Jaxon's POV- 34

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To say I am in complete and utter dismay right now would be an understatement.

"How did I even allow myself to get in this crazy situation," I yell at myself like a mad man.

I watch Elena drive out of my garage and away from me, as I continue to stare out my office window. I feel empty.

What the fuck is wrong with me. I have never had a woman that made me feel this way. The only women that have a special place in my heart is my mother and my sister. Some may say I am a Momma's boy, but seriously Fuck them. I respect and love my mother, she put up with my father's neglect for years. He was never unfaithful, that I know of. But he was never there, never available for us. My mother never dated after the divorce with my dad, she always put us first. Even though I wasn't with my mother full time like my siblings, she was always caring and loving, and never spoke badly of my dad to us.

I know he regrets it now, but it took my dad having a stroke to make him understand his mistakes. I don't want to do that to a woman. My life is this company. I don't have time for a wife and family. Although I can't deny that I have dreamt of having a child and wife to come home to. I couldn't put someone through that, I saw how my mother suffered, even after the divorce.

Fuck, maybe I made a mistake making Elena my assistant. I never had any intention of keeping her on as my PA or employed with the company after I acquired it.

But, how could I let her go after I laid eyes on her in the elevator. I tried to keep my eyes focused on my phone. She was absolutely stunning standing there. That tight skirt accentuating her beautiful curves and that blouse that clung to those succulent breasts, had my cock twitching with excitement. I noticed her body and her long silky hair first. Then when I looked at her face, she was gorgeous. Those green eyes of hers took my breath away.

It took all I had to not push her up against the elevator wall and bury myself inside her, until she screamed my name. Although the elevator ride was a bit awkward it was amusing for me as well. I knew I affected her as much as she affected me. I saw her adorable cheeks turn as red as her lipstick when she would catch me looking at her.

When we finally got off the elevator, I saw how all the men and even the women looked at her while she swayed that gorgeous full round ass as she walked in front of me. The women were jealous, and the men were thinking the same thing I was.

When I found out that she was Charles Hines Assistant, I immediately changed my mind about letting her go. When Charles and I were in his office, he was advocating for her with such admiration and love like she was his child. It took me a bit by surprise, since I know that his wife and he didn't have any children.

I just sat there listening to him, even though I had already made up my mind, but I allowed him to think it was him that changed my decision on letting her stay on. He was surprised even further when I let him know that I would be offering her the PA position. I had someone already lined up to take over my current assistant's position, since Miranda was going to be out on maternity leave. Especially since she didn't know if she was returning after she gave birth to her first child.

  Charles was more than willing to give me whatever information I required on Elena. I admired how he fought for her, made me realize that there was much more to this green-eyed beauty. I decided to contact my attorney while Charles was there and have them draw up an offer letter for Elena. Charles was ecstatic that I had a change of mind.

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