?

As big as today's...wait.

Today, today?

Where does he have "today"?

Didn't he die long ago?

He had to pay with his life for his mother's.

It's just a pity that he can't bring the whole world together.

Bringing the whole world together?

What to do together? Go to hell?

It turns out that he still has this kind of...dream!

Lu Yunan thought vaguely, only feeling that he was getting colder.

He couldn't help but murmur.

Then, I just felt a heat on the back of my hand.

What is it that is so hot?

It looked like water...

but Lu Yunan really couldn't figure out what kind of water it was.

"They are tears...your mother's tears..."

"Stupid son."

Yu Susu whispered while wiping her tears, which was a response to Lu Yunan's confused murmur.


Lu Yunan blurted out all his past events.

Only then did Yu Susu know: the details of the nanny's abuse and the kidnapping and murder case.

She also found out: Lu Yunan always thought that he was the one who killed his mother.

Then she realized: Lu Jinchao actually felt that way? !

She simply felt sorry for her son and was angry with the father and son for being so confused! She herself died in childbirth, how could she blame her son?

But -

her heartache and anger just started with those hot tears; Lu Yunan seemed to be stimulated by her "stupid son".

She just finished speaking.

Lu Yunan struggled to find half a ray of consciousness from the chaos.

He didn't even have the strength to open his eyes, but he grabbed her clothes tightly and said vaguely and viciously: "Don't, don't call me 'son', you can't..." "...Okay, okay. "

I haven't been able to convince you of the 'resurrection theory' yet. I can't offend your mother... I know..."

Yu Susu wiped her tears carelessly, and then comforted her son with a pair of red rabbit eyes.

Lu Yunan fell asleep more peacefully now, but he still held on to the corner of her clothes.

For a long time, he whispered again.


"I'm here."

Yu Susu responded helplessly.

Lu Yunan struggled to open his eyes again, and when he saw Yu Susu's face that looked exactly like his mother's, he closed his eyes with peace of mind.

He finally let go of her clothes.


That's what his mother looks like.

Lu Yunan thought vaguely.

Back then, he managed to steal his mother's old photos from Lu Jinchao's room; for this, he was severely beaten and severely yelled at by his nanny!

Then, Lu Jinchao didn't go home for a month.

Only then did he officially begin his life of being mistreated by the nanny.

He relied on his mother's old photos to get through that period, just like he did for many years afterward.

When he was being abused, he would always hold the photo and think: Mom will bless him! As long as you endure it and bear it, you can wait for your father to come back from his business trip and accuse the nanny of his evil deeds!

He finally waited until Lu Jinchao came back from his business trip.

But the evil nanny complained first; even if he showed all his injuries and tried his best to prove it to him, it would be of no avail.

A five-year-old child who can't even speak clearly; and a nanny who is organized, quick and conscientious.

Who will Lu Jinchao believe?

Of course it's the latter.

Lu Jinchao didn't go home very often, and he didn't go home very often since then.

What Lu Yunan got was the nanny's intensified abuse.

But then came the kidnapping case.

Cave, torn tickets, throat slit.


When his throat was first cut, all he could think about was "cold".

Later, I uncontrollably thought of my mother and wanted to see more of her old photos.

He naively thought that as long as he thought about his mother more, he would be blessed by her and wait until his father came to save him.

But what about the reality?

In the end, he didn't wait for Lu Jinchao to come. Instead, he waited for the police.

The police sent him to the ICU, where he lay there for a whole year.

When you come out again, you will be a victim, facing the court with the nanny.

He will always remember: the nanny's look that showed no regrets, full of resentment and jealousy when the judge pronounced the sentence.

I will always remember: Lu Jinchao's seat was empty from beginning to end - maybe his father was busy with his career at that time?

Just as he would always remember: when he was five years old, he begged his mother to bless him again and again and waited for his father to save him, but received nothing.

But it wasn't until he was six years old that he was discharged from the ICU and went to court. Full of grievances, he walked into Lu Jinchao's room again and found out the truth about his mother's death.

Only then did he understand Lu Jinchao's indifference to him for the past six years.

It turns out that it was all because of his own fault!

He caused his mother to die in childbirth, but he still selfishly and foolishly prayed for her blessing?

Six-year-old Xiao Lu sneered at that time.


In this world, there will always be people who are jealous, indifferent, selfish and ignorant...

What is the use of these people living in the world?

It's better to die together!

Go pay for his mother's life!

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