Ch 8

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On the eighth day after becoming famous: 

Lu Yunan was still surprised.

But Yu Susu was surprised by Yunan's "milk + sandwich" version of lunch!

So, after getting Lu Yunan's consent, she took the remaining ingredients on the spot, walked out of the luxurious presidential suite's own small kitchen, and went to the yard downstairs to cook!

She seemed to remember: There was an earthen stove in the corner of the yard.


When she stood in front of the earthen stove, she finally found some familiar feeling!

Make a fire and cook.

In a short while -

the savory and delicious braised pork ribs, the sweet and sour sweet and sour fish, the spicy spicy chicken, the chewy crispy shrimp... the three delicacies with rich sauce, scrambled eggs with chili, stir-fried seasonal vegetables, Shredded potatoes in vinegar and rice as an appetizer...

Eight dishes in total! The fragrance spreads ten miles away!

The little brother Lu Yunan who was watching the whole process was shocked~ and so was the barrage!

Not only were they stunned, but they were also drooling through the screen.


[I can't believe it! It turns out that Sister Xiao Yu is so good at cooking! What kind of top foodie is this? ! ]

[I'm done, I'm already greedy! I really want to eat the same dish! So, I cleverly ordered takeout and ate while watching~]

[Me too! I obviously just finished the takeout more than ten minutes ago..."

Everyone was helpless and finished eating the same takeout made by Sister Yu with tears in their eyes.

And Yu Susu?

When she came back to her senses, she looked at her eight dishes and gradually became worried.

Is this a point?

It's 100 million points!


"Can we finish these?"

She looked at Lu Yunan weakly.

Lu Yunan blinked his eyes, hiding the emotions in his eyes; he looked obedient and helpless.


"But now we have to move the dishes back to the room first."

Didn't look at the other guests who were coming and going in the yard and were still completing the "task of finding ingredients". Are they almost crying?

Lin Ge, a new Internet celebrity who speaks Tibetan, and his old Internet celebrity partner Bai Xue; glanced at Yu Susu from time to time, and almost bumped into each other while snatching the ingredients.

"Damn it!"he cursed secretly.

The little princess Qi Yan took the opportunity to direct her brother Qi Yun to get the ingredients first, but subconsciously smelled the aroma of food filling the air.

Her stomach growled.

Han Ye saw the useless behavior of these two groups; he labeled them as "waste snacks" in his heart while calling Han Miaomiao to leave quickly.

But the moment he stepped out of the villa, he couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Yu Susu quickly looked away.

She nodded and moved the dishes back to the suite upstairs with Lu Yunan.

Sun Xun entered the villa at this time.

He immediately recognized Lu Yunan's back.

From Sun Xun's perspective, he could see that Lu Yunan was holding something and following behind the little girl named Yu Susu.

Inexplicably humble.

But when he first entered the show and introduced himself, wasn't Lu Yunan as aloof and unattainable as ever?

Sun Xun wanted to laugh for no reason.

He did laugh out loud.


Senior Lu, the physics genius who was outside the project team of the "Yu" fission weapon experiment, once rejected him, was nothing more than that!

Not only is he like him, he joins variety shows for experimental funds; he is also even more humble than him, following the little girl.

Then, he met the confused gaze of "intern sister" Liao Yun beside him.

"What's wrong?"

Liao Yun said coldly.


Sun Xun shivered inexplicably and shook his head.

He complained to himself again.

The "intern sister" assigned to him by the program team was too cold; if she could be as cute and well-behaved as Yu Susu, he would be willing to be as humble as Senior Lu!

Unfortunately, his complaints were in vain.

Liao Yun said more and more cruelly: "Then quickly find the ingredients."


Sun Xun didn't want to have no lunch.

He nodded hurriedly and then noticed that the earthen stove was full of six dishes! (The other two were carried upstairs by Yu Susu and Lu Yunan. Sun Xun didn't see clearly.)

"Isn't there ready-made stir-fried vegetables? The program team was so merciful that they prepared them for us?" "

Three vegetarian dishes and three meat dishes. Is it first come, first served? Then I will strike first..."

When Sun Xun said this, he became nervous! He rushed over with a single lunge!

Over there, Lu Yunan, who was about to go upstairs, saw something unusual outside with his peripheral vision.

He paused in his steps.

He called out to Yu Susu in front of him: "Wait a minute, someone seems to be grabbing the food."

"Robbing the food?"

Yu Susu stopped and looked back, her eyes filled with surprise: Is social security so bad after 18 years?

【what's the situation? ]

[Snatching food in front of the live camera? That man is quite courageous! ]

[Maybe he just misunderstood? Sister Xiao Yu, you should go back and take a look...]

The barrage was also discussed a lot.

Yu Susu and Lu Yunan originally planned to go back; even though they had not had time to put down the dishes in their hands.

But -

the two of them had just turned around, and the food grabber hit him first!

"Lu Yunan?!"

"You actually also play the trick of 'strike first to gain advantage'?"

Sun Xun was caught off guard and bumped into Lu Yunan who was returning; his eyes fell on the dishes in his hand and he uttered a sound of surprise.

Lu Yunan paused in his steps and suddenly frowned: "Sun Xun?"


Sun Xun successfully turned his face black!

What's Lu Yunan's tone? Did you just meet him on the show?

When he introduced himself... what did he do?


At that time, Senior Lu was probably busy being arrogant and arrogant.

After Sun Xun figured this out, he wasn't so depressed anymore.

Senior Lu, who is aloof and arrogant, not only enters variety shows for funds and follows the little girl grovelingly, but also "strike first" and grab food for the day!

Then what else is he angry about?

He should be gloating over his misfortune.

Sun Xun sneered.

"Senior Lu is just now surprised by my presence in the variety show. Don't you think it's too late?" 


"You just simply feel that you are embarrassed the way you are now, and you don't want to be exposed by me; Are you just pretending to be surprised?"

[What kind of appearance? Why the shame? 】

【Why don't you want to be busted by you? ]

[What on earth is this weird food grabber thinking about? What else did you misunderstand? ]

High praise barrages passed by faintly.

Lu Yunan also had questions about the barrage.

But this did not prevent him from secretly planning the shark plan - in Lu Yunan's case, Sun Xun was sentenced to death just for "grabbing food".

But Yu Susu was also confused!

She is completely unlike Lu Yunan who wants to destroy the world at any time, nor does she want Sun Xun's life.

She asked weakly, and actually relayed the questions in the barrage: "What do you look like? Why are you embarrassed? Why don't you want to be exposed?"

Of course!

Finally, she weakly asked the good boy: "Who is Sun Xun? Have you known each other before?" 


"A junior who is not good at academics but tries to enter my experimental project."

Lu Yunan said with a harmless smile.


Yu Susu nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Not forgetting to look at Sun Xun curiously -

"That junior who is not good at studying, can you answer those three questions for us?"


Isn't good at studying?

Sun Xun's face suddenly darkened as the two of them sang and harmonized!

However, Yu Susu only realized the ambiguity in her words at this moment.

She smiled coquettishly: "Well, the introduction Xiao Lu gave you just now was too long. I'll simplify it a bit... You won't mind, right?" 

[Simplified? 】


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