Magic Fingers 19

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He bends down and his lips are so very close to mine that I can't think. I want to jump on him and take him right here in the kitchen. Which is exactly what I am going to do if I can't get out of his clutches soon.

I feel myself losing control with the way he is undressing me with his eyes.

"Really... a solid 6... I think I can prove to you that I am so much more than slightly above average." He whispers and his whiskey breath is intoxicating.

Oh Boy, He's good. I feel my very hard and sensitive nipples brushing against his chest, which makes me let out a soft moan. Shit... I hope he didn't hear that, but no such luck..

Right when I let out my moan, his big soft lips crash into mine. His tongue lightly brushes against my lower lip and I automatically open to allow him entrance to my mouth like I'm his dirty little slut.

Shit... Is it bad that I want to be his little whore. Fuck it! I'm gonna let my freak flag fly. Vanilla sex was all I ever had with Luke. Tonight, this whole situation feels like my own little porn fantasy. What's the worst that can happen? We have a one-night stand. What do these kids say nowadays... YOLO... And just like that I let go of my inhibitions, well.. and whole hell of a lot of Whiskey helps.

His hands go down to my ass and he man handles my bum roughly, and I fucking love it!

He grabs me by my thighs and picks me up. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, and I feel the vibrations of his moan in my mouth when my core rubs against his dick. So, I decide to gyrate my hips a little more to make sure I rub my core against his hard throbbing Cock. Oh Dear God, rubbing against his cock feels so good against my clit..

As we're locked in a passionate kiss, he is still holding me up like I weigh 5lbs. I hope I don't hurt his back, I think to myself.. Fuck, I need to not let my insecurities take over.

We break the kiss so I can catch my breath, he looks at me and I feel him sucking on my bottom lip, "Jaaxon" I moan out. As I moan he uses that opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth to deepen the kiss.

His lips feel so good, and his throbbing member is at the entrance of my very wet, and ready pussy. I let out another moan as I'm panting uncontrollably.

The feeling of his cock at my entrance is driving me nuts and I start to grind against him faster, I need the friction on my clit.

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