Ch 15

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On the fifteenth day of popularity:

Lu Yunan did not attack Han Ye, but instead staged a famous scene of "warmly planting rice" with Yu Susu.

Gu Ran was almost doubting life!

But Lu Yunan's first 18 years were exactly the same as in his dream, but they couldn't be faked.

Gu Ran decided to continue observing secretly.


"These plants are very beautiful. We can move forward!"

Yu Susu watched Lu Yunan plant a row of drainage rice seedlings and gave feedback in a timely manner.


Lu Yunan responded and moved forward obediently.

In fact, this marks the end of Yu Susu's rice planting teaching.

The talented young man Lu Yunan learns very quickly, and his ability to grow rice has far surpassed that of the red and swollen wrist battle-damaged version of Yu Susu!

They moved slowly!

The barrage was also very exciting.

【Oh my God! Very good! ]

[Our sister Xiao Yu*Senior Xiao Lu's group has finally moved forward! Even though she is moving at a slow pace, she is still a small step closer to completing the task, isn't she? ! ]

[Yes, yes, yes! Besides, after taking this small step, is our little Yu Xiaolu still short of that big step? ! 】

【Not bad! 】

Everyone cheered for Yu Susu and Lu Yunan, even though the answer in their hearts was another.


But it's too different, okay? !

During the Qin Banquet next door, the Best Actor Qin had already brought his own sister Qin Yueyi to complete the task of planting rice and get another portion of ingredients.

Of the seven groups of guests, only the first three groups can get free ingredients from the program team; the quality of the ingredients they receive varies.

Now Han Ye's group and Qin Yanshi's group have completed their tasks.

There is only one place left to get free ingredients!

A guest once asked: "How should the other four groups who don't get free ingredients solve the lunch problem?"

Director Xiao Wang replied:

"Solve it yourself!"

"The guests can buy lunch from the villagers at their own expense, go to the back mountain to dig wild vegetables, and you can also go hungry."

[Go hungry? Director, are you polite? 】

At that time, both the guests and the barrage netizens just thought it was a joke by Director Wang.

But until now -

the two free ingredients have been assigned to each other one after another; the remaining five groups of guests are competing for this free ingredient.

Only then did everyone realize: What Director Wang said at that time was simply the truth!

【Yaoshou! ]

[Our Xiao Yu Xiao Lu group has just moved a small step forward; how can we compete with the other four groups for free ingredients? ]

[Are they destined to be hungry? 】

There are a few honest people who are worried about Xiao Yu Xiao Lu in the barrage.

Immediately, there was a new barrage, crowding out the previous barrage! (bu shi)

[Ahem, cough, cough, stop telling the truth, okay? We are here to cheer for Xiao Yu Xiao Lu...]

[Even if they can't get free ingredients, can't they still buy it from the villagers? 】

【Maybe we can also go to the back mountain to dig wild vegetables? 】

Everyone seemed to have seen the tragic ending of Xiao Yu Xiao Lu's starvation, and they all came up with ideas.

They have completely forgotten the original intention of "cheering on"!

Fortunately, Xiao Yu and Xiao Lu were immersed in planting rice and did not care to watch the barrage.

Soon, they had planted more than half of the land with a "swish, swish"; and when they looked up again, they had already overtaken Qi Yan, Qi Jun, Sun Xun, and Liao Yun next door.

They were only a few meters away from Lin Ge and Bai Xue in front of them!

And Gu Ran*Lin Feifei?

They had never intended to grow rice, but now they were far behind Yu Susu and Lu Yunan.

【Oh? ]

[Only Lin Ge*Bai Xue is left? ]

[It seems that our Xiao Yu & Xiao Lu really has a chance to compete for top 3! 】

On the barrage, netizens who thought Xiao Yu & XiaoLu was destined to be miserable were dumbfounded.

After being dumbfounded, there is ecstasy!

How could you not be ecstatic?

From being at the bottom with no knowledge of anything, they suddenly rushed into the third place reserve!

