chapter 30 (oplan: pursuit Mercedes)

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I gathered my friends - Raphael, Vince, Ching, Aldrixx, Brixx, Nickolai, Light, Thunder, Storm, Marco, and Orlan for advice on pursuing a relationship with Mercedes, a year after Xavier's death. I knew the situation was delicate and wanted their input on whether it was appropriate to take this step.

"Hey, guys. I appreciate you all being here today. I've been thinking a lot about Mercedes, and I'm not sure if it's the right time to pursue a relationship with her after Xavier's passing. What do you think?" I asked

"Zekiel, it's a delicate situation, no doubt. But if you genuinely care for Mercedes and approach this with sensitivity, it might be the right time to show your support," Nickolai

"Yeah, it's important to be there for her, but also be patient and understanding of her feelings. She's been through a lot," Vince

"Agreed. Just make sure it's not too soon for her and that you're not rushing into anything. Timing matters," Storm

"Zekiel, it's all about being honest and open with her. Let her know your intentions and be prepared for her response, whatever it may be," Aldrixx

"And don't forget to consider what Xavier would have wanted for his sister. That's important, too," Brixx

"Keep in mind, Zekiel, that Mercedes may still be grieving, and emotions can be complicated. Be her friend first and foremost," Nickolai

"Remember that communication is key. Talk to her, understand her feelings, and be there to support her in any way she needs," Light

"Zekiel, make sure you respect her boundaries. Let her set the pace and don't pressure her into anything she's not ready for," Thunder

"It's a difficult situation, but if your intentions are genuine, it's worth discussing with Mercedes. Just be prepared for any outcome," Storm

"Zekiel, it's clear you care about her but remember to give her space and time if she needs it. Grief doesn't have a set timeline," Marco

"Ultimately, Zekiel, trust your instincts and consider Mercedes' well-being above all. If it's meant to be, it will happen naturally, "Orlan

"Thanks, guys. I'll take your advice to heart and approach this with care and consideration," I said

"Alright, Zekiel, now that we've talked about whether it's appropriate, let's discuss how you should approach courting Mercedes," Raphael

"Yeah, we need to plan this carefully. You don't want to rush in without a strategy," Vince

"First things first, make sure Mercedes is comfortable and ready for a romantic relationship. You've got to be her friend before anything else," Ching

"Building trust is crucial. Spend time with her, share your thoughts, listen to hers, and make her feel valued and heard," Aldrixx

"Plan meaningful dates that resonate with her and don't forget the small gestures that show you care," Brixx

"Communication is key. Let her know your feelings but also be open to her expressing hers. Create a safe space for her to talk," Nickolai

"Be patient, Zekiel. Grief takes time to heal, and Mercedes might have ups and downs. Be there for her during the tough moments," Light

"Don't push for anything physical too soon. Give her space to set the pace of the relationship," Thunder

"Make sure Xavier's memory is respected. Acknowledge his role in her life and be understanding of her need to remember him," Storm

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