Ch 30

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On the 30th day of popularity:

Picking mushrooms is so easy for a survival expert like Han Ye, who has maximal knowledge in the wild.

So he didn't understand the need for those losers to gather around and discuss the rules of the show.

I even don't understand: How could Yu Susu get a red envelope of 500,000 yuan by "discovering a bug"?

He thought it was Yu Susu's "little cleverness".

While he despised Yu Susu and Yu Susu's clever behavior, he led Han Miaomiao up the mountain in a depressed manner.

This time, he must get top 1 luxury lunch ingredients! He won't give Yu Susu another chance to be clever!


Yu Susu didn't intend to "play clever" either.

She just wants to use the "function card" she got from Lin Singer before!

That function card is a booster card.

Guests who have received the "Assist Card" can randomly ask guests from other groups to help in any link to help him/her complete the task in that link.

However, the randomly shaken guest may not necessarily be able to help the guest who got the card complete the task, nor may he be willing and dedicated to complete it.

I think at the beginning, netizens thought the booster card was "tasteless" because of this; they also silently prayed that she would be lucky enough to draw a guest who was willing and dedicated to help her!

But she said it right then: her luck has always been good.


she was right!

"Sorry, Mr. Han, you can't go up the mountain with Miss Han now. You have to help Yu Susu and Lu Yunan team to complete the mushroom picking task."

 The staff caught up with the survival boss Han Ye and panted.

"W-what did you say?"

Han Ye froze in place with a dark face.

Han Miaomiao next to her asked the staff questions on behalf of her brother.

"Oh...that's what happened..."

The staff took a breath before explaining to Han Ye*Han Miaomiao.

"Miss Yu got a function card before. Just now, she used the card." 

"This card is a 'boost card'." 

"Guests who get the card can randomly ask other groups of guests to help at any link. , help him/her complete the task of this link."

"And you are the helpers randomly selected by Miss Yu."

Han Ye remained silent, but his face became darker.

Han Miaomiao had no choice but to bite the bullet again and speak up for her brother: "So, now we have no other choice but to suspend our own group tasks and help Miss Yu pick mushrooms?" "Yes." 

The staff confirmed weakly.

"Despicable villain!"

Han Ye cursed secretly.

But he could only go down the mountain with the staff due to the rules of the program.

The barrage is almost bursting with laughter!

[Hahaha, prosperous and in a trance... Big Brother Han also has today! ]

[But who told him that he had blasted almost everyone on the program team before, calling them "waste snacks"? ! 】

【Now you are forced to work for "waste snacks", are you very tired? ]

[Bah, bah, bah, who is the useless snack? ]

[Our little sister Xiao Yu is extremely beautiful, eloquent, smart, and good at farm work...]

[The last time she planted rice, didn't she and Senior Xiao Lu fight against the wind and win based on the quality of the rice? 】

【Last time when weeding the rice fields, she overtook him and completed the weeding task in front of Boss Han! 】

The fans "reminisced about the past", which made Han Ye, who was already dark-faced, look even more ugly.

But at this moment, Han Miaomiao made a sound.

"So brother, it's not necessarily that everyone is a loser, right?" 

"It's not necessarily that all weak people will cling to you and betray you..."

"Shut up!"

Han Ye's forehead twitched and he spoke decisively.

Han Miaomiao was frightened by Han Ye's roar. She was so nervous that she didn't dare to speak out anymore.

Han Ye couldn't help but think of what his sister had just said, and recalled the scene when that person betrayed him... 

He still didn't believe that there would be weak people in this world who would not betray him or cling to him.

Maybe, you can't believe it?

Han Ye took his sister back to the foot of the mountain, and he saw Yu Susu and Lu Yunan at a glance.

Other guests either went into the mountains with ghost-drawing talisman manuals and looked for non-poisonous mushrooms; or they went directly into the mountains and picked mushrooms based on their luck.

Only Yu Susu and Lu Yunan used function cards at the beginning.

They were the only group left in the same place.

From a distance, Yu Susu also saw the figures of Han Ye and Han Miaomiao.

She bent her eyes and looked back to remind Lu Yunan beside her.

"If you really don't understand the manual, don't read it. Our guest is here to help."

Lu Yunan paused, then held the opened manual and looked at Han Ye who came with a sullen expression.

His eyes were deep.

After a long time, he evoked a smile similar to Yu Susu's. "Okay."

Although he agreed, he still lowered his head again after answering - to read the manual.

He is not a character who just waits to win.

This time, although he agreed to use the function card because Yu Susu was suspected of being her "real mother", he didn't know that the guest who came with the function card would be Han Ye.

Will Han Ye, a pseudo-big boss like Han Ye who despises everyone equally and thinks he is invincible, help them pick mushrooms?

Lu Yunan didn't know.

Therefore, he must be prepared to be self-reliant.

Lu Yunan lowered his head to read the manual, but couldn't help but think of what Yu Susu said in the cave.

"Son, I am really your biological mother."

"But I came back from the dead eighteen years later...and I came directly to the gate of your school..."

"If you think the above method is too troublesome; you can also wait until the variety show comes out and check the surveillance at the gate of University A! See if I appeared out of thin air."

Lu Yunan pondered for a long time, and finally avoided the camera and Yu Susu, Picked up the phone -

[Senior Liang Fan, can you do me a favor? ]

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