Extra 3

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Extra Three

The incident of being awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night never happened again to Yu Susu.

Lu Yunan and Lu Jinchao also gradually adapted to her resurrection.

Their lives are on track.

If there were no accidents, Yu Susu's day would be the same as everyone else in this world, ordinary, warm, and a little boring.

But -

the accident still happened.

It appeared so unexpectedly and strangely!

But Yu Susu thought about it later: This accident didn't seem too strange.

After all, she was able to come back from the dead, so it is not so difficult to understand that a son from another timeline strayed into the real world.

Yes, after Lu Yunan and Lu Jinchao went to the research institute and the other to the company, someone broke into Lu Zhai.

The man was covered in blood and was holding a USB flash drive with the letter "Y" engraved on it.

Yu Susu recognized it at a glance: Isn't that USB drive the same one where Lu Yunan kept the "釪" weapon test data?


that USB flash drive should have stayed in the laboratory of the institute now.

Shouldn't the man covered in blood and holding a USB drive also be in the research institute? !

That person is...

"Lu Yunan?"

Yu Susu hesitated.

The man froze for a moment before he got up from the ground with difficulty; he indeed looked exactly like his son.

But as soon as he spoke, it was with deep gloom, solemnity, and disbelief: "Yu...Susu?"

Then Yu Susu knew: he was indeed Lu Yunan from parallel time and space.

And the parallel time and space with her presence is the one in the nightmare, right?

In that nightmare, she failed to prevent Lu Yunan from giving up "destroying the world", and he finally discovered her true identity.

Later, with great regret, Lu Yunan drove the plane to an uninhabited desert area and crashed.

It's just...

I don't know if the world was destroyed with him in that parallel time and space.

It must have been destroyed, right?

After all, the power of the "Nagi" weapon is so great.

It's so huge that it can instantly turn a person into ashes...

Yu Susu's pupils shrank when she thought of this!

She quickly looked at Lu Yunan, and sure enough she saw that the wounds on his body were expanding at an extremely fast speed.

But I don't know if it was due to "parallel time and space", but the damage caused to him by the "釪" weapon did not spread to the real world where Yu Susu was.

But despite this, Yu Susu's mood was also very complicated.

She struggled to move her gaze away from Parallel Time and Space Lu Yunan, but she was unconsciously attracted by his expression.

She nodded involuntarily: "It's me."

She responded to his question just now.

Yu Susu responded.

Parallel Time and Space. Lu Yunan seemed to breathe a huge sigh of relief. He softened his expression and tried to evoke a hollow and obedient smile as usual.

But when he moved a little, the wound on his face widened; his face was almost bloody.

He had no choice but to calm down.

He then cautiously tried to sound out: "So, did we die together? This...is heaven?" 

As soon as the words came out, he realized something was wrong.

He smiled self-deprecatingly: "Probably not."

"You must have been my fantasy before I died, right?"

"After all, you worked so hard to save me, and you deserve to go to heaven after you die; and I kill people like hemp, We should go to hell."

Yu Susu opened her mouth, but no words came out.

Because in her eyes, Lu Yunan's body was already showing signs of turning into bones; she was truly frightened when she saw the lethality of the "釪" weapon for the first time.

Therefore, she could not deny what Lu Yunan said just now in Parallel Time and Space. He was indeed murderous.

But he shouldn't have been like this.

If she hadn't died, if it hadn't been for the kidnapping, if it hadn't been for the school bullying and power struggles... he should have lived happily and comfortably like everyone else.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Lu Yunan in the ordinary world still embarked on such a path.

So, she couldn't comment on it.

She didn't know whether he would go to heaven or hell after his death, so she could only try her best to smile.

Then she spoke and said:

"Lu Jinchao has never ignored you because of my death." "

I will never resent you because of my death in childbirth."

"This world is also mixed with black and white..." 

"Stupid Damn it!"

"This kind of thing is fate."

"And fate is definitely not something we can control."

