Ch 31

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The 31st day of popularity

[What's the rush? ]

Liang Fan replied almost instantly.

[Help me check the University A-big surveillance...]

Lu Yunan told Liang Fan about "checking the surveillance" in a few words; before Yu Susu noticed anything unusual, he hid his phone and returned to the camera range.

Although Yu Susu had her back to Lu Yunan, she was aware of his little moves.

But she didn't say anything more.

Isn't she worried that she can't convince her son to believe in her theory of "resurrection from the dead"?

She wished he would find someone to investigate.


She also had to hurry up and find a new way to make him give up "destroying the world".

Doesn't she know now: the suffering he suffered in his childhood?

She also knows part of the reason why he "destroys the world."

He believes that there are many jealous, indifferent, selfish and ignorant people in the world, and believes that these people are despicable and do not deserve to live.

He even included himself in it!

She also knew that he and Lu Jinchao both blamed him for her death.


Yu Susu felt distressed and helpless towards her son, but towards Lu Jinchao... she was filled with anger!

Is this the way she lets him take care of her remaining son? !

The person surnamed Lu is really...

Yu Susu red rabbit eyes turned with anger.

Then, she saw Han Ye.

Han Ye quickly brought Han Miaomiao to Yu Susu.

But -

he looks evil!

When he opened his mouth, he said to Yu Susu: "Despicable villain!"

Over there, Lu Yunan's face darkened.

Although he is still not sure whether "Yu Susu is his biological mother who came back from the dead", but with her face that is 100% similar to her mother, he will never tolerate others bullying or insulting her.

He closed the "training manual" at that time!

He stared at Han Ye with a sinister expression; at the same time, he was silently planning his death.

Yu Susu didn't care about Han Ye's rudeness at all, but she couldn't help but feel a headache as her good eldest son became increasingly uncertain.


She is his biological mother, she wants to accompany him and save him; she does not want to be protected like a canary by him.

She thought for a moment, then hurried before Lu Yunan took action, and smiled innocently: "Mr. Han, you are wrong. I used the function card openly."

Han Ye's face turned blue and white, but he was stunned. Irrefutable.

Yu Susu then reached out with a smile and handed the small basket of her group to Han Ye: "Here, Mr. Han, as our group's support guest, can start picking mushrooms for us." Veins popped up on Han Ye's forehead.

However, Han Miaomiao whispered very quietly and reminded from the side: "Brother, this is in line with the regulations of the program. It is not clinging to or betraying." "I understand." Han Ye said with a dark face, taking the basket from Yu Susu's hand; Turn around and take the lead into the mountain.

Yu Susu looked back and blinked at her good son, ​​Lu Yunan.

She joined him again and followed the survival boss Han Ye into the mountains; she was also confirming whether the good man had given up his intention of "killing Han Ye right away".

Lu Yunan's murderous thoughts always come and go quickly.

Of course, his idea of ​​"destroying the world" is deeply rooted and rock-solid!

But she was temporarily helpless to stop the latter, and it was too easy to stop the former.

Yu Susu confirmed: He no longer want to kill Han Ye right away.

She was prepared to abide by the rules and be a cheerleader for Han Ye.

Lu Yunan couldn't just wait for Han Ye's help, so he picked up another basket and picked mushrooms on his own.

Yu Susu respected him and blessed him.

And even his cheerleading team served together!

"Hey, come on, son!"

She waved her hand from a distance to where Lu Yunan was on the other side of the hillside.


Lu Yunan responded helplessly.

He had long been immune to Yu Susu shouting "son".

But Lu Yunan's small response shocked the barrage!

[Oh, my God! 】

【Sister Xiao Yu called Senior Xiao Lu "son!" again! ]

[Why did Senior Xiao Lu agree so much more sincerely this time than last time? Could it be that...he has really adapted to his status as a "her child"? ! ]

[Then my brother and sister CP are about to enter end mode? ]

[But it doesn't matter! My "mother and son cp" has officially been promoted from a very unpopular one to a very popular one! 】

【This seems good! 】

Loyal fans of "mother and son CP" fell into carnival; a large number of fans of "brother and sister CP" gradually turned to "mother and son CP".

This vigorous scene made Yu Susu feel subtle.

But no matter how delicate her mood was, she couldn't get too entangled in this matter.

She also has to be a cheerleader for boss Han Ye!

"Brother Han, come on!"

"After picking mushrooms for our group, you can go about your own group's tasks!"

[Han Ye: Thank you for your cheers...]

The high praise barrage represents Han voice.

But Han was still very honest and completed the "mushroom picking" task for Yu Susu.

Who is Han Miaomiao right?

Yu Susu was indeed neither clinging to him nor betraying him. She was just abiding by the program team's mission rules.

Survival boss. Han Ye takes action.

The small mushroom basket of Yu Susu's group was soon filled with a basket full of mushrooms; and after joint identification by Han Ye, Yu Susu, and Han Miaomiao, this basket of mushrooms was non-toxic!

"Is that enough?"

Han Ye handed a basket of mushrooms to Yu Susu with a straight face.

"That's enough, that's enough, thank you."

Yu Susu took it with a smile.

At the same time, he waved to the other side of the hillside where Lu Yunan was -


"We can go submit the mission!"

Lu Yunan's back froze slightly.

Soon, Yu Susu knew why he was stiff.

[Wha, what the hell? ! ]

[Boss Han Ye has already picked a basket full of mushrooms, why did Senior Lu only pick half of the basket? 】

The barrage subconsciously exclaimed!

It took a long time for someone to feel wronged for Senior Xiao Lu.

【Be reasonable! ]

[Han Ye is a serious survivalist! ]

[Senior Xiao Lu has never learned anything about mushrooms before. With the help of that "training manual" that looks like a ghost painting, he has picked so many mushrooms, which is already good! ]

[Look at the groups next door! 】

【Qi Yanyan*Qi Yun only picked ten mushrooms that were confirmed to be non-toxic in half an hour, and now they are forced to use the "function card"! ]

[Their function card was picked by Gu Ran*Lin Feifei; Gu Ran's team made good progress at the beginning, and picked half a basket of mushrooms... Unfortunately, it was picked by Qi Yanyan later, and she had to work for the little princess Qi. ! 】

【Not far away, Qin Yanshi and Qin Yueyi, two intern brothers and sisters, relied entirely on Qin Yanshi's guidance, and their progress was only half a basket of mushrooms! ]

[As for Lin Ge, that loser? Let's not mention it...he just relies on Bai Xue! ]

[Unfortunately, Bai Xue is also a novice. So far, she has only picked the bottom of a basket of mushrooms. I don't know whether they are poisonous or not...] [

Liao Yun is a solo team, and he has only picked the bottom of a basket of mushrooms? 】

There was a lot of discussion on the barrage, and everyone just came back to their senses!

[So, our senior Xiao Lu can pick half a basket of mushrooms and is already the best in the guest group? ! 】

【certainly! 】

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