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The thirty-seventh day of popularity:

Lu Yunan's first eighteen years have not yet been traced back. Of course, Yu Susu's "dream" must also continue.

This time, she saw more of the past between father and son.

*Elementary School*

Lu Yunan is often immersed in the contradiction between "Why is his father so indifferent to him?" and "Who told him to kill his mother? He deserves it because his father treats him like this!"

Whenever Lu Jinchao came home, he would meet Lu Yunan's complicated eyes; he thought that he had not protected his son well before, and his son was complaining about him.

He carefully stayed away from his son, for fear of arousing any sad memories of his son; he also secretly told Secretary Liu and Butler Zhang to take good care of the young master this time.

*Junior high school*

Lu Yunan often imitates her mother in the photo.

He always wore the same "obedient and harmless" smile as hers. He tried to hide all his contradictions and dark sides, trying to become as sunny and cheerful as her.

Unfortunately, he is not really sunshine.

His acting skills are also very poor.

His "obedient smile" not only failed to win the favor of those around him, but instead aroused the hostility of his classmates.

Students always shout when they see him: Look! That weirdo with a stiff expression! Stay away from him!

He encountered a long, absurd, and strange school bullying.

The weird thing is that the children who bullied him always changed schools the next day.

It took a long time because: there would always be new students joining the team that bullied him, and then mysteriously changing schools again...

As time went by, he became the one that "everyone was afraid of".

What Lu Yunan didn't know was that the children's "bizarre transfer of schools" was all the work of Secretary Liu; and Secretary Liu's behavior was naturally under the instruction of Mr. Lu.

Lu Jinchao was still careful to stay away from his son, while asking his secretary to pay attention to his son's life.

Therefore, he got the news as soon as he learned that his son was being bullied!

This time, he would never just watch his son get hurt.

He came up with a clumsy, safe, and lengthy plan; he asked Secretary Liu to write down the bad classmates who bullied his son, and contact their parents to transfer them to another school.

He thought it was safe.

Little did he know: It was this kind of behavior that made his son become the one that "everyone is afraid of".

*High School*

Lu Yunan is now used to being alone, and is used to how to make his smile look more obedient, sincere, natural, and harmless... 

It is always easier to get the favor of students from the same school as a clean, harmless, handsome boy. 

This time, he strangely became the "school idol".

He is confessed to by different juniors every day, and there are even seniors and juniors who come in randomly.

He was tired of it.

But soon, he found "physics".

Doing physics problems is the only thing that allows him to abandon worldly love and hate and gain peace of mind.

He became obsessed with physics.

He participated in various physics competitions and won the grand prize easily; he skipped grades one after another and even got a place in A University.

Lu Jinchao has never missed every game he plays.

He sat in the audience fully equipped, watching his son win the championship award step by step; watching him skip grades one after another and get a walk-off spot.

When he was happy, he gave a huge investment to University A for scientific research funding.


Lu Yunan used that "huge amount of money" to synthesize a new type of heavy atomic nucleus "Yu".

He won the Nobel Prize in Physics for this.

But after winning the Nobel Prize, his peace was broken!

Physics institutes at home and abroad came to poach him, and many of them did whatever they could to protect their own interests. It was at this time that Lu Yunan fully felt the "evil nature of human nature."

This reminded him of his childhood again.

Finally, under the surface of being "obedient and harmless", he firmly believed in the idea of ​​"destroying the world".


In this world, not only are there people who are jealous, indifferent, selfish and ignorant; there are also people who are unscrupulous, hideous, self-righteous, ugly and despicable... What is the use of their lives?

It's better to die together and pay for his mother's life.

He plans to destroy the world.

It was at this time that he received an invitation from the largest physics institute in the country - I heard that his mentor recommended him to the institute.

He gladly accepted the invitation.

And with the approval of the official and the instructor; responsible for completing the fission weapon experiment of "Yu", in this research institute.

When Lu Jinchao learned that his son was going to join the largest physics institute in the country, he was so happy that he stayed up all night. The next day, he looked at the old photos of Yu Susu on his desk and stayed in a daze for a long time.


All the employees of the Lu Group saw that the project under their boss had made no progress all morning, and they all wondered if the boss had been taken away!

of course not.

Then -

Lu Yunan was in charge of the "fission weapon experiment" while planning to "destroy the world"; Yu Susu came back from the dead and tried to save her son.

Lu Jinchao saw "Mother and Son CP" from the hot search; he invited Yu Susu to the villa, had dinner, and left in a hurry.

Lu Yunan went back to his room to rest as usual.

Under the leadership of Butler Zhang, Yu Susu finished visiting her room and washed and rested.

A night of old dreams!

The "dream" ended abruptly when it was traced back to this point, and it was at this time that Yu Susu woke up.

At this time, the sky turned white.


fish belly white?

She always seemed to see the approximate time in her "retrospective dreams".

At that time, was Butler Zhang putting things in the safe?

What is he playing?

Yu Susu thought hard.


Various invoices...

some were issued when "Lu Jinchao" was hospitalized in a car accident; some were left after "Lu Jinchao" donated to University A; and there are many more that Lu Jinchao secretly ordered the housekeeper or Liu Everything that the secretary kept after buying things for Lu Yunan...

was carefully put into the safe by the housekeeper.

The existence of these invoices shows that Lu Jinchao is not so indifferent to his son!

Lu Yunan has the right to know this.

Yu Susu thought so.

She also vaguely found a new method that could help Lu Yunan give up the idea of ​​"destroying the world".

She blinked.

Then he ordered Butler Zhang to collect the information together.

Although Butler Zhang didn't understand why Miss Yu asked him to do this, he still followed her instructions - who told Mr. Lu to explain it long ago? From now on, Yu Susu will be Mrs. Lu.

Yu Susu was originally Mrs. Lu!

She quickly obtained the information, but did not find her son in the Lu family villa.

She thought she had a new method and could always prevent her son from "destroying the world", so she was not in a hurry for the time being.

But who would have thought?

Lu Yunan was not at the Lu family villa, but actually went to the research institute.

He once asked Senior Liang Fan to investigate the monitoring matter; he also heard Senior Liang Fan mention that the advancement of the experiment had reached a bottleneck.

He has to go help today.


"Xiao Lu, our experiment was successful...right?!"

Liang Fan looked at the results of the experiment in disbelief, at Lu Yunan in the lab coat, and then repeated the above action.

"Yes, it was successful."

Lu Yunan responded softly.

Doesn't the success of the fission weapon experiment mean that he can quietly take away the core data of the experiment and implement the plan to "destroy the world"?

Who said that bottleneck was broken by him?

Who told everyone involved in the experiment, including senior Liang Fan, not to see the entire process of him breaking through the bottleneck?

A dark light flashed in his eyes.

Then he heard Liang Fan speak again: "By the way, junior fellow student, the matter you asked me to investigate before has also come to fruition. Well, this is the surveillance video at Gate A..."

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