Ch 29

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The twenty-ninth day 

What? !

She didn't want to be sisters with Yu Susu!

She, she, she...she is clearly...

clearly what?

Little Princess Qi didn't want to understand.

In fact, the moment she caught a glimpse of those crazy CP barrages, she turned red and looked away.

She didn't have three hundred taels of silver here:

"Ahem, I didn't just go in one direction."

"I just sighed a little..." 

"But now, I am still more curious: the thank-you gift from the program team is What!"

The effect of her "There is no three hundred taels of silver here" is not very good, but the method of "changing the subject" is still very useful!

Netizens are becoming more and more certain.

【OK! clear! The person involved, Little Princess Qi, personally certified that she was going in one direction and wanted to be friends with Sister Xiao Yu! 】

Everyone was curious.

【Yes! What exactly is the "thank you gift" given by the program crew to sister Xiao Yu? 】

This time, Little Princess Qi's ears were not only red.

Even her neck and cheeks were covered with a thin light red color.

But fortunately, director Xiao Wang finally came to his senses and held back the netizens who were waiting for food and rewards.

"Since the show team is giving a thank-you gift to Miss Yu, of course it should be simple and clear..." 

"Why don't we just wrap up a red envelope of 500,000 yuan and pay it with the first episode's salary?"

Director Xiao Wang smiled happily and tried to consult Lao Wang leader's opinions.

"Okay, just for good luck!"

Director Wang also smiled cheerfully and agreed.

The barrage and melon-eating netizens have become excited again.

[Five or five hundred thousand? ! The program team is still very impressive! ]

[The program team is so generous, we can't just sit idle, right? 】

[Little rich ladies, how long has it been since we gave gifts to Sister Xiao Yu's live broadcast room? This time, why don't you be polite? ! 】

【Of course! ! ! 】

Yu fans are inexplicably motivated to compete.

They paid attention to the scarves, confessed their love to sister Yu in the live broadcast, and sent some small gifts to show their love.

Among them, there are many young rich women who are generous!

[System prompt: @XiaoYu'sDonuts sent a luxury castle*100 to @Xiao Yu Live Broadcasting Room to show your appreciation. 】

[System prompt: @Yuyour peer sent a supercar *99 to @Xiao Yu Live Broadcasting Room, for good luck~] [

System prompt: @XiaoYuXiaoYu Iloveyou sent a sea of ​​roses to @Xiao Yu Live Broadcasting Room*66, and said loudly: Xiaoyu, I love you! 】

Yu Fen's grand gift-giving event not only shocked passers-by, but also Yu Susu himself.

She spoke hastily.

"Enough, that's enough!"

"I have received everyone's likes! So there is no need to spend any extra money!"

Yu Susu's face was full of sincerity.

Yu fans love this sincere sister even more. How to break it? !

So does Qi Yanyan!

She glanced at Yu Susu quietly, and unconsciously, Xizi held her heart.jpg

So, so cute!

Then, Qi Yanyan saw: Yu Susu was still talking to the barrage.

"Ahem, and..."

"I'm very sure: Little Princess Qi is not going in one direction, because I also want to be friends with her!"

Yu Susu still said this to the barrage.

But Qi Yanyan was stunned!

Little Princess Qi felt that her cheeks were warm again~

"Then, then we are friends now?"

She asked tentatively.

"Of course!"

Yu Susu responded with a smile.

Sister Xiao Yu smiled with a flourishing beauty; Princess Qi's eyes were filled with surprise at that moment!

At the scene, a sweetly smiling little Yu sister and a Xizi holding a heart-shaped little Princess Qi successfully appeared. Netizens watching the live broadcast were delighted.

[Hahaha, finally! Our little princess Qi finally gets the favor of sister Xiao Yu! ]

[Who can not envy this two-way friendship? 】

【 Admire it! I've already admired it! 】

Seeing Yu Susu easily receive 500,000 yuan as a thank you gift from the program team, and watching her receive gifts one after another, she became very popular among netizens.

Qin Yueyi was the first to change her expression.

She didn't expect: What Yu Susu said was really a bug.

What's more, I didn't expect that even the two directors Wang said that they would give Yu Susu a "500,000 thank you gift."

Now, after "standing by Yu Susu's side without hesitation", Qin Yanshi once again expressed his delight that Yu Susu received a thank-you gift from the program team and support from fans.

Qin Yanshi had already smiled slightly and sent his blessings to Yu Susu.

One after another, other guests expressed jealousy and ridicule about Yu Susu's "finding bugs, getting 500,000 thank you gifts, and getting followers from fans".

Qin Yan suddenly spoke out to help Yu Susu fight against those jealous people.


never did this for her.

Qin Yueyi is jealous of Yu Susu and is going crazy with jealousy!

However, she had to clench her fist tightly, and she could barely maintain her peaceful smile until her nails dug into her flesh and she felt the slightest bit of pain.

"So director, why don't we start the competition now?"

"Boss Han Ye is a little impatient..."


"Of course we have to start the mission!"

"But don't we still have to wait for Mr. Xiao Lu? Director Xiao

Wang smiled cheerfully, and Qin Yueyi choked hard.

Lu Yunan came quickly.

The injury on the back of his hand has also been bandaged.

But the whole person has returned to his appearance of being docile and harmless, but in fact he is cold and distant.

His gaze... became strange when it touched Yu Susu.

He obviously remembered what happened in the cave!

Yu Susu blinked innocently.

Lu Yunan "swiped" and looked away, but the complex emotions in his eyes were not missing at all.

It shouldn't be his hallucination, right?

When Yu Susu was in the cave, she once said that she was his biological mother who died in childbirth.

She also said...

she herself came back from the dead 18 years later?

As soon as Lu Yunan thought of this, he turned his head unconsciously and tried to peek at Yu Susu's expression.

This time, he was caught almost instantly.

"Do you have anything you want to ask? I can answer you~"

Yu Susu blinked in a very "understanding" manner.


Lu Yunan's eyelids twitched.


Yu Susu calmly looked away and looked at Director Wang in the front row.

Over there, Director Wang has announced that the mission has officially begun.

The mini-game of "picking mushrooms and getting lunch ingredients" officially started -

the guests were forced to take away from "Little Sister Yu can easily get 500,000 yuan and the love of countless fans", and had to face the "training manual" that looked like ghost drawings. "Study.

They soon looked sad.

"Forget it!"

"Destroy it!"

"Everyone should just tie up and tie up!!!"

But there was only one group who didn't even read the "training manual"; they just walked into the forest with the basket.

Everyone was shocked!

[What, what's going on? 】

[Did any of the guests abandon the training and go directly to the back mountain to pick mushrooms? ! 】


And that group is exactly the team that survival master Han Ye belongs to!

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