SEVENTY-ONE| fools gold

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THE sea breeze blows through Eden's hair as she sits upon the ferry. 

After managing to get her father to give her permission to go, Eden had returned to all of her friends—Kiara included, because somehow, by the love of the Gods above, her mother had managed to give a hesitant yes to going to Wilmington—and the group had headed to the ferry that would take them off the island. 

She, as well as the rest of the group, fill up a table. Eden squeezes a chair in the awkward corner between Sarah and Kiara and lounges, admiring the ferry aesthetic because truly, sitting on a ferry has been the nicest thing she's done since she's got back—other than showering, which the Bexley now considers a delicacy after not getting to do it for a month. 

Salty air filtered the air as the six teens conversed about the night ahead.

"Honestly, the hardest part is gonna be security, alright?" JJ states, from where he sat against the top of his chair. "So, most of the guys are gonna be at the rail yard."

"Right," Pope agrees, quietly. It was unlikely someone was listening in to their conversation, but they still kept their voices low."So, we'll need to find some place and guard it. Maybe a little further down the line, like a whistle-stop of something."

Kiara nods, "Yeah."

"You guys are getting ahead of yourselves, per usual." Cleo tuts before stating the obvious problem they had. Without Heyward or Mike Carrera's truck, they didn't have shit to transport the cross with. "We don't have a way to transport the cross. What you think? On JJ's motorcycle?"

JJ pulls his hat off his head with a gruff, "That's not my fault."

Eden shrugs, "Find a rope, tie the cross to the cycle. JJ can drag it home just fine."

"Okay, so, other options...." Pope trails off, glancing at his friends for ideas because for once, he didn't have one. 

"We kinda don't have another option. There's no way we're dragging a giant ass cross without a truck." the Bexley admits truthfully, leaning back in her chair. "Unless someone has the cash to rent one, which honestly just isn't us."

Kiara holds up her phone, holding a credit card. "I mean, I do—"

"Oh my God." 

Eden's eyes dart to Sarah Cameron at her sudden statement, brows furrowing as the blonde awkwardly leans forward to hide behind the Bexley, fingers pressed to her lips in shock. Her eyes close as if she wants to disappear. 

Cleo asks, "Oh my God, what?" 

The Bexley tries to picture the worst and states, "If it's Rafe, I'm pitching myself off of this boat."

Sarah shakes her head, lips thin. "No, it's—"

Pope's scoff cuts them off. "Is that Topper?" 

As inconspicuously as possible, the six teens at the table all lean forward to gawk at the bar. Eden's expression morphs into a deadpan as she spots the Thornton boy chatting away with a drink in his hand—same polo shirt and frosted tips as before they got stuck on Poguelandia. "Oh, God forbid we try to do anything to get this cross without an inconvenience."

Kiara rears back around, face full of disgust as she asks, "Why is he.....everywhere?" 

Eden nods quickly in agreement, "No, because he kinda just spawns—"

"Perfect." Pope's drawl cuts the Bexley off, and she narrows her eyes at his smile, because who smiled at Topper like that. The Heyward glances at JJ, the rest of the group confused on his almost happy tone, because, well, who was ever happy to see Topper? "Hey, Jayj?"

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now