Elevator Debacle- 3

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I glance over at Jaxon Hart again and think, I will for sure be thinking of you Papi when I play with Pinky tonight. My smile is probably a permanent fixture right now with these naughty thoughts going through my brain.

Our eyes meet again, and I can't stop staring at his lips! Oh the things I want those lips to do to my body.. "Mmmmm" – Holy Shiitake Mushrooms batman, how did I allow myself to let that moan slip out... Maybe just Maybe he didn't hear me.

Nope...No such luck...He heard it, I caught him with his arrogant little smirk as I was finally able to look away. Then I realized that we have been sitting in the elevator and neither of us have chosen our floor.

When I come to the realization that I need to actually choose the floor to hurry up and get out of this tiny, confined space with this Sexy Man Whore. I go to hit the 20th floor and he must have been thinking the same thing I was when our hands softly collide on number 20 on the elevator panel. I feel an electric shock where his hand met mine and pull my hand away quickly, without looking at him. "Sorry" I softly whisper

I look up and see he is watching me with a sexy crooked smile which makes him look oh so Yummy. It feels like hours that we are sitting there looking at each other awkwardly but it is just seconds. His eyes are mesmerizing though, they are this dark caramel brown with speckles of gold. Then my gaze lowers and I fixate on his lips and his adorable smirk that now turns into a full-blown smile. He caught my horny ass gawking at him again, but Damn.. he is just so hot I can't help myself. I find myself clenching my thighs together to find relief from this weird throbbing in my nether region. When did I become this sex crazed girl? I remind my self.. 4 years woman! It's been 4 years since you have had an actual cock up inside you! And seriously speaking...When have I ever been so close to a man that looked like he was carved to perfection by the Gods themselves...NEVER!! That's when...So, Yes my vagina decided to wake the fuck up when she saw a piece of gorgeous man candy!!

I finally find my voice and apologize as I play with my invisible lint on my skirt again. I realize what I am doing and intertwine my hands in front of me, as he coyly does that half smirk thing at me and asks me "what floor?" in this playful, sexy kinda tone.

20 please, I reply but it sounds more like a question than an answer. Good Lord, I am so annoyed with myself right now.

I know he heard me because he hits 20 on the panel. I don't know why this guy gets me all riled up. There is just something about him that I am drawn to. I need to remember that someone like Jaxon Hart is not going to see a nobody like me as relationship material. Wait!! What? did I just really say Relationship?? What the hell is wrong with me? I don't know this guy from a hole in the wall. relationships are a BIG no!! I need to get that shit right out of my head!! I need to fix my broken self-first. Good Gravy I am losing it. Get a grip woman!! I scold myself internally.

I hear him tapping on his phone again, and I try keeping my eyes down on my black stilettos. But who am I kidding, I can't help but take another quick glance to look at this sexy creature next to me. When I take a quick looksee, I notice his face morph into a more serious and super focused look as he is angry typing on his phone again.

The rest of the ride is quiet (at least in the elevator not so much in my head) and a little unnerving I must say. I pull myself together and stand straight, with confidence, trying to show him he doesn't affect me. I mentally scold myself "yeah right, I am so very affected... Even a blind man can sense how affected I am by Jaxon Hart"... I hold back the little giggle threatening to come out, but I do hold it in, as I mentally high five myself. I often make myself laugh out loud due to my crazy thoughts, it's just a me thing, don't judge me.

The elevator Ding awakens me from my trance and lets us know that our fun little ride has come to an end, and we are at our destination. As I start to compose myself and he allows me to step out first. He holds the door open with his arm extended and hand rested against the open door, so it doesn't close as I step through.

What a gentleman, I think to myself and take a quick peek in his direction as I walk out. I also notice when he looked up from his phone to hold the door he is watching me as I walk out.

Hmmm.. why not add a little sexy sway to my walk putting my plump ass on display for him. Who am I to deprive him of my scrumdidaliiumptious ass. Like I said I feel more confident in my own skin, don't hate.

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