chapter 38 (A Reunion of Heart)

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Zekiel, Mercedes, and Xavier's family are gathered at a cozy restaurant for dinner...

Zekiel: (Smiling) Thanks for coming. I appreciate it.

Daddy Calex: (Warmly) It's our pleasure, Zekiel. But don't be so formal; you can call us Tito and Tita.

Zekiel: Thank you. I wanted to talk to all of you about something important.

Daddy Calex: What's on your mind?

Zekiel: You all know how much I respected and cared for Xavier, and I know how much he meant to Mercedes. I want to be respectful of his memory.

Xavier's Dad: (Nods) Yes, he was an important part of our lives.

Mommy Xenia: (Nods) Xavier always spoke highly of you, Zekiel.

Zekiel: I want to be open and honest. I've come to realize that my feelings for Mercedes have grown, and I've fallen in love with her.

Mommy Xenia: (Surprised but understanding) Zekiel, that's a big change. What are you asking?

Zekiel: I can't imagine my life without Mercedes, and I want to be the one who makes her happy every day. I'm here to seek your permission to pursue a relationship with her.

Daddy Calex: (Understanding) That's a significant step, Zekiel. We appreciate your honesty.

Zekiel: I also want to acknowledge any pain or confusion my feelings may have caused in the past. I'm truly sorry for any hurt I may have inadvertently caused.

Mommy Xenia: (Appreciative) It's not easy to admit that, Zekiel. We appreciate your sincerity.

Zekiel: Xavier's memory will always hold a special place in our hearts, and I want to continue the love and respect he had for Mercedes.

Daddy Calex: (Supportive) We can see your love for her, Zekiel, and we appreciate your honesty.

Zekiel: Thank you. Your family has always been an important part of Mercedes' life, and I hope you can accept me and support our relationship as we move forward.

Mommy Xenia: (Smiling) It's clear that you care about her. We're here to support you both.

Zekiel: (Grateful) Thank you, Tito Calex and Tita Xenia. I'm relieved and happy to hear that. I'm excited about the future and the chance to build a loving and fulfilling life with Mercedes.

Zekiel: Thank you, Tito, and Tita, for your understanding and blessing. Can I ask a favor?

Daddy Calex: Sure, what is it?

Zekiel: I wanted to personally invite you to my beach party for my birthday, and I'd love for you to be there.

Daddy Calex: (Appreciative) Zekiel, we'd be delighted to join your celebration. Thank you for inviting us.

They enjoyed the food, and Zekiel was happy with Xavier's parents' support, understanding, and unselfishness.

Mercedes and Zekiel visited Xavier's urn...

Mercedes and Zekiel are standing together on Talicud Island, where they've brought Xavier's urn...

Mercedes: (Softly) Hey, Xavier. It's been a while since we last had one of our conversations, just you and me. I know you're at peace now, and that brings me some comfort. I wanted to bring you here to this beautiful place we used to visit together.

(She takes a deep breath and looks out at the sea.)

Mercedes: You always loved the ocean, the way it stretched out into infinity, just like your spirit. We've been through so much, the ups, the downs, the laughter, and even the tears. You were an incredible part of my life, and I'll never forget that.

Mercedes: (Softly) I know you're not physically here, but I can't help but talk to you. There are things on my mind, and I hope you can hear me.

(She takes a deep breath and looks at the urn.)

Mercedes: I've been thinking about moving forward, about the new chapter in my life, and I wanted to ask for your permission. I know it may sound strange, but I feel like I need to say it out loud.

(She gazes out into the distance.)

Mercedes: You were such a big part of my life, and losing you was incredibly tough. I still carry your memory with me every day. But, I've also found someone new, someone who cares about me deeply and supports me in ways I never expected.

(She smiles softly. She glances at Zekiel and smiles.)

Mercedes: His name is Zekiel, and he's been a source of comfort and happiness. I know you would have liked him, Xavier. I can't help but think that you'd want me to be happy, to find love and joy again. Zekiel has been a wonderful source of support and love, just like you were. I'm grateful to have him by my side, and I think you would have liked him.

Mercedes: It's hard to say goodbye, Xavier, but I hope you're at peace, wherever you are. Your memory will always be with me, and I'll carry it in my heart. I hope you're watching over us, keeping us safe, and smiling down on the life that goes on.

(She reaches out to touch the urn.)

Mercedes: So, Xavier, I'm asking for your blessing to move forward with Zekiel. I hope you understand, and I hope you're at peace wherever you are. You'll always have a special place in my heart, and I'll never forget you.

(Mercedes takes a moment of silence, feeling the presence of Xavier in her own way.)

Mercedes: Thanks, Xavier. I love you and will always remember the beautiful moments we shared, and I'll visit you whenever I can. You were a significant part of my life, and you'll always hold a special place in my heart. So, consider this a promise to keep your memory alive and to continue loving you, even from a distance.

(She looks at the urn with determination.)

Mercedes: I'll pray for you, Xavier, for your peace and happiness wherever you are. I'll send my thoughts to the wind, hoping they reach you and let you know that you're still loved and remembered. Rest in peace, Xavier, and know that you're not forgotten.

Mercedes and Zekiel leave Xavier's urn in its resting place, in the gazebo in the resort...

(Zekiel speaks to Mercedes, offering words of comfort and understanding before they turn their back to leave)

Zekiel: (Softly) Mercedes, I want you to know that I understand your love for Xavier, and I respect it. He was a significant part of your life, and his memory will always be a part of who you are.

(Mercedes looks at Zekiel, touched by his understanding.)

Zekiel: I want to be here for you, always. I'll accompany you whenever you want to visit Xavier, and I'll be there to support you, hold your hand, and listen whenever you want to talk or remember the beautiful moments you shared with him... I will never be jealous of you having a moment of reunion of heart with him...

(He reaches out to gently hold Mercedes' hand.)

Zekiel: I know that love doesn't fade, and it doesn't have to. You can love Xavier and also have a place in your heart for me. I'm here to share your journey, to create new memories together, and to be a source of comfort and joy in your life.

(Mercedes smiles, feeling the warmth of Zekiel's understanding and support.)

Mercedes: (Touched) Thank you, Zekiel. Your understanding means the world to me. I'm grateful to have you by my side, to cherish our moments together, and to continue to honor the love and memories I have for Xavier.

Zekiel: (Sincerely) You're welcome, Mercedes. We'll navigate this journey together, and I'll always be here for you, no matter what.

(Mercedes and Zekiel share a reassuring and comforting moment, knowing that their love and understanding will always be a source of strength in their relationship.)


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