"We have to learn to treat it calmly."

She said word by word what she said to this world, Lu Yunan, He said it again to him in parallel time and space - he and they should know.

Lu Yunan, who was in parallel time and space, was stunned for a moment.

Then his eyes suddenly opened wide!

It took a long time, so long that he turned into a skeleton, and so long that he turned into a skeleton and gradually disappeared into ashes in the air...

Or maybe very soon, so fast that all this happened in just an instant!

He smiled miserably: "That's it."

That's it!

The words that Yu Susu in that world had not finished speaking before his death; before the death of Lu Jinchao in that world, he was in disbelief when he found out that the culprit was him, Lu Yunan... It turned out to be all because of this!

They never blamed him.

The one who blamed him was always himself.


What's ridiculous is that he was the one who dragged them to death in the end; but they originally wanted to redeem him...

Parallel time and space. Lu Yunan's dark eyes widened.

But he had no eyeballs and even his skull was dissipating. He could do nothing but watch himself disappear little by little.

He didn't even have time to discover that he had briefly traveled through time and space and arrived at another parallel world with a completely different ending.

In this world, Yu Susu redeemed him and the whole world through a variety show.

In this world, the mother comes back from the dead and lives a warm and happy life with the father and son.

In this world, there will be many people who like him, like her, like them...

In this world, everything is different!

Lu Yunan in parallel time and space turned into powder and disappeared into the air.

Only then did Yu Susu come back to her senses.

She looked at the parallel time and space again. Where Lu Yunan once stood, there was no trace of blood. Even the bloody USB flash drive with the letter "Y" engraved on it disappeared with the parallel time and space. Lu Yunan disappeared. Disappeared into the air.

It was as if he and it had never been together.

But Yu Susu remembered: they had been here before.

It's like she came back from the dead, bizarre and special.

She took a deep breath and tried to forget the scene just now; but found that her actions were in vain.

So, she could only rejoice.

Fortunately, in this world, everything is different.

I am also glad that until now, I have not disappeared into this real time and space like Lu Yunan in parallel time and space.

She rejoiced and walked downstairs.

At the same time, she asked the housekeeper to prepare the car -

she just suddenly wanted to see Lu Yunan and Lu Jinchao, father and son.

The fact that she can continue to be in the real world and live with them is like a gift from God.

She is such a lucky person.

Lucky Goose, Xiao Yu, got the news from the butler before she could tell the butler about her needs.

The housekeeper asked her to change into a dress and get in the car in a gentle and mysterious voice, and then took her all the way to a Western restaurant before quietly disappearing.

Then, the car door was opened from the outside.

Yu Susu was startled.

But the person who opened the door bent down in a particularly gentlemanly manner and handed her a hand - asking her to get out of the car.

She held the hem of the dress with one hand and held his hand with the other, doing as he did.


she got a brief kiss.

Lu Jinchao, possessed by a gentleman, accurately caught Yu Susu's reddish earlobes with his eyes, and then evoked a faint smile.

"Happy birthday, Su Su."

"Happy birthday, Mom."

Next to her, her son Lu Yunan couldn't wait to send her blessings.

"Thank you~"

Yu Susu thanked her with a smile, and then saw the birthday cake in her son's hand with a Q version of a family of three people drawn on it.

"This birthday cake was made for you by Yu Nan. I heard that you like warm gifts."

Lu Jinchao said with a smile.

"But these flowers, plants, trees, and the sun are all... drawn by my dad for you." "

They are exactly the same as the ones you drew on the pick-up sign."

"Oh, you are indeed a couple..."

Lu Yunan speaking of this, I did not forget to whisper.

"It's so beautiful."

"The trees are beautiful, the flowers and plants are beautiful, and the Q version of us is also beautiful..."

Yu Susu happily accepted it, and did not forget to praise Lao Lu and Xiao Lu's ingenuity.


She kissed one big and one small, both father and son who were so shy that their earlobes turned red!

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