5 months later- Part 45

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The last 5 months have been a dream. I can't believe how happy I am, I can't stop smiling, like all the time. Olivia is still Olivia, but not even her negativity can bring me down. Jaxon and I have been inseparable since he came back from London. We have been staying at his house most of the time due to obvious reasons. He even made space for my clothes in his closet and bought me my own dresser. Half my stuff has somehow made its way over to his place. It's definitely a little scary but it feels right to be with him.

It's Friday Morning and so far, today has started off great. I woke up to Jaxon's sweet kisses, then our steamy shower sexcapade. The icing on the cake is Emma and Charles coming back into town tonight. They want me to bring Jaxon to our family dinner next week. Emma and I talk to each other a few times a week, so I was so happy to hear they are going to stay in town until after the holidays. So, when I finally told them about Jaxon and I taking our relationship to the next level, they were so happy for me. I haven't asked him yet. I don't know why I haven't asked him or why that topic gives me anxiety? Maybe it's because bringing Jaxon to my family dinner makes this all the more real. Not to mention I am still trying to rationalize how quickly this relationship happen. It feels too good to be true and that scares me tremendously.

Ding... I check my cell and I see Dawn sent the girls and I a group text.

From Dawn:

I have a babysitter for tonight y'all! Who's down to go to Pandemonium, the new nightclub that just opened up last week? I better get a hell yes from all you crazy bitches! We have not been out together in forever. Let's do this girls!

I can't say no to Dawn, I really haven't spent any time with my besties in a while because I have been spending every free moment with Jaxon. I'm sure Jaxon won't mind me going out with the girls tonight, at least I hope not. Thoughts of how Luke got so angry when I would even mention leaving the house for anything except for work would be catastrophic. Fuck, what if Jaxon gets pissed off and tries to forbid me from going? No... He's not like Luke. He will be okay with me going out.

I text the "The Fab 4 " with my response before even speaking to Jaxon, because regardless, I am going with my girls, I am not going to allow any man to keep me on a leash ever again.

To "The fab 4":

I'm in. I will be home after work and get dressed there. I have a dress I bought a while ago that is perfect for tonight. Let's all meet up at my place and get ready together. We can uber to the club since it's only about 10 min from home.

From Eva:

I'm in Bitches and I will be at your place by 6pm! I'm going shopping for a dress at lunch! Let's get lit and shake our culitos all night long.

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