Netizens put themselves into Xiao Yu & Xiao Lu's perspective and felt like they were on a roller coaster.

【rush! Go, go, go! ]

[Defeat Lin Ge*Bai Xue and get the last free lunch ingredients! 】

【The wool of the program crew will not be plucked until it becomes white! 】

High praise barrage "DuCha" passed by.

However, in fact, Xiao Yu Xiao Lu, were not very excited~

Is it difficult to grow rice?

Sister Xiao Yu originally knew how to do it, but she is now suffering from battle damage (red and swollen wrists)!

Genius Xiao Lu mastered it after only a few minutes of learning, and led Sister Xiao Yu to make a comeback!

"Here, these are new seedlings."

Yu Susu calmly handed the seedlings to Lu Yunan.


Lu Yunan responded softly.

These two people didn't talk and just worked hard.

Until Lu Yunan said again: "The planting is over."

"Director Xiao Wang..."

Yu Susu immediately walked ashore in small steps and asked Director Xiao Wang to submit the task.

At this time, Lin Ge and Bai Xue suddenly raised their heads.

They were only one step away from landing, but they still let Yu Susu and the others take the lead.

such a pity!

One step away and you have to figure out how to make lunch on your own.

Lin Ge was helpless and furious: "tmd!"

[...For some people, being hungry is actually quite good. 】

A barrage of praise floated by.

"Then the game is over."

"Congratulations to the Yu Susu x Lu Yunan team for getting the last free lunch ingredients provided by the program team; other guests can come ashore."

Director Xiao Wang announced the result with a smile.

【Oh haha! Spread the flowers, spread the flowers~]

[Congratulations to Xiao Yu Xiaolu, you got the program crew's wool and got free ingredients! ]

[At this moment, why do I feel that Lin's incompetent rage is so festive? 】

【Get the bamboo shoots upstairs! ]

[Hahaha, who says it's not? Wuli Xiaoyu Xiaolu yyds! 】

Netizens were extremely happy.

And Xiao Yu Xiaolu?

He had already received the lunch ingredients with an obedient expression, and passed by Lin Ge's group with a calm expression...

Lin Ge was furious with his incompetence.jpg


"Director Wang, have you finished recording the program?"

Next to them, two villagers passing by with a smile."Yes, yes!"

"Thanks to Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang for providing the shooting location."

Director Xiao Wang quickly turned around and replied.

The onlookers understood the identities of these two villagers.

They greeted Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang one after another.

How to say?

Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang agreed one by one, but first looked at the rice grown by the guests.

They looked around and fixed their sights on the column on the far right.

"Which group of guests planted this?"

Aunt Wang was the first to speak out, but her face could not see the emotion or anger clearly.

"Yu Susu and Lu Yunan...just the two of them!"

Lin Ge was the first to identify.

As soon as he heard Aunt Wang's inquiry, he was sure that the rice grown by Yu Susu's group was of such poor quality that even Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang couldn't stand it.

He felt happy in his heart.

It's better if you can't stand it!

Wouldn't he have a chance to cause trouble so that he could get back the last free ingredient from Yu Susu?

He couldn't really be hungry.

Lin Ge thought beautifully.

Looking at Yu Susu and Lu Yunan again, the malicious intent in their eyes almost overflowed.

Over there, Aunt Wang spoke again.

"Did they plant it?"

"Look at it! The sparsity and planting depth are just right!"

"Yes! Look at it..."

Lin Ge's troublesome words got stuck in his throat.


He turned around in shock.


Aunt Wang glanced at Lin Ge with a frown, as if she disliked his sudden interruption.

She paused before remembering what she had just said.


"I said: The sparsity and planting depth of the rice grown by Xiaoyu and Xiaolu are just right!"

 "It is simply the number one in my heart!"

[Oh? Aunt Wang personally certified Top1?  Xiao Yu & Xiao Lu have a bright future! ]

[hhh, you're laughing so hard, this time Mr. Lin's crooked ideas were nipped in the bud, right? 】

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