Extra 1

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One month after the recording of the extra variety show ended -

Lu Yunan completed his studies at University A ahead of schedule and entered the research institute based on the experimental results of the "釪" fission weapon.

Netizens also found out: Lu Yunan is actually the young genius who won the Nobel Prize some time ago!

A certain subtle feeling of "genius is by my side" lingers in the hearts of netizens who have followed variety shows; this has made "Where Are We Going, Brother" and Xiao Yu Xiao Lu's "brother and sister CP" or "mother and son CP" popular for a while.

And as a result, sister Xiao Yu is becoming more and more well-known to everyone.

The more everyone loves Sister Xiao Yu, the more curious they are about her background...

[Oh my God! ]

[So sister Xiao Yu is not a college student? So who is she? Teacher A? Or a certain teacher's female goose? ]

[How come I heard from the gossip that she is a crook who came to University A for academic exchange? 】

【Me too, me too! It is said that Xiao Yu is the fugitive princess of country L next door! 】

【Le Dapu upstairs! She should be a native of Zhengerbajing, right? It is said that it has some relationship with the Lu family...]

[Yes, yes! He is related to the wealthy Lu family, so he met Lu Yunan! Isn't Lu Yunan the young master of the wealthy Lu family? ! ]

[ Hehe... Since everyone has guessed this step, I will tell you directly! ]

[Miss Yu is Mr. Lu's childhood sweetheart! ]

[My second uncle's distant cousin's sister-in-law's third aunt works as a domestic servant for the Lu family. She saw Miss Yu and Mr. Lu entering the Lu family's mansion in a car some time ago! 】

【Are you sure you are telling the truth and not talking nonsense? How come I heard that Miss Yu and Mr. Lu are from the same generation? She is Mr. Lu's distant cousin that he has not seen for more than ten years...] 

[What is Mr. Lu's distant cousin that Mr. Lu has not seen for more than ten years? ]

[How old is Miss Yu? ]

[She should be Mr. Lu's childhood sweetheart, right? ! You can tell just by looking at the face...]

[Nowadays, people take good care of themselves, and it's hard to tell their true age by looking at their faces... Especially since Miss Yu is naturally beautiful. Maybe she is from the same generation as Mr. Lu? ]

[My third uncle works as a helper in the Lu family! The position is not low! I'm not talking nonsense! ! ! 】

Netizens have different opinions on Yu Susu's identity.

It's not that Yu Susu himself didn't see this.

But she doesn't care!

What she cared about was another thing...

Lu Jinchao was about to go home from a business trip.

But although Lu Yunan had given up "destroying the world" and entered the research institute with his research results, he did not show any other emotions about his father that were different from before.

All the information she had prepared for him seemed to be in vain.

So, the son still can't accept the fact that "his father is actually not that cold to him"?

Yu Susu came to this conclusion easily.

She suddenly felt helpless.

She could only ask the housekeeper to prepare the car first - she wanted to go to the airport to pick up Lu Jinchao in person. Even if she couldn't do anything to "repair the relationship between father and son," she could still spend time with Lu Jinchao.

The housekeeper is very efficient.

Yu Susu simply packed up and went downstairs, and saw the car parked downstairs.


she got in the car and realized: there was another person in the car.

"Yun Nan?"

Yu Susu was stunned.


Lu Yunan responded in a low voice, but did not look at Yu Susu.

Then Yu Susu vaguely had a new guess - Her son wanted to pick up his father at the airport with her! It doesn't seem like he can't accept a fact.

As Yu Susu expected.

Lu Yunan wants to go to the airport with her mother.

He read the information she gave him more than once.

Only then did he deduce what Lu Jinchao had done to him in the past.

But at first, he didn't understand: Why had Lu Jinchao silently done what he couldn't see for so many years? Lu Jinchao had given him a hint of warmth even in the open...

But soon, he understood.

Unlike his inability to easily believe Lu Jinchao's actions many years later, Lu Jinchao's inability to show any intimacy to him right away had a more complicated reason.

The company's turmoil, Lu Jinchao's own injury, Lu Yunan's isolation and pain after experiencing the kidnapping case... are all shackles imposed on Lu Jinchao.

He must stabilize the company's situation, secretly recover from the injuries caused by the car accident, and at the same time carefully protect Lu Yunan and keep a safe distance from little Lu Yunan.

That was the best way Lu Jinchao could think of at that time to balance the three.

Who said that Lu Yunan himself, when he was six years old, thought he had discovered the "truth" and misinterpreted Lu Jinchao's protection?

Lu Yunan tugged at the corners of his lips helplessly.

It's a pity that he understood this too late.

It seems that there is nothing he can do now except pick him up at the airport together.

It should be nothing... right?

Lu Yunan thought so.

But -

who said that?

Yu Susu was the first to disagree!

She understood: Lu Yunan had gradually accepted Lu Jinchao.

She watched the car slowly reach its destination.

She took her son out of the car and was about to head to the airport...

but something suddenly occurred to her.

She blinked and turned her head to look at Lu Yunan, who was standing beside her blankly: "Son, since we are here to pick him up, we have to make a pick-up sign ourselves, right?" 

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