Ch 11

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On the 11th day of popularity:

Qin Yanshi took the initiative to ask "if you need help." In the eyes of netizens, it was like a magic weapon descending from the sky.

Everyone was trying to persuade Yu Susu to agree.

But Yu Susu asked about the tasks she had been assigned: weeding rice fields and feeding chickens.

These tasks are not uncommon among the guest groups.

What's more: Qin Yan wanted to help Yu Susu without consulting; his sister, Qin Yueyi, changed her face.

"Brother, I don't know how to do farm work either..."

Qin Yueyi was full of grievances.

Only then did the barrage react!

[Oops, I forgot about this. 】

【Although Qin Yanshi came from the countryside, his sister is truly from a scholarly family and is very noble! ]

[She also likes to stick to her brother very much! 】

【There is no way, who knows that Qin Movie Emperor was abducted to the countryside since he was a child. He became famous in the entertainment industry a few years ago, and was found by the Qin family and recognized his ancestor. ]

[Qin Yueyi and her brother have been separated for many years, so it is normal to cling to him now...]

In this case, sister Xiao Yu is afraid that she will not get Qin Yanshi's help. What should she do?

Netizens once again expressed their sorrow for Yu Susu.

He heard on the screen that Yu Susu had indeed refused Qin Yanshi's help: "Thank you, Movie Emperor Qin, for your concern, but you should help your sister complete her task first." "I..."

Qin Yanshi wanted to say something else. What, Qin Yueyi stopped her.

"Okay, okay, then we won't disturb Miss Yu!"

Qin Yueyi subconsciously took her brother's arm, as if to declare sovereignty.


Yu Susu smiled.

Sure enough, it was her sister who had been separated from her brother for many years and couldn't bear to leave him!

Qin Yan had no choice but to leave with his sister.

Although, he still sympathizes with Yu Susu and Lu Yunan.

Be reasonable!

The reason why these two people were assigned so much farm work was simply because they were deceived by the "top one gift" from the show crew!

He often experienced being cheated by the program crew, and this time he couldn't help but want to help them; however, his sister... "


Qin Yan sighed softly when he thought of his sister.

Over there, only Yu Susu and Lu Yunan were left, carrying heavy tasks and being isolated and helpless.

Lu Yunan has completely given up!

There was a harmless smile on his lips, but there was only gloominess in his eyes: "Senior Sister Xiao Yu, shall we just abstain?"

[Abstain? ]

[Isn't it the same as quitting the variety show now? ]

[Don't! ! ! 】

Barrage wailing!

They haven't seen enough of Sister Xiao Yu x Senior Xiao Lu! This pair of "intern brothers and sisters" really performed very well in the variety show!

Lu Yunan became more and more determined in his thoughts.

He quit the variety show so that he could continue to devote himself to experiments; he had to devote himself to experiments so that he could destroy the world with the weapons he developed...

He really couldn't tolerate it!

I can't tolerate every aspect of the variety show and every guest; I can't tolerate their isolation at this time!

So just destroy it! Destroy everything!


Yu Susu raised her head in surprise and saw the gloominess of the good boy.

She noticed his extreme thoughts.

But she smiled instead of panicking.

"That's not necessary."

"Didn't I tell you that my hometown is in the countryside? This farm work is not difficult for me."

She paused here and winked at Lu Yunan.

"Besides, when you looked at the pictures and guessed the ingredients in the morning, you helped me lie down to win; now, I'll take care of you!"

"People can still lie down sometimes, Senior Xiao Lu."


Lu Yunan responded softly, but the gloom in his eyes gradually turned into confusion.

Yes, dazed.

Only then did Lu Yunan realize: It can still be like this.

Can people still lie down occasionally?

But for more than ten years, he has been moving forward every day and dare not stop.

He is afraid.

I was afraid that once he stopped and lay down, he would become like this. After all, the feeling of being alone and helpless is really uncomfortable.

Therefore, compared with being alone and helpless, he hopes that the world will be destroyed.

But Yu Susu said: People can also lie down occasionally.

Can he trust her?

Just lie down, it won't actually do anything? He is still there, is there any chance that he will be taken away by his teammates?

"Of course!"

Yu Susu nodded.

She was originally confirming his "really?"; but by mistake, she confirmed the doubts in his heart.

Lu Yunan's eyelashes trembled and he smiled lightly.

This smile was somewhat sincere: "Okay then, I'll wait for you to help me win." 


Yu Susu nodded with a smile before setting off with Lu Yunan to complete various tasks assigned by the program team. Mission accomplished.

Weeding rice fields, feeding chickens, herding sheep, and milking cows were all obviously extremely arduous tasks; but everyone couldn't help but calm down when they saw the two men showing no signs of panic.

[Is it really possible for Senior Xiao Yu to take Senior Xiao Lu away? ]

[She is also from a rural background! ]

[I don't care, I believe it! As long as these two people still participate in variety shows! Sister, come on, take Xiaolu flying! 】

Amidst the barrage of steady cheering calls, Yu Susu and the others arrived at the first stop, preparing to feed the chickens.

In the chicken coop next door, Qin Yanshi was already busy completing his team's mission!

Qin Yueyi, on the other hand, was looking at her brother nervously and cheering for him!

However, her cheers always frightened the originally obedient chickens; Qin Yan's chicken feeding task did not go smoothly.

And Yu Susu?

She took the lead in choosing the chicken coop farthest from the Qin brothers and sisters, so that she would not be affected by Miss Qin's cheering sound!

Qin Yueyi:? ? ?

The chickens chosen by Yu Susu are either hatching eggs, strolling in the garden, or bathing in the sun.

She herself quickly entered the chicken coop, not forgetting to carry a bag of chicken feed, poured the chicken feed into the trough, and replaced the chickens with fresh water.

At this time, many chicks have gathered around!

Of course, there were also some chickens who were frightened and hid further away.

Lu Yunan outside saw the chickens hiding away and tried to help drive them away.

Drive away?


Yu Susu was the first to speak out!

The chicks were indeed attracted to the sound; they paused unsteadily, and then rushed toward the source of the sound like the other chicks.

Lu Yunan paused and quietly retracted his hand.

Only then did he realize that the way he violently drove away the chickens was the same as Qin Yueyi in the chicken coop next door, using sound waves to attack the chickens.

He should believe in Xiaoyu, she really knows how to do farm work and can lead him to win.

Then Lu Yunan lay down even more at ease!

He even thought about it and left the team briefly.

【Um? What did our little Lu do? ]

[Is it really possible to lie down with peace of mind? Then let him win! This part is all up to our sister Xiao Yu! 】

High praise barrages passed by.

However, Yu Susu had already put away the chicken feed and water and exited the chicken coop - to submit the task!

[The task of feeding the chickens is over, done? 】

Netizens were stunned.

"So fast?"

Over there, Qin Yueyi also saw Yu Susu's leaving figure, and she asked the same question in the barrage.

"Yes, this is the normal speed for feeding chickens."

Qin Yanshi finally got free and came out of the chicken coop, he said quietly.

Originally, their group could have been so fast.

Unfortunately, Qin Yueyi's voice disturbed the chickens. The chickens were uncooperative and even kicked over the water source he had put in the chicken coop.

He had to come out and change the water again.

He had just come out to change the water, but Yu Susu's team had already completed the task of "feeding the chickens".

This is really a beautiful reversal!

"Now it seems that they don't need help at all; the group that needs help should be us."

Qin Yanshi looked away and smiled bitterly at Qin Yueyi.

"Yes, yes."

Qin Yueyi's face was full of embarrassment.

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