Jaxon's side of the story (Part 2)- Part 52

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"Fuck Man, she didn't even go out with her friends, she had come here to be with me... But, Instead of finding me engrossed in work like I should have been... she finds Olivia on my lap grinding on me while we make out. I can't even imagine what it looked like from her perspective. I am such a fucking moron! I fucked up!! I mean I really fucked up." I catch my breath before I continue. I can feel the anger rising inside me as if it was happening all over again.

"When I started to walk over to Elena, she took off running down the stairs.

That is when I feel Olivia grab my arm and try to hold on to me again. She then proceeds to tell me to let her go, I'm better off without her. 'What the fuck are you talking about!' I screamed in her face. She released my arm when she jumped back and whimpered at how angry I was. I didn't care, you know I don't like to yell or belittle women, but Olivia overstepped her boundaries."

"Yes, I allowed her in my house which is my greatest regret. All that was going through my mind was that I needed to toss this smug green bean shaped woman out of my house so I could go find Elena. I looked her straight in the eyes and told her to get the FUCK OUT. "

"Jeremy, if you could have seen the stunned look, she gave me. She seemed surprised that I told her ass to leave. She didn't move and I didn't have time for her theatrics, so I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her boney ass downstairs. I tossed her ass out the front door, locked it and proceeded to run to my garage. I just needed to find Elena and explain in hopes she would forgive me.

"When I got to my garage I grabbed the first set of keys off the wall, and they happened to be for my matte black '67' Corvette. When I got to the front gate Ben was at the front waiting for me. He informed me Elena ran out of here like she was being chased by Freddy Krueger. I know he wanted to know what was going on, but I just couldn't get into that with him. Plus, I was a little frustrated that he had opened the gate and let her escape. Instead told him to make sure he gets Olivia the Fuck out of here now and to make sure she is never allowed back again." I stop pacing and sit on the edge of the couch while I run my hands through my hair angerly.

"I knew I shouldn't be driving in my condition, but I wasn't thinking properly. I drove around the area and couldn't find her and panicked. That was when I had the ever so bright idea to head over to Elenas house. Unfortunately, about 10 minutes into my drive I got pulled over and I knew right then and there I was going to jail. I had drunk far too much to talk my way out of this one. Luckily, I had enough sense to call Vincent before I pulled to the side of the road and let him know I was getting pulled over and I was intoxicated. Sure enough, I was hauled away, and my car got impounded. The only solace I had was that Vincent was already working his magic to get me out of this situation." I sighed and looked up at Jeremy before I got back up, I feel so anxious right now, I can't sit still. When I start pacing back and forth again, I am able to continue my story.

"Vincent was able to pull some strings to get me out within the hour. He then brought me home to sleep it off. I passed out almost immediately on my bed. When I woke up the next morning, everything from the night before came back to me in a flurry. I hurried out of bed hangover and all to get to Elenas. I didn't even change out of my clothes, I just rushed out to get to her and try to explain. Fuck I know I probably look and smell like some sort of trash panda but I just didn't care."

"When I got to her house , Dawn one of her friends opened the door. She let me have it, she didn't even give me a chance to say a single word. Then her other friend Eva joined in 'on the lets Bash Jaxon train' and I couldn't get a word in edgewise. Elena finally came out, probably to see what all the commotion was about, but she wouldn't let me explain either. Instead, she told me it was over and returned everything the company provided to her for the PA position. Now I'm here telling you this shit and have no clue what to do. I am literally dying here bro. I miss her like crazy

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