chapter 28 ( to chase a dream)

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At Z.O Accounting and Law Firm...

Early morning...

"Zekiel, I need to talk to you about something important. I've made a decision, and it's not an easy one," Mercedes said.

"What's up, Mercedes? You seem serious," Zekiel replied.

"I've decided to quit my job at the firm," Mercedes said, taking a deep breath.

"Quit? Why? Is everything okay?" Zekiel asked, surprised.

"Everything's fine, Zekiel. I've got a chance to study law in Spain, and it's a dream I've always had. I think it's the right time to go for it," Mercedes explained.

"That's a big move, Mercedes. Going after your dreams is important, and I respect your commitment to your studies," Zekiel said.

"Thanks, Zekiel. I know it's a major change, and I appreciate your understanding," Mercedes said.

"You've got my support, Mercedes. We'll miss you at the firm, but I believe in your abilities, and I'm sure you'll do great in your studies," Zekiel assured.

"Your support means a lot, Zekiel. I'll give it my all in Spain and come back with new knowledge and experiences," Mercedes said.

"Go for it, Mercedes. We'll be cheering you on, and when you're back, you'll have an even brighter future," Zekiel encouraged.

"Mercedes, I get that this is a fantastic opportunity for you, and I'm behind your decision. But I sense there's more to it. Is there something else besides pursuing your academic dreams?" Zekiel inquired.

"Thank you, Zekiel. I'm excited about this new chapter, and I'll always be thankful for the opportunities and experiences I've had at the firm," Mercedes replied.

"Zekiel, you're right. There is more. I need a change, a fresh start. I feel like I need to escape the pain, at least for a while, and find a way to heal," Mercedes admitted.

"I had a feeling. It's clear you've been carrying a heavy load, and I can see the memories of Xavier still weigh on your heart," Zekiel acknowledged.

In their conversation, Mercedes shares her decision to resign and pursue her Master's in Law in Spain with Zekiel. He offers support for her academic journey and understands that she's seeking a form of healing by making this significant change. Mercedes expresses her gratitude for Zekiel's understanding and support, and they both acknowledge the deeper reasons behind her decision to seek solace and healing in a new environment.


The Z.O Accounting and Law Firm organized a simple lunch to say goodbye to Mercedes as she started her academic journey to Spain. Colleagues, lawyers, and accountants gathered to celebrate her upcoming adventure.

"Hey, everyone, let's take a moment to celebrate Mercedes and wish her the best as she heads to Spain for her studies. It's a big step for her, and we want to show our support," Colleague 1 announced, and everyone clapped.

"Mercedes, we'll miss you here, but we're happy for you and the exciting opportunities ahead," Colleague 1 added.

"Thanks, everyone. Your support means a lot," Mercedes expressed her gratitude.

"We've seen your hard work, Mercedes. We know you'll do great in your studies," Colleague 2 said with a smile.

"And when you come back, you'll be an even more amazing lawyer, ready for new challenges," another colleague encouraged.

"I'm excited for the journey and returning with new knowledge. I'll carry the memories of this firm with me," Mercedes shared.

"Mercedes, we know this journey is not just about studies but also a way for you to find healing. We understand and support you," Zekiel said tenderly.

"Zekiel, your words mean a lot. Thank you," Mercedes responded.

As the send-off continued, colleagues, lawyers, and accountants shared stories, laughter, and well-wishes, creating a warm and heartfelt farewell for Mercedes. They celebrated her decision to pursue her dreams and find healing in a new environment while carrying the memories of their time together at the firm.

Mercedes stood before her colleagues, fellow CPAs, lawyers, and staff at Z.O Accounting and Law Firm, ready to say goodbye as she prepared to go to Spain for her studies.

"Dear colleagues and friends, standing here, I feel grateful and a bit sad as I get ready to leave for Spain. This firm has been more than just a workplace to me; it's been a second home where I've grown personally and professionally," Mercedes expressed.

"Mercedes, we're going to miss you!" colleague 1 said, applauding.

"Thank you. I appreciate the support, encouragement, and the bonds we've built together. The knowledge I've gained here is invaluable, and I'll carry the lessons and experiences with me," Mercedes shared.

"We've seen you excel here, Mercedes, and we know you'll do the same in Spain," a fellow lawyer said, smiling.

"Your belief in me means a lot. My decision to study in Spain is not just about academics; it's also about finding a path to healing and personal growth," Mercedes explained gratefully.

"We get it, Mercedes, and we're here to support you on this journey," colleague 2 said, showing support.

"Thanks for understanding. I hope to return with new knowledge to share with all of you," Mercedes expressed.

As Mercedes continued to say her goodbyes, there was a strong sense of camaraderie and support among her colleagues and friends. The day became a heartwarming farewell, filled with well-wishes and hopes for her success in Spain and her journey toward healing and personal growth.

As Mercedes was about to leave for Spain, Zekiel gathered his thoughts to wish her well.

"Mercedes, as you embark on this new chapter in Spain, I want to wish you all the best. Your decision to pursue your dreams and find healing is truly admirable. May your journey be filled with success, learning, and moments of joy. I'll be cheering for you from afar and eagerly awaiting your return. Take care, chase your dreams, and know that you have a whole team here supporting you. Safe travels, Mercedes."

Getting ready for her trip to Spain stirs up a lot of feelings.

I'm on the brink of a brand new phase in my life, and honestly, it's a bit scary. Leaving behind what I know, especially the people I've grown close to at the firm isn't simple. But deep inside, I understand that this journey is crucial for my personal growth and healing.

Sure, I'm feeling nervous. The thought of going to a new place, meeting different people, and diving into a new culture is both thrilling and a bit intimidating. Nevertheless, I'm determined. I'm all set to pursue my studies, follow my dreams, and seek a sense of peace.

Leaving behind the pain and memories isn't a walk in the park. But I believe this journey is a necessary step. I'll carry the support and encouragement from my colleagues and Zekiel along with me.

This is my opportunity to discover myself again, to learn, and to welcome new possibilities. I'll confront the challenges, knowing that each obstacle is making me stronger.

Cheers to the unknown, to the nerves, and the determination pushing me ahead. Spain, I'm on my way. A new chapter is on the horizon, and I'm excited to embrace it wholeheartedly.


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