Ch 39

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On the 39th day of her popularity:

The only response to Yu Susu was silence.

Soon, even the silence in the small garden was gone - Lu Yunan left without saying a word, holding a thick stack of information in his hand.

Yu Susu could only look at his back and sigh softly.

Yu Susu didn't know how long it would take for her son to accept what happened to Lu Jinchao.

But she would give him enough time.

She had not disturbed her son for several days.

During this period, she received a "little surprise" from Qi Yanyan - Qi Yanyan added her as a friend at the end of the first period and started preparing "surprises" for her.

That surprise was an endorsement contract from Love.

Love is a high-end luxury jewelry brand, ranking among the top luxury goods brands in the world. As luck would have it, Princess Qi has a close friendship with the CEO of Love.

Little Princess Qi originally wanted to customize a set of out-of-print jewelry from her family as a "little surprise" for Yu Susu.

However, she had just told the CEO himself about this, and the CEO, on behalf of the Love official, was about to hand over the endorsement contract to Yu Susu.

Love CEO is a fan of Yu Susu.

Of course, the little princess Qi wanted to go with the flow and connect Xiaoyu with her fans.

Instead of the CEO of Love, she sent the endorsement contract to Yu Susu, along with three sets of out-of-print jewelry; she called it a "little surprise."

Qi Yanyan told Yu Susu a long time ago that there would be a "little surprise" for her.

Yu Susu couldn't refuse the kindness, so she accepted it.

Then...she had to film an endorsement before the second episode of "Where Are We Going, Brother" started?

The endorsement shoot went very smoothly.

The day of the official announcement happened to be the day when the second phase of "Where Are We Going, Brother" started filming.

Xiaoyu's fans are "squatting and live broadcasting" while going under their scarves to post likes and comments!

Then, they saw the bejeweled and beautiful little Yu Mama!

【Ah ah ah! ]

[Love's set of jewelry is too suitable for Wuli Xiaoyu, right? ! 】

【Xiaoyu Mama, the jewelry spokesperson, really has a good foundation! Without applying makeup, it can be so beautiful that people forget to breathe...]

[Love it, love it! 】

As soon as the endorsement came out, @XiaoYu.yususu's scarf account easily gained several million followers.

And Yu Susu himself?

As promised, I participated in a variety show with my son.

Lu Yunan still couldn't believe what happened to Lu Jinchao, but this did not prevent him from participating in the variety show as scheduled.

Yu Susu asked him to participate in this variety show!

Yu Susu is his mother.

How could he not participate?

He silently put the USB flash drive containing the experimental data into his suitcase, and then took the suitcase to the variety show.

He thought:

Since his mother has come back to life, he won't destroy the world, right?

After the variety show ended, he handed the USB flash drive to the instructor.

He obediently records variety shows with his mother.

When they arrived at the recording venue for the second period, they discovered that there had been a slight change in the guests of the second period - Liao Yun had withdrawn from the competition.

Liao Yun's partner in the first episode was Sun Xun. After Sun Xun was kicked out of the variety show, she was left alone.

But the program team could have matched her with the "intern brother" again, but she was busy with work and took the initiative to withdraw from the competition.

Director Xiao Wang briefly talked about Liao Yun's situation and then officially advanced the program process.

"So now, let's start the first part, playing games and dividing rooms, shall we?"

Wang Ye smiled happily.

"Gan! What game?"

At that time, someone asked in confusion.

That person was Lin Ge who couldn't wait.

"Real CS."

This time, Director Lao Wang spoke.

[Let me go, live CS? ]

[This is a peaceful and friendly brother-sister pastoral variety show! ]

[Why did the second phase suddenly become more difficult? ]

[What what? Where is the difficulty? Doesn't this make the show more exciting? ]

[The program team still knows how to play! 】

【Come on, little Yu Ma Ma! Strive to kill other groups instantly and compete with Xiao Lu'er for the championship! ]

[ Go, go, go! ! ! 】

High praise barrages passed by.

Xiao Yu Mama fell into silence.

To be honest, she has only played Super Mario at most - so, what kind of game is this "real person CS"?

Yu Susu's silence did not attract anyone's attention.

Except Lu Yunan.

Lu Yunan knew her identity and naturally knew that she was very unfamiliar with this game.

He quietly approached her and murmured in a low voice: "Don't worry, I'm here."


After being comforted by her son, Yu Susu felt much more relaxed.

Still under the supervision of Director Lao Wang, Director Xiao Wang recited the rules of the game.

"Our real CS team is divided into two groups, red and blue."

"Members of the two groups will compete within the specified time." 

"At the end of the game, the team with the most survivors wins and has the right to live in the luxurious presidential suite." 

"So ..."

"How should we divide the red and blue groups?"

Qi Yanyan said weakly.

"Tmd, of course, you are the real brothers and sisters, and we are the intern brothers and sisters. Hasn't Little Princess Qi always looked down on us, the intern brothers and sisters?"

Lin Ge sneered.

"...Wrong, I only look down on you."

When Qi Yanyan heard Lin Ge's words, she rolled her eyes unceremoniously.

Lin Ge was choked hard.

Qi Yanyan also received a lot of weird looks.

Among them, Qin Yueyi's is the most conspicuous.

Qi Yan raised her chin unceremoniously and looked directly at Qin Yueyi: "What? You also want to be looked down upon by me?"

Qin Yueyi twitched the corners of her lips and looked away.

However, Qin Yanshi smiled helplessly and came out to smooth things over: " sister just admires Miss Qi's frankness..." 

Before he could finish his words, Qin Yueyi interrupted him.

Qin Yueyi asked pretending to be innocent.

"So, Miss Qi asked the director about the grouping of the red and blue teams. Do you want to team up with Yu Susu from the 'Internship Brothers and Sisters' team?" "

But I remember: when you opened the first episode, you were really interested in the 'Internship Brothers and Sisters' team. I despise her so much!"

It is true that Qin Yueyi acted innocent and simple when she spoke; but the words she spoke were full of yin and yang.

Little Princess Qi was so angry at Qin Yueyi's two words!

At that time, she rolled her eyes at Qin Yueyi: "Yes, but I am happy, can you care?!" 

After saying this, she was still not relieved, and turned to look at Qin Yan: "Your sister is better than I am more 'frank', so 'frank' that the fragrance of tea overflows..."

This time, Qin Yan's attempt to smooth things over was in vain.

This "guest melee" happened so unexpectedly that Han Miaomiao was stunned.

She hesitated, not knowing whether to break up the fight or stay away from the battlefield like her brother Han Ye; she had no choice but to subconsciously turn her face and look at Yu Susu.

Yu Susu is the person closest to her at present.

But -

Yu Susu didn't care about the "battlefield", nor did he care about Han Miaomiao.

She just looked past the crowd and looked at Gu Ran and Lin Feifei, who were also silent.

Strange, why is there something wrong with them this time?

What was wrong with Gu Ran was that since he entered the show, he glanced at Lu Yunan and Yu Susu from time to time, his eyes full of confusion.

It was very obvious that something was wrong with Lin Feifei - as soon as she entered the show, she completely ignored everyone including Yu Susu and stared at Lu Yunan with hostility.

If Gu Ran's entanglement stems from his "precognitive dream", then why is Lin Feifei so hostile to Lu Yunan in the second episode?

In her first period, she was clearly just observing Lu Yunan secretly.

Yu Susu frowned.